to those women out there


New member
Jun 24, 2008
Zerazar said:
Wow this thread is depressing.

Hagi said:
*Insert misogynistic explanation involving insecure and immature spoiled females here*

*Insert evolutionary babble involving strong offspring and good genes here*

*Insert pop-psychology talk involving the 'female brain' here*

That should about cover 95% of the replies coming after this. You can now safely skip this thread. And no, no thanks is required for all the time I just saved you.
I do like this guy though.
Agreed, but we certainly must have some way to thank this good-hearted vigilante at protecting our forums.

In Memorandum
Hagi, our merciless and just defender we salute you.


New member
Dec 8, 2008
pablogonzalez said:
To those women out there...
why do you usually like the more confident guys?
or the reckless ones who talk out of place thinking there cool?...
or the athletic guys?...
I know it's not like this for all girls but why is it for most?
so if there is any women on the escapist ..Why?
Because by the sounds of it everything in between is about as exciting as a plank of wood.
Those types of people clearly have something about them, what are the other options that they don't go for?


New member
Dec 18, 2008
well fuck me looks like were in the same boat, cornflake! yeah im a quiet guy and have only asked a few girls out and got no's but you get over it and im sure theres always someone out there whos gonna be your number one, no matter how bad it looks

Cephei Mordred

New member
Jul 23, 2011
Men, let us remember, not every woman who prefers a man who has a job and has interests beyond video gaming and anime is saying "you deserve to be rejected for not being a productive member of society." Some are, but it's too easy to read value judgement into standards, and that's where you might be tripped up.

However, it would be nice if men could freely express their standards without being considered shallow for it.


New member
Sep 22, 2010
I'm just a little confused as to why you would ask this question, except maybe the reckless part. It's not as if guys don't generally want a confident, physically attractive woman themselves, and who came blame them. Whatever floats your boat I guess.


New member
Sep 22, 2010
Cephei Mordred said:
Men, let us remember, not every woman who prefers a man who has a job and has interests beyond video gaming and anime is saying "you deserve to be rejected for not being a productive member of society." Some are, but it's too easy to read value judgement into standards, and that's where you might be tripped up.

However, it would be nice if men could freely express their standards without being considered shallow for it.

fair enough.


New member
Aug 29, 2009
Erana said:
rokkolpo said:
Confidence, dangerous, strong.

Three attributes that call for attention and attention is ALL you need to get a girl.
Seriously, just get yourself out there.
snippity snip
You sure got me there.
But it is a sure fire way to get the dumb hot girls.

Love and relationship building has nothing to do with it.
That takes actual effort.

I talk from second hand experience since my best friend likes to use that strategy.

Simeon Ivanov

New member
Jun 2, 2011
EeveeElectro said:
;_; Just talk to us, that's all we want!
But girls are scary!

OT: I think that girls are just into that thing ... like how men like bloodshed or wrestling ya know? It's instinctive. Sooner or later, they're gonna realise what they trully want. Huh ... this sounds so cliche'd ... so yeah, I think I've wasted enough internet, good day gentlemen.


New member
Jan 22, 2009
Because nobody likes a loser? Dude, I'm sorry but if you want to get into the game, you're gonna have to put yourself out there. I suggest that, instead of moping on the internet wondering why you're not getting any, get out there and talk to women. Are you going to get rejected a lot? Of course, that's just how it goes but you'll get better at asking them the more you do it, your skin will get thicker, and, if you can learn to not take it so seriously, you may even have fun. My dad phrased it like this, "9 out of 10 girls are going to reject you unless you're Fabio but there aren't a lot of Fabios out there."

Cephei Mordred

New member
Jul 23, 2011
I was actually thinking about starting a new Nice Guy Syndrome thread, asking for some actual new ground to be covered instead of the same old song and dance that those arguments usually entail, but this saves me the trouble.


Charming, But Stupid
Mar 22, 2009
Why don't you go ask out a fat, ugly girl if you're above superficial factors, OP. I'd really like to believe you are capable of doing so, because if you find the idea of being giving affection and attention to an unattractive person objectionable, this thread would almost certainly come across as hypocritically demanding to know why attractive women pass you up, while you pass up unattractive women.


New member
Feb 28, 2010
Crystalite said:
But if it comforts you, a girl that does not adhere to the general rules of attractiveness will be alone as well, and often be ridiculed for the fact. And any girl not looking like Natalie Portmann is considered ugly these days, whereas for men, the appearance range is much wider.
You've been hanging out with the wrong men. Or you've just been reading the wrong newspapers/magazines. Personally I'd say that the appearance rage is a lot wider for women, or at least in terms of the girls I've dated (I've been attracted to fat women, skinny women, tall women, short women, bla bla bla). Not every man thinks like me of course (because most men are dumb), but I'm pretty sure that you shouldn't sell yourself or any other woman short because she doesn't look like Natalie Portman or whoever's fashionable these days.

So long as you have a girl has her own original hair and teeth then she's probably attractive.

Even if a girl doesn't. Hey, that's probably somebody's fetish - they could still find somebody through craigslist. Win!

As for the op, here's what works for me. When you see a girl you like and you want to talk to her; all you need to do is think like you're going to make a fool out of yourself either way. Expect to fail and the kiss'll be twice as sweet, the phone number will feel like an olympic medal. If you fail and she laughs in your face, then so what? Move on. Find somebody better and here's the thing, there is already somebody better. You know how many girls there are out there? Loads!

