Tomb Raider Dev: Rape is Not in Our Vocabulary


New member
Jul 29, 2009
Xman490 said:
Well, at least people expect "one of gaming's toughest female icons" to be turned into "a shrieking mimsy in a submissive relationship" this time. (see: Other M)
If the next Metroid game doesn't retract that...mess...I quit gaming. Period


New member
May 3, 2010
Diana Kingston-Gabai said:
TheAmazingHobo said:
I don't even get the problem.

There is no rape in the game either way.
There IS an npc who might conceivably have the intention to commit rape, or at least feels a bit rape-y.
Said npc then gets fought off (and, in my Mind-Vision-Version at least, he also gets his nuts crashed).
So no rape happens.

So why the fuss ?
Speaking only for myself: guess how sick to death I am of female characters getting sexually victimized in fiction. Go ahead, toss out an estimate. Lara Croft was one of the few who hadn't been caught up in that particular cliche, and now here we are again.
Yeah, way overused. Also, I think that media should have a warning that when rape/strong sexual assault are involved. "The Last House on the Left" was disturbing but I expected something going in since I understood the basic plot outline. Still though, I feel that they did more than was necessary to tell the story. Then there was "Halloween". That scene didn't make sense to me (I don't care to have it explained to me). It just seems thrown in for sheer shock and offense value. I understand "freedom of expression" but enough people are offended by the material that there should be fair warning in the label.


New member
Sep 17, 2011
Given the mentality towards the original 'vision' of this character, I love the irony at how the 'men' leap to defend the honor of a character that I can almost guarantee entertained thoughts along those lines.


$20 a year for this message
Nov 20, 2008
This sort of political correctness will eventually lead to mandatory burkas

Don Savik

New member
Aug 27, 2011
I don't even want to touch this game right now to be honest. Does anyone really? lol. Bad publicity can really put you off from something :/

Maybe a 20 dollar game. Or 30 if you really like action/adventure/whatever the hell this is supposed to be.

But not full price.


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Nov 15, 2009
Iron Lightning said:
Well, there goes the only interesting thing about this new Tomb Raider game. For a few days I thought someone in the AAA gaming industry finally grew some balls but I guess not.
So you're only interested in the game if you're playing the victim of a rape/attempted rape? You realize how incredibly creepy that sounds right?


New member
Nov 15, 2009
saintdane05 said:
Rape in gaming is nothing new. Hasn't anyone played Corruption of Champions?
Having 8 dicks in gaming isn't new. Hasn't anyone played Corruption of Champions?...I get the feeling I'll never be able to make that comparison in context of.. well... anything.

It's really a different situation though. In stuff like CoC or various hentai games, it's basically a mechanic of the game. Here, they're putting in an attempted rape to drive home the point of "Look how meek and helpless she is, guys, don't you wanna be her hero?" They've said numerous times they're portraying Miss Croft in a fashion that makes he look weak and requires protection.. not.. surprise tentacle rape for the sake of it like CoC has.


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Jul 8, 2010
Smilomaniac said:
At least there's attention on the matter of rape, in that more might learn something about trafficking and prostitution rings, which are very real and all over the world.
If someone want to be outraged about something, then think of the thousands of kids and women being raped on a daily basis in poor countries, getting abused physically and mentally as well as subjected to a host of different diseases and injuries.
THERE'S something to shout about, instead of something that might happen in a game.
Grow a spine, go do charity or donate to the people trying to help these victims, instead of posting angry comments on teh intarwebs at developers who are trying to make a game with substance.
This is deflection at its finest. One could argue the merits of material within a videogame as it relates to the integrity of this medium, and still have feelings on sex trafficking. By this logic, video game discussion boards are reprehensible because they take away from discussion of more pertinent events. While I agree its good to have perspective on such an issue, as in don't let it consume you, we shouldn't dissuade honest discussion about our hobby because 'BAD STUFF IS HAPPENING ELSEWHERE'.

The problem isn't specifically that there is sexual assault/rape as such topics are dealt in other mediums in a relevant and respectful manner. What we are discussing is the apparent nefarious underlying reason behind why this material is being included in this latest iteration of Lara Croft. Rosenburg's article implied the violence and sexual violence committed against Laura was a means to pander to male audience's need to 'protect Lara'. That they would 'build her up, and then break her down again' so us men would get our jollies protecting Laura's sexual innocence by not letting the bad raping men touch her, and defile her innocence. This of the most vile, and base means of characterization within storytelling, and SHOULD be criticized on this basis if this is their intention.

