Tomb Raider Dev: Rape is Not in Our Vocabulary


New member
Aug 20, 2010
I'm pretty sure if you worked at crystal dynamics and you groped someone it'd constitute sexual harassment if not assault. You'd be in trouble and so would they if they tried to downplay it as they are with this.


New member
Nov 26, 2011
Goddam, I do not understand the gaming fan base anymore! We are ok with headstomping, torture and shooting innocent civilians in an airport, but soon as it comes to 'rape' everything suddenly becomes sensitive? Since when did rape become worse than glorifying murder and war crimes? We see it on television all the time!

I think the community really needs to grow up, this is just pathetic.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
cursedseishi said:
God what happened anyways? There was a huge backlash towards that one "Women Vs. Tropes" project, then all of a sudden anything that even implies rape because a huuuuuuuge no-no, articles flood in on here about it, and then tvtropes goes and hits the flush switch on anything with even the word in it.
Youvé got your chronology wrong. This predates TvW. Even if TvW was the spark, the gas had been flooding the house for hours before it blew.

Saint of M

Elite Member
Jul 27, 2010
United States
Just out of Curiosity, was there any fuss in Resident Evil 4 when the same thing happened there? In one scene we see Leon looking for Ashley. He ends up in a security room, and one of the infected mercenaries is petting Ashley then pushes her to a wall when she fights back.

Was there any backlash then or is it NOW people feel the need to ask about this?


New member
Nov 19, 2009
flames09 said:
Goddam, I do not understand the gaming fan base anymore! We are ok with headstomping, torture and shooting innocent civilians in an airport, but soon as it comes to 'rape' everything suddenly becomes sensitive? Since when did rape become worse than glorifying murder and war crimes? We see it on television all the time!

I think the community really needs to grow up, this is just pathetic.
A lot of violence is also played silly. THIS is being played "serious" and comes off offensive as a result. CD is not smart enough to handle this subject matter and their defense of it is just full of holes.


New member
Dec 21, 2009
Aiddon said:
flames09 said:
Goddam, I do not understand the gaming fan base anymore! We are ok with headstomping, torture and shooting innocent civilians in an airport, but soon as it comes to 'rape' everything suddenly becomes sensitive? Since when did rape become worse than glorifying murder and war crimes? We see it on television all the time!

I think the community really needs to grow up, this is just pathetic.
A lot of violence is also played silly. THIS is being played "serious" and comes off offensive as a result. CD is not smart enough to handle this subject matter and their defense of it is just full of holes.
So it'd be less offensive if it didn't portray it seriously at all? I'm sure that's not what you meant to say, but it's quite clearly in the wording. If one cannot portray rape seriously, and one cannot portray it jokingly, how CAN it be presented? Never? Fuck that, that's censorship.

And yeah, it's realistic in the trailer. Scared DOES NOT equal helpless or subjected, being frightened is a natural reaction and everyone who's getting pissed off about it is a fucking moron. I don't give a flying fuck what gender you are, if that Solid Snake clone in the trailer was frisking your ass you'd probably be fucking scared too. Everyone crying "SEXIST" is ridiculous and over-reactionary, even if you don't like how it's handled in the trailer. The world's not out to please you. (Not whoever I quoted at this point, this whole second paragraph is aimed at anyone who can't sit quiet when someone upsets their pussy sensibilities.)

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
flames09 said:
Goddam, I do not understand the gaming fan base anymore! We are ok with headstomping, torture and shooting innocent civilians in an airport, but soon as it comes to 'rape' everything suddenly becomes sensitive? Since when did rape become worse than glorifying murder and war crimes? We see it on television all the time!

I think the community really needs to grow up, this is just pathetic.
Perhaps your sentiment would be better expressed without the polemic rant, the vitriol, and the histrionics. Or at the very least, not broad-brushing the community.

I mean, yeah. I get what you're saying. "violence is okay but rape isn't? Why?"

Just try and leave the rest at the door.

Jim Sterling did a video on this very site on this very topic and makes some very solid points. Since you're here anyway, why not check it out? You may disagree, but at least you will have some grounding.


