To Warhammer 40K fans: What's your favourite and least favourite Space Marine chapter or race?


New member
Jun 29, 2009
Admiral Stukov said:
Favorite chapter: Revilers.
Loyalists that fights Chaos with daemonweapons. Because they are just that badass.
Sorry to nit pick but do you mean Relictors? (who were loyalists till the end of the 13th black crusade and are now deemed Excommunicate Traitoris by the inqusition)


Sep 9, 2008
I love that it only took till the 5th post before someone said "Fuck Matt Ward" ^_^

Always been an Eldar player but had a special place for the Blood Angels since Space Crusade :)

I'm old :(


New member
Sep 7, 2011
favorite: templars. thar be nothing quite like marching up to yer enemy and punching em in the face, and for whatever raisin i like thar color scheme
least: blood angels, where i play thars a few ppl who only run death company, its not fun in the least bit to fight, and thar dreadnaughts seem really op


New member
Jul 20, 2010
Okay, my favourite WAS the Grey Knights, but in the words of Yahtzee they were "put under the pussification ray", so I have to call Imperial Fists. Seriously, their 1st company captain gets lost in the Warp, appears in front of the fortress of his worst enemies, slays his captors with his chains, kills his way to the other Imperial Fists in the base, they kill their way to a shuttle and kill their way off world.
Oh, and then they bring the fleet back with them and nuke the planet.

Least favourite...I'd have to say, tied between Grey Knights and Ultramarines now.


New member
Aug 22, 2010
favourite: either Salamanders or white scars, because they aren't totally heartless monsters
honourable mentions: Blood Angels, Grey Knights and Dark Angels, I just like the feel of them. (they are in 2nd because of the GRIMDARKINESS OF THE FUTER GRIMDARK thing. Salamanders and White Scars seem, well, less depressig.)
least favourite: Black Templars, seriously, fuck. you. They are extremists even by Imperial standards, which is rather like saying "dumb even by chicken standards".
honourable mention: Ultramaries. they bore me.

I'm more of an Inquisition player, though.

Tom Urquhart

New member
Sep 6, 2011
Fave: Ultramarines pre Matt Ward, and Graham McNeil for that matter too

Least: Well if we're sticking to Loyalists, guess I'd have to go for the Angels, Dark and Blood.


New member
Oct 5, 2010
Favourite: Blood Angels. By the old rules, they were basically 8ft high vampire killing machines. Mephistone could suck the blood out of a Genestealer :O AND THEY HAVE ACID FOR BLOOD!!!!

Least Favourite: Ultramarines. They have an empire within Imperial space...someone explain to me how thats not heresy?

Nami nom noms

New member
Apr 26, 2011
Ok although I've never played WH40K myself, I have played a few of the surrounding games set in the same universe (Space Hulk/Space crusade/Gorkamorka/Epic/this weird tyranid ship game i forget the name of (with scouts and terminators) so i do remember a lot about the lore.

Anyway, my favourites used to be the imperial fists in space crusade, but I have to admit when i was 10 I liked the space wolves :p These days I think that's kinda childish so I prefer the dark angels (because of their bitching, racing-green armour.)

My least favourite are and have pretty much always been the blood angels. I just think their lore is kinda stupid and thier colours and chapter is pretty boring. Like ferraris. (yes i find ferraris boring :p)


New member
Sep 6, 2010
Favourite: Grey Knights. Who can hate their awesome terminators? ('cept any demon in their path)
Least favourite: Imperial fists.


New member
Sep 6, 2009
Favourite is Necrons. Least would be the Ultramarines, followed by the Grey Knights.

Matt Ward should not be allowed anywhere near the GW franchise, he has no sense of balance.


Ineptly Chaotic
Jan 6, 2011
A Hermit's Cave
Huh... depends on the context, because:

In terms of gameplay, my favourite are the Dark Angels, or at least they were awesome in 4th Ed. Bikes with a 48" first turn move and Terminators deep striking in turn one without scatter around the bikes. Pure pwnage.

In terms of aesthetic, nothing beats the Iron Hands and the Morlock Terminators. I can't for the life of me find that Golden Daemon entry for 40K squad that was five Morlock Assault Terminators, stunning piece.

And in terms of fluff, they're mostly as mad as each other, but I like the Legion of the Damned.