I REPEAT, I'm not saying the subject of rape shouldn't be included in videogames. I'm just saying that rape shouldn't be used to tickle our puerile fantasies of protecting women from rape to preserve their precious fragile dignity, or as a lazy characterization device. This is insulting to both genders.


New member
Dec 21, 2009
God DAMN is the reaction to this out of all fucking proportion. We can't even have fucking character development anymore because all the pansies out there cry "MYSOGINIST!" and "GAY!" and "OMFG SEX" at everything. It's reactionary bullshit coming from every side of the spectrum and it's just stifling anybody's right to do anything. How is it bad to imply that some bandit type guy on a jungle island is going to sexually assault a pretty, stranded girl AT ALL out of the realm of possibility? And she kicks his ass! That's a good thing! She doesn't have a mental break down, she's just a little fucking scared. That's human. You aim to tell a realistic story and all the whiners just make you draw back on it all and soften everything.

Clearing the Eye

New member
Jun 6, 2012
More media hype mongering and carnival barking, I see.

Remember when this magazine used to be more than just attempts to get page views?

Clearing the Eye

New member
Jun 6, 2012
Lumber Barber said:
Grey Carter said:
According to Crystal Dynamics, a little groping doesn't constitute sexual assault.
Jesus fucking Christ Grey, did they say that ANYWHERE? What the fuck is wrong with you? Fuck.
Grey likes to sensationalize and do anything he can for page views, lately. Sadly, your average reader buys into it.


New member
May 22, 2010
Cheesepower5 said:
God DAMN is the reaction to this out of all fucking proportion. We can't even have fucking character development anymore because all the pansies out there cry "MYSOGINIST!" and "GAY!" and "OMFG SEX" at everything. It's reactionary bullshit coming from every side of the spectrum and it's just stifling anybody's right to do anything. How is it bad to imply that some bandit type guy on a jungle island is going to sexually assault a pretty, stranded girl AT ALL out of the realm of possibility? And she kicks his ass! That's a good thing! She doesn't have a mental break down, she's just a little fucking scared. That's human. You aim to tell a realistic story and all the whiners just make you draw back on it all and soften everything.
It doesn't help when one of the developers gives an interview talking about the attempted rape, and the whole time you're wondering if he wasn't doing the interview one handed. That's what skeeved me out about it. The scene itself is fairly mild. The statements from the developer, on the other hand, are flat out creepy.


Chaos in Jeans
Feb 2, 2010
This is clearly fallout from TVTropes taking down its various pages explaining how sexual assault scenarios are commonly used in fiction and games. Devs don't know what they're putting into their own work without that vital identification system.


New member
Jul 8, 2010
Cheesepower5 said:
God DAMN is the reaction to this out of all fucking proportion. We can't even have fucking character development anymore because all the pansies out there cry "MYSOGINIST!" and "GAY!" and "OMFG SEX" at everything. It's reactionary bullshit coming from every side of the spectrum and it's just stifling anybody's right to do anything. How is it bad to imply that some bandit type guy on a jungle island is going to sexually assault a pretty, stranded girl AT ALL out of the realm of possibility? And she kicks his ass! That's a good thing! She doesn't have a mental break down, she's just a little fucking scared. That's human. You aim to tell a realistic story and all the whiners just make you draw back on it all and soften everything.
You're arguing from a very superficial perspective. Of course rape is something that a young woman might have to deal with in such a situation, but that doesn't justify its existence within a narrative unless its handled correctly. What we're talking about goes down the building blocks and imagery of which the game wishes to project. Why are the developers so intent on the radical under-powering, and vulnerability of the protagonist? This can certainly be compelling from a narrative perspective, but why don't we see that among other game heroes(like Nathan Drake which this game is clearly trying to emulate)?

I mean rape, sexual violence, physical vulnerability and sexual humiliation aren't specific to women. Sure, they experience it in much higher frequency, so its only natural for these subjects to be explored more within the context of stories. By why can characters like Nathan Drake make herculean leaps onto fully Kevlar armored enemies backs and snap their necks effortlessly while Laura has to struggle against bandits who want to constantly grope and rape her? Drake isn't that physically built and he can pretty much manhandle any person he comes across even AFTER being shot and surviving a cataclysmic train collision.