New member
Jun 24, 2009
They should've stuck to their guns. Rape is perfectly acceptable to use in media. Now, they come off as nonchalant towards rape, something that one could argue actually is sexist.

Cheesepower5 said:
Everyone crying "SEXIST" is ridiculous and over-reactionary, even if you don't like how it's handled in the trailer.
I take my hat off to you, good sir.


New member
Jan 17, 2010
GloatingSwine said:
Paradoxrifts said:
So now you've got a realistic Lara Croft, but a realistic video game character must appear in a realistic video game and when that train is taken to it's logical conclusion, what was once lighthearted fun can quickly end up in some very dark serious places.
If the new Tomb Raider was a "realistic" game Lara would have died of shock and/or blood loss within the first five minutes.

It's also clear from the original developer interview that realism wasn't near the top of their minds when they included this scene, victimisation for the explicit purpose of making the audience want to "protect" Lara was.

So get a new tune, yours is wrong and massively sexist.
If the game was a 'authentically realistic experience then it wouldn't be called Tomb Raider but instead would be titled, Hostage Negotiator : The case of the Croft Heiress. Much the same way, if the first Indiana Jones movie was a 'authentically realistic' experience it would be subtitled, 'and the death camp of Auswitz'. Minor spoiler warning here, there would not be a sequel to Indiana Jones and the death camp of Auswitz.

So really that isn't much of a counter argument, is it?

The media conception of 'realism' is often just as removed from the banalities of reality as Hollywood impressionism, essentially the difference between Nolan's Batman and Whedon's Avengers. Even 'reality television' genre is nothing more than days upon days of tedious footage cut down, edited, cut down and edited again into its most interesting elements and then cobbled back together into something that might catch the interest of people who have absolutely nothing better to do with their time.

Don't you see? This is what happens when you let realism start creeping in and messing around with our escapism

Phasmal said:
Paradoxrifts said:
Yes, I was aware of your analogy. It just doesn't make much sense.

The thing I took issue with was the way you seemed to be suggesting that this was the fault of female gamers who wish to be presented better (which implies that pushing for better representation of women in games is a bad thing). I'm sure you are well-aware that when people ask for realistic female characters, this is not what they mean.
Realism in a game and a realistic character are not the same thing, so I'm not sure why you lumped those together.
And are you really saying that for a realistic version of Lara they had to do this?
As individuals each of you have done absolutely nothing wrong in expressing your opinions, but as a collective demographic your shit is all over the place. I've been told before that feminism is not a monolith, but I'll be damned if that concept isn't brought into sharp focus once different feminists start making separate often contradictory demands to how women ought to be depicted in entertainment media.

Also please realise that when you ask for realism, any amount of additional realism, what you will really get is grime and grit. More sex. More violence. More dark. More grim. Icky themes. Uncomfortable concepts. As a general rule the less striking the visual presentation, and sexual exploitation of the human form can count as striking visual presentation even if it's lazy as hell, typically the more grime and grit is added to keep people interested. And the further things move in that direction the harder it is to stop the ball from moving way past your comfort zone. Which is not to say down on the really exploitive end of things you can't have sexual exploitation, grime and grit all in the same serving but I digress. The point is the level of griminess in the character is proportionate to the griminess of the setting. Both are interconnected or a in the audience's perceptions occurs as one or the other seems out of place.

I would have to say that the combination of youthful inexperience, realism and dingy developing world locale, but the spectre of rape was always going to loam over the proceedings as soon as Lara showed the slightest sign of apprehension when confronted with human male opponents.


New member
May 25, 2010
Surprisingly there are people that upon taking someone prisoner, would consider raping them. Reality sucks, humans suck, complaining about a reflection of this in a video game isn't going to change it.
Aug 25, 2009
I think he's got a point.

The gaming media (and other media), including the Escapist, is doing exactly what happened during the whole 'Mass Effect sex controversy' and numerous other instances of such bad reporting. There isn't a rape scene in the new Tomb Raider trailer. There may be an attempted rape scene, but if you can't understand the difference then you probably shouldn't be writing about it in the first place.