Least favourite would be the Smurfs, but since they're public enemy number one for most Marine players, the Grey Knights (especially now... Mat Ward, you damned butcher...)

Not that any of this matters, because I'm an Eldar to the end. Bring back the 'Quins...


New member
Jan 17, 2011
Blood Angels have a soft spot in my heart ever since I started playing just after Second Edition was brought out, and I read the White Dwarf edition with a side panel about their secret. It helped I suppose that they looked awesome on the 2nd Ed box art.

Space Wolves, Thousand Son's and Fallen Dark Angel's all come in second place.

Lease favourite.. Dark Angels and their little gang of psycho, lying, torturing zealots.


New member
Jul 12, 2010
I play Black Templars. They're my top favourite. Honourable mentions would be Grey Knights and Deathwatch, because they're pretty cool.

Least favourite, Ultramarines. Because they're the overused spearhead of the GW marketing, they're the generic marine, and far too many ten year olds (ish) nag their stupid mother with more money than sense to buy them a whole load of marines because they look cool, dip them in paint and we get vaguely tank shaped blobs of paint on the battlefield equipped with ten las cannons and five autocannons because they never read the fucking rules.


New member
Jan 23, 2011
Favourite: Blood Angels, Ultramarines close second
Least Favourite: Either the Dark Angels or the Imperial Fists, I despise both.


Elite Member
Aug 18, 2009
Nouw said:
Favourite:Blood Angels. And yes I was a fan before the 5th ed Codex!
Least Favourite:They're all decent to me. I don't really have a least favourite. Although if I really had to choose one, I'd pick any Chaos Legion because they betrayed the Emperor!
[sub]Except a few ones which didn't want to betray him.[/sub]
AdeptaSororitas said:
Blood Angels.
Erm, there's actually a few chaos chapters that went to chaos FOR the emperor. They wish to kill the emperor in his corporeal form so that he can be fully released into the warp to duly ass rape the four major chaos powers.

Anyway, my favourite is Grey Knights. They are like the SAS of space marines, and the space marines were pretty SAS-like to begin with.

Least favourite are the Sons of Orar. Because they directly attacked the Alaitoc Craftworld, and I like Eldar the most.


New member
May 17, 2010
008Zulu said:
Favourite is Necrons. Least would be the Ultramarines, followed by the Grey Knights.

Matt Ward should not be allowed anywhere near the GW franchise, he has no sense of balance.
I agree except I'm going to place my least Favourite as Blood Angels just because there is someone currently playing Blood Angels who claims they need a buff.

(And everyone is buying Blood Angels, really there are maybe 3-4 people here who are not now buying Blood Angels -_- and they all have Mephiston, woo!)

Oh and Enjoy your Necrons, Matt Ward is apparently writing your new Codex :p

Favourite Space Marines - Either Salamanders from Armageddon era or Crimson Fists.

(Favourite Race, Eldar duh.)

Meestor Pickle

New member
Jul 29, 2010
Hmmm I dont reaaally have a favourite as all marines are inferior to my beloved Guardsmen but the Grey Knights are alright I suppose if they count as a chapter.

I must say I hate the Black Templars because of how broken the tabletop rules are; YOU CAN NOT WIN.


New member
Jan 19, 2010
Ram a grain of sand through their overzealous helmets at relativistic speeds. If you need me,I'll be with the yellow hovertanks and battlesuits. Several kilometers away.

OT: I like the Salamanders,and hate,hate,HATE the Black Templars. And the God Emperor of Man.
Jul 5, 2009
Favorites: Probably Thousand Sons and the Alpha Legion. Yes they are both now chaos.

Least: Some loyalist chapters are cool but I'm just gonna have to say all loyalist spass mahrines! They are way too OP and are focused on completely at the expense of all other races. Most big chapters have their own really good codex, while Necrons haven't received an update in years, the Chaos one sucks ass and the Ultra Marines codex is just retarded.


New member
May 16, 2009
My favourite chapter are the Dark Angels "A moment of Laxity spawns a lifetime of Heresy!"

Least favourite is proberly the ultramarines i dont dislike them but they are just harped on way too much for a single chapter when i noticed i was going to be playing as one in the space marine game i was slighty disappointed