Titanfall On PC Will Require Origin


New member
Nov 21, 2007
Steven Bogos said:
To take a page from our illustrious Michael Patcher, Saying you won't buy titanfall because it's on Origin is dumb, dumb, dumb.

At some point, legitimate complaints against origin turned into a "LETS HATE ON ORIGIN BECAUSE EA IS LITERALLY HITLER" circlejerk.
But then again, you yourself brought this little gem of a story to light -


Maybe they are, Steven. Maybe they are...


New member
Nov 12, 2009
Seriously? This is news? Who the fuck didn't see this coming?

Will this affect my purchase of Titanfall? Probably not. I'll let the reviews sway my wallet. I tolerate Origin for Battlefield 4 and the Mass Effect Trilogy. It's no Steam but it's not terrible. Dunno why people are getting all up in arms about this. Now if it were GFWL I would totally understand. That piece of anal leakage (which is thankfully on its way out the door) can die a slow, painful death for all I care.


New member
Nov 12, 2009
I don't care if it uses origin I will still buy it. Seriously Origin isn't even a big deal. Steam fanboys just need to chill. It's EA's personal distribution service that's it.


New member
Mar 6, 2008
Caiphus said:
Edit: *Of course, Kingdoms of Amalur was jointly published by 38 Studios and EA. That makes sense.
It was also one of the last EA titles to go on Steam. The only thing since then has been some Sims 3 expansions, I think.


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Sep 20, 2010
Zachary Amaranth said:
Syzygy23 said:
The best way to boycott a company is to vote with your wallet, and that's exactly what I'm doing.
No, the best way is to make your displeasure known. Its not "voting with your wallet" that as effected changes in EA, after all. "Voting with your wallet" is why Origin exclusives still exist. Continue to vote with your wallet and we will continue to see Freemium elements on 60 dollar titles, on-disc "DLC," Origin, and so on. And EA will cry all the way to the bank.

The point, however, was that it's an EA published game, so it should have been a non-starter and the fact that it was on Origin should be completely moot.
No, vote with your wallet. EA is big enough to not have to give a shit about your opinion. For every dissatisfied customer who complains, they have two more gullible, tasteless consumers who buy their shit anyway.

If you don't give them your money, then they make less profit, which is their number one priority. If they start losing money, they'll stop and say "What are we doing wrong?".

I don't hold any hope anymore though. Any dev that signs on with EA should know full well what sort of devils bargain they're making, and I won't support it.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Syzygy23 said:
No, vote with your wallet. EA is big enough to not have to give a shit about your opinion.
Which is why EA hasn't changed its Origin-only policy, but has responded to winning the Golden Poo, right?

Yeah, reality demonstrates the exact opposite of what you're saying, sorry. Continue to vote with your wallet, and you will continue to get unchecked EA policies, in part because they cannot tally a negative "vote." Hell, unlike an election, or a senate vote, or a CEO vote, they aren't even privvy to the whole picture so they can't even count you "voting" for another company. And even if they could, they can't count why.

This is why companies blame piracy and used games, because they're still convinced that people must really really really want their awesome products, but are nothing but low-down dirty thieves. And if you want them to continue to chip away at games, make them less and less complete, and come up with new forms of DRM, by all means continue to vote with your wallet.

But if you do, don't complain when you get what is the inevitable outcome.


New member
Jan 17, 2010
a new triple A super hyped shooter made by EA requiring origin? no! shock! disbelief!

on a more serious note: meh. it's no better or worse than steam, no matter what an ocean of wailing, wining valve fanboys will claim.


New member
Jan 17, 2010
the hidden eagle said:
Kathinka said:
a new triple A super hyped shooter made by EA requiring origin? no! shock! disbelief!

on a more serious note: meh. it's no better or worse than steam, no matter what an ocean of wailing, wining valve fanboys will claim.
Except Steam has better deals,better selection of games,etc.I don't even game on PC so I'm not a Valve fanboy.
mayhaps, but what i meant was more in regards of privacy and legal issues, and so on. concerning the points you mentioned, there is no reason to not have both.


Add a beat to normality
Nov 16, 2009
sunami88 said:
Guess I won't be picking this one up then. Too bad, looked pretty awesome.
I came here to say this exact thing. I am not a very original person, I've come to realize.


New member
Jul 19, 2011
I could hear the collective "Nooooooo" from gamers everywhere when this was announced. A buddy of mine on Steam has been so psyched about Titanfall coming to PC and I assume it's going to crush him to learn it's either Origin, or nothing.

For me, looks like I won't be getting this one.