Also, this whole controversy has shown exactly what the problem is with the gaming community right now. In that trailer Lara is beaten, broken, bloodied, pushed to the limits of her endurance and beyond and discovers the strength to do things she never thought she could. It's a harrowing, at times painful to watch experience that reminds us that to become the badass we know and love, Lara has to face real adversity.

Oh yeah, and part of that adversity is that someone attempts to rape her, at which point she ends up killing him.

In a sane world, the murder of a another human being, even in self defence, might raise a few more questions than an attempted rape. The fact Lara has to kill animals to survive. The fact that she witnesses evidence of cannibalism maybe worth a mention.

Has any of that been mentioned in a single article on the Tomb Raider trailer? Nope, didn't think so. The gaming community needs to grow up and get a little perpective. The only reason this is a 'controversy' is because it has been made into one, exactly the same way that Mass Effect's sex controversy was made one by people who hadn't even played the game.

'Mass Effect can be customized to sodomise whatever, whomever, however, the game player wishes... with its ?over the net? capabilities virtual orgasmic rape is just the push of a button away.'

Remember that? Remember how dumb they all sounded for focusing on one tiny aspect of a game where there was a whole world of genocide and trauma to focus on? Are we aware of the concept of irony?

Here's a wacky notion. If you're going to focus on something from the trailer, focus on the death, cannibalism, and amount of pain Lara suffers. Or if you're feeling really adventurous, don't comment on a game that hasn't even been released yet. All manner of things could change between now and the actual release date.

Oh, and the fact that likely that ATTEMPTED rape scene is probably going to be removed because the community kicked up such a fuss about it? That can only be for the bad. If gamers cry out in outrage every time a game includes something controversial that doesn't fit into our very narrow wordlview how exactly do you think the medium is going to evolve to be able to deal with sensitive topics such as drug use, sexuality and sexual violence, and the more widespread topic of violence and its application? Eventually developers will stop including depictions of anything other than bland white male protagonists gunning down non-specific alien invaders, just to make sure no one could possibly be offended, and gaming will stagnate and end.

Mylinkay Asdara

Waiting watcher
Nov 28, 2010
Deshin said:
Diana Kingston-Gabai said:
Deshin said:
Pick any Tomb Raider game, a good 50% of the human enemies she killed would have probably raped her given the chance; half of them probably wouldn't have even minded if she was alive or not.
Really? Really? You're bringing meaningless extrapolation to this argument? "Oh, sure, she was never actually threatened with rape before, but you could tell all those guys she killed were totally thinking about it so it's really the same thing." Ugh.
Yes, yes I just did and the worst part is I'm most probably right. Ever read Walking Dead?
Remember what the Governer did to Michone? Captured her and tied her up and raped her and beat the shit out of her while doing it?
THAT'S what would *really* happen in 9/10 of the scenarios Lara Croft would have found herself in being in the ass end of civilization with a bunch of crooks and thieves who sit around all day with a bunch of other men and haven't seen a woman in weeks. If you think a bunch of unwashed, violent, hardened-killer mercenaries and grave robbers are going to be gentlemen to Ms. Croft and her privates then you're pretty damn naive.

Ok sure, they never actually threatened with her with "Hey come over here so I can stick it in ya" before because the impending shitstorm from the media would have dirven the IP into the ground before it even took off as a franchise. But I guess now the devs thought Tomb Raider is a strong enough franchise and we're just a bit more grown up these days and can handle it. But hey, I guess not.
The thing is: you're allowed to think that, or not. It isn't unreasonable speculation that you're making here at all, but it isn't something anyone who didn't care to think about ever had to think about before. That's the difference with the current presentation.

Cyrus Hanley

New member
Oct 13, 2010
Just Plain Lazy said:
This is just reminding me about Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater where at least two people are groped in order to carry the story on, no one made a big deal about that from what I remember. I think they should have just not brought light onto this part and let people go through the story themselves before letting out small more "extreme" sections to draw peoples interest in the first place. =P
Both of those times it was played for laughs rather than drama (although they had dramatic consequences) and they weren't advertised as character-defining moments.