As for what to say, just be polite, ask her how she's doing - offer a drink or whatever. None of this 'I noticed you from across the room and think you're really beautiful' crap, trust me - she knows why you're talking to her. Also, avoid the cheesy chat up lines and cheap tricks. That old adage, be yourself, it works.

You just need to actually know who you are.

I mean, I'm an out of shape, fairly shy, nerdy type. I get so nervous when I'm trying to talk to a girl that my knee shakes the entire time, I still manage to do okay with the ladies because I can make jokes about my insecurities. There's no magic formula for confidence, you just have to get yourself out there! It gets so much easier once you start to view chatting up girls as something fun instead of something to be afraid of. Because it really is a lot of fun, even when you cock up you still come away with a funny story to tell.

It wouldn't hurt to put some time in at the gym too. You feel so much more confident after a good work out!

Best of luck!


New member
Jan 17, 2011
Psychology, basic instinct... stuff like that on a primitive level. Confidence is rather self explanatory, really, I worry anyone has to ask that. I wasn't aware women went for the 'reckless' ones, I certainly don't. Athletic... well physically able people are a) a lot more appealing looking then fat spotty people with no muscle tone. b) Again, instinctual level. c) Well. Wouldn't you prefer a 'fit' girl?


New member
Feb 5, 2007
Hagi said:
*Insert misogynistic explanation involving insecure and immature spoiled females here*

*Insert evolutionary babble involving strong offspring and good genes here*

*Insert pop-psychology talk involving the 'female brain' here*

That should about cover 95% of the replies coming after this. You can now safely skip this thread. And no, no thanks is required for all the time I just saved you.
And that right there just deflated the pretentious egos that make up 90% of this boards users.


Confidence is subjective and bravado is easier to achieve.
Last 2 girls I dated both came to me and both asked me out because I radiated a shit ton of Bravado. The last one in particular seemed attracted to the more aggressive and obnoxious side of me which sort of explains everything really.

Chicks wanna feel protected by the guys they are with, its why when I lie in bed with a girlfriend I put my arm around her midriff and one leg over her hip / thigh and pull her in close with a reasonably tight grip. Never had any objections unless she got hot or felt cramped but that was usually after like an hour. Typically the response I get is a pleased sigh.

Also makes me think, why do I get such a good feeling from doing it?
Most likely because as a Man I am programmed to feel good about protecting the females / kinder of the tribe ^_^

Oh I went there!


Little Miss Vampire.
Jul 13, 2010
pablogonzalez said:
To those women out there...
why do you usually like the more confident guys?
I don't, infact they annoy me.
or the reckless ones who talk out of place thinking there cool?...
I don't. Infact that only gets threats of physical violence from me.
or the athletic guys?...
Once again, nope.
I know it's not like this for all girls but why is it for most?
Given my previous answers, does it really look like I would know?
so if there is any women on the escapist ..Why?
...Does being a lesbian get me out of answering this question?


New member
Mar 31, 2009
*Insert evolutionary babble involving strong offspring and good genes here*
Okay, as you asked so nicely.

Look at behaviour in a wolf pack or troop of monkeys. The bigger, stronger ones tend to be the healthier ones and they are very confident, carrying themselves in a dominant manner and pushing the weaker ones around, and they're the ones that get to breed.


What? I've typed it all out before. I'm sure I have. Just read through my posts list (and avoid The Scary Thread because that's not where I put it).


Also: women look for a big, strong, healthy, intelligent, caring man who can stand up for himself and them and their children and will stick around to do so while they're pregnant, treat them well and help them raise the kids ... and settle for a big, strong man who can stand up for himself rather than an intelligent, caring man who will stick around, treat them well and help them raise the kids.

Women are idiots. It's something to do with hormones.

(Men are idiots too. It's entirely to do with hormones. :p )


New member
Jun 23, 2011
Erana said:
rokkolpo said:
Confidence, dangerous, strong.

Three attributes that call for attention and attention is ALL you need to get a girl.
Seriously, just get yourself out there.
Oh, really? I never got the memo. I'll remember to spread my legs the next time a big, strong asshole walks up and demands to fuck me.
Though I suppose this is just, "to get a girl."
But that just exudes the making of a shallow relationship, if not just a one-night stand. And I really hate it when a guy has obviously lowered their standards to get anyone to be their girlfriend, has a terrible experience, then comes on the Escapist and complains about how all women are complete bitches. If you go for a method this shallow, you have to be prepare to accept the consequences and blame only yourself, instead of the entirety of the opposite sex.
Thanks for wording this as angry as I couldn't. Well said, indeed.


New member
Mar 31, 2009
InterAirplay said:
(I'm not allowed to want a girl because she has nice tits, how come you can like guy cos he's all tough?)
It's all about the legs, the hair, the eyes, the smile, the way she walks, the way she glances at you and the muscle tone in her back where you can spend hours following the lines and gently kneading away each little knot. The tits just come with her. :p

I kid! They're wonderful too.

Every girl likes a confident, strong guy.
FrostyChick said:
Does being a lesbian get me out ... ?

Confident or not, if he's an arsehole I'll want to do bad things to his throat.