New member
Aug 22, 2010
Sanunes said:
Besides Valve has shown recently they care more about money then EA does because of how they are handling Greenlight and allowing Early Access, while not even trying to protect their customers.
I wasn't aware that Valve expecting customers to be able to use good judgement before spending their money was such a problem. Unless Greenlight or Early Access games outright lie about what they contain, people should do their research and understand that they're taking their chances when they buy one of these games. And if they're just buying blindly, I have very little sympathy for them if they get ripped off.

The majority of games on every platform suck, so I don't understand why people get upset when Valve also lets crap on because customers specifically asked for it. People need to take some damn responsibility for the money they spend.


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Sep 10, 2008
AdagioBoognish said:
I don't understand why some people would consider not getting a game just because it's on Origin, considering how easy it is to exit Origin after playing and forget it's on your computer. I dislike EA as much as the next guy, but can missing out on a potentially good game just because it's not on steam be justified by anything other petty fanboyism? What makes you guys lash out so strongly against Origin? I've used it for Battlefield for a few years now and haven't had issues. Feel like I must be missing something.
So you know their EULA gives them the right to everything on your computer, right?


New member
Mar 18, 2011
fix-the-spade said:
mirage202 said:
So.. could anyone explain why this FPS Arena shooter with freerunning is being hailed as the second coming?
From the creators of Call of Duty

That's it, all of it, it's the guys who made Cod1 and spanked Medal of Honor, then made CoD4 and spanked the entire WW2 shooter genre out of existence. As for why that's got everyone hopping up and down, well, people aren't always the brightest.
That's not at all why I was interested in it. Hell, I didn't even know about that. I just like the idea of it as a game.


New member
Feb 25, 2008
kortin said:
That's not at all why I was interested in it. Hell, I didn't even know about that. I just like the idea of it as a game.
Well that makes you a rare individual indeed!

When release comes in a month-ish, I bet that every advert will lead with Call of Duty name dropping. Having said that, Titanfall lookspretty good in it's own right, but it remains to be seen what measures EA take to interfere with the player experience and extract cash or make the game worse for players.


Thread killer
Nov 20, 2009
I love how "Steam is the answer" when Steam is no different than Origin.

Perhaps if the que.../sigh never mind, not going there.

I say Good for Origin. While no better than Steam, Technically it is a sound move. If you cannot share the market, next best thing is to try and divide it. The more "Origin exclusives" that exist will take consumers away from steam. (Because really if you are not willing to use Steam, you wont be willing to use Origin either so it will only really be existing customers) If they are serious, they need to rip away a few partners, one of which would have to be one of the ones propping up steam. Activision (My god the horror of a strong partnership between EA & Activision), Bethesda, Take 2, or Ubisoft. On the strength of having a much bigger/better catalog of proprietary high profile offerings than valve, Securing an exclusivity of distribution deal would be like ripping out one of steams main arteries. One high profile exclusivity deal would have the potential create a whole new "Client war" as smaller houses start getting pushed to one side or another and customers following suit to the client that has the developers they specifically want to play.

This industry crash keeps getting more and more entertaining

The White Hunter

Basment Abomination
Oct 19, 2011
Ed130 The Vanguard said:
A flagship EA game that they've been promoting the shit out of requires Origin?

Pesky ninjas be up in the trees, best start smiting them with some justice.

Yeah of course this was gonna require fucking Origin.

I don't really mind, Origin is perfectly functional and does it's job just fine, it's a tad expensive but who the hell doesn't shop around for the best deals from GMG or Gamersgate or Amazon for these things nowadays? Only idiots go pure-steam and waste their money on Valve's priviliged DRM model.


New member
Aug 26, 2010
I've been alittle outta the loop with this being an EA game as I currently don't have access to playing anything on a PC right now. Planning to get a new PC in April/May hopefully but even from when I saw articles and pictures of Titanfall for the Xbone, I got no real interest. Its a much of a mech shooter as using the mecha in the Earth Defense Force games.
Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love mecha. Super Robot Wars is one of my all-time fave video game series and pretty much 90% of my anime collection is mecha but I got a feeling that aquiring a mech in this game will be pretty tough and even then, with the easy weak spots for people to disable it during gameplay, it won't be lasting too long. If you wanna use a mecha suit, I'd say play something like Blacklight: Retribution or Earth Defense Force. Plus, with the stupidity that EA has shown over the years, whats the betting that even with Origin not being so anti-consumer now that its still gonna be having things like limited installs? Even worse if it does that and you gotta upgrade your hardware just to play this game!
I think I'll be looking foward to Earth Defense Force 2025 and Super Robot Wars Z3 for my mecha action in the coming months!