Is this the image we want to send, that male characters represent male empowerment fantasies whereas females are fragile little flowers whose innocence needs to be protected by player so he can feel manly(according to rosenburg)? Its this kind of stuff that creates the perception that games are male power fantasies, not worthy of narrative consideration. The game may not actually represent this, but devs should be called out for the remarks spoken by Rosenburg.


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Dec 21, 2009
Owyn_Merrilin said:
Cheesepower5 said:
God DAMN is the reaction to this out of all fucking proportion. We can't even have fucking character development anymore because all the pansies out there cry "MYSOGINIST!" and "GAY!" and "OMFG SEX" at everything. It's reactionary bullshit coming from every side of the spectrum and it's just stifling anybody's right to do anything. How is it bad to imply that some bandit type guy on a jungle island is going to sexually assault a pretty, stranded girl AT ALL out of the realm of possibility? And she kicks his ass! That's a good thing! She doesn't have a mental break down, she's just a little fucking scared. That's human. You aim to tell a realistic story and all the whiners just make you draw back on it all and soften everything.
It doesn't help when one of the developers gives an interview talking about the attempted rape, and the whole time you're wondering if he wasn't doing the interview one handed. That's what skeeved me out about it. The scene itself is fairly mild. The statements from the developer, on the other hand, are flat out creepy.
Reasonable enough. I never denied the shit that guy said was dumb. I'm just tired of people being so gung-ho about calling foul over such minor things. It strikes me as petty, even if not everyone means to be metaphorically grasping the makers of these sorts of things by the balls. They didn't ALL say those things.


New member
Dec 21, 2009
Condiments said:
Cheesepower5 said:
God DAMN is the reaction to this out of all fucking proportion. We can't even have fucking character development anymore because all the pansies out there cry "MYSOGINIST!" and "GAY!" and "OMFG SEX" at everything. It's reactionary bullshit coming from every side of the spectrum and it's just stifling anybody's right to do anything. How is it bad to imply that some bandit type guy on a jungle island is going to sexually assault a pretty, stranded girl AT ALL out of the realm of possibility? And she kicks his ass! That's a good thing! She doesn't have a mental break down, she's just a little fucking scared. That's human. You aim to tell a realistic story and all the whiners just make you draw back on it all and soften everything.
You're arguing from a very superficial perspective. Of course rape is something that a young woman might have to deal with in such a situation, but that doesn't justify its existence within a narrative unless its handled correctly. What we're talking about goes down the building blocks and imagery of which the game wishes to project. Why are the developers so intent on the radical under-powering, and vulnerability of the protagonist? This can certainly be compelling from a narrative perspective, but why don't we see that among other game heroes(like Nathan Drake which this game is clearly trying to emulate)?

I mean rape, sexual violence, physical vulnerability and sexual humiliation aren't specific to women. Sure, they experience it in much higher frequency, so its only natural for these subjects to be explored more within the context of stories. By why can characters like Nathan Drake make herculean leaps onto fully Kevlar armored enemies backs and snap their necks effortlessly while Laura has to struggle against bandits who want to constantly grope and rape her? Drake isn't that physically built and he can pretty much manhandle any person he comes across even AFTER being shot and surviving a cataclysmic train collision.

Is this the image we want to send, that male characters represent male empowerment fantasies whereas females are fragile little flowers whose innocence needs to be protected by player so he can feel manly(according to rosenburg)? Its this kind of stuff that creates the perception that games are male power fantasies, not worthy of narrative consideration. The game may not actually represent this, but devs should be called out for the remarks spoken by Rosenburg.
Hey, I`m all for a fleshed out, realistic male character too. Don`t put words into my mouth. And how is she portrayed as weak in this situation? She is presented with a challenge and overcomes it. It's not effortless and it shouldn't be. It sets a tone for the story. Uncharted can be cinematic and cartoonish if it wants, we don't have to bind Tomb Raider to the same standard. I love it when a character is shown to have genuine fear and vulnerability, like Guts in Berzerk or the cast of Prometheus. Do you know how they're going to execute these themes throughout the game? No. I think it's looking way better than any other game in the series.