I agree that the sexual assault/attempted rape should not have been the talking point of the game, nor should it be the main point of the game. It should be one incident of many* that develop this new(?) Lara Croft they're going for.

* Many life-and-death, fight-or-flight incidents that is, not sexual assaults and/or attempted rapes.


New member
Dec 19, 2010
All the projections... wow.

This is a ridiculous event in any case. I mean, really, we should just stop portraying women in videogames, period. First we are doing it wrong because they are like women and not the most able to defend themselves, then we are doing it wrong because they are the heroes, and by extension more masculine in the public view of it. We could take them completely out, but then there would be backlash because they would be under represented in the medium. All of this back and forth gets old. All the people who jump on this shit are children. This company has zero balls because they chose to portray a thing that happens in real life (yes, groping is sexual assault, but that isn't exclusive to men groping women) and then they back pedal like idiots. All the people attacking this are equal morons because this shit happens, and pretending it doesn't will not make it go away. And some women this happens to are made stronger for the experience. Others aren't so lucky or able to deal with it, probably most. As a character, is she supposed to have been born a fearless TRex fighter? She doesn't have military training, so it had to start somewhere. Perhaps a traumatic event that drove her to become more than she is?

Also, to point out the obvious... no one was raped.... So why is that word used exclusively in reference to this particular issue. The projections the popular media put to this are mind numbing. The main demonization that I see is that the development staff is chiefly male, therefore not allowed to talk about it.


New member
Jan 17, 2011
Can someone explain to me how the developers claiming that their PR guy was wrong is somehow "not sticking to their guns"?

Frankly, I find it more likely that their E3 presenter was doing his own shit with his "protection" and "challenge to overcome" lines than that the developers wanted those lines themselves. With E3 as the example, it's pretty damn common for the marketing guys at E3 to be full of shit and/or terribly sexist/offensive.
Jul 11, 2008
Apparently "Controversy" is not in their vocabulary either. Developers really need to man up and challenge the public. Say, "Yes, this is a touchy subject. Yes, it might make some people uncomfortable. But it's done plenty in movies, and video games are becoming a mature enough medium that we can address these issues as well." Between this and Lollipop Chainsaw, video games are going to stay a juvenile medium forever.


New member
Jan 15, 2009
getting tired hearing about this crap.
yes, CD screwed it up what they said. and even if there is no rape at all, what this guy is doing is attempted rape. touching her ass and kissing her neck is a clear indication what he will do.

i can understand that they want to give lara a reason to kill someone and show her emotionally how shocked she was after that kill. thats all fine but i also think that they should have chosen a different route for her to kill someone.

but well, cant be helped now. the media is anyway packed with retards who twist the truth or a story to get some attention.
im still looking forward to this game.


*Insert Funny Title*
Feb 16, 2011
Phasmal said:
Paradoxrifts said:
Yes, I was aware of your analogy. It just doesn't make much sense.

The thing I took issue with was the way you seemed to be suggesting that this was the fault of female gamers who wish to be presented better (which implies that pushing for better representation of women in games is a bad thing). I'm sure you are well-aware that when people ask for realistic female characters, this is not what they mean.
Realism in a game and a realistic character are not the same thing, so I'm not sure why you lumped those together.
And are you really saying that for a realistic version of Lara they had to do this?
Well yeah
Lara is a looker, The psycho's out to find her have probably not seen a woman for weeks.
I would be surprised if they didn't want some of dat ass.


New member
Nov 22, 2009
maninahat said:
Alterego-X said:
Crystal Dynamics: So, Lara goes through all these hardships, gets injured, her friend is missing, she even almost gets raped, then she eventually kills someone for the first time, and she is building up from there...


Crystal Dynamics: Uh, no, that phrase was misleading, there was only that groping scene that you already saw in the trailer, but the game isn't exactly based on a "sexual assault" theme...


Crystal Dynamics: Well, the phrases imply different things, I mean, rape would be a more dramatic theme to cover, while the scene that we have is just a part of the general suspenseful atmosphere.


Crystal Dynamics: Hey, it's not that it's there as an important theme all along, the game is about survival, and suffering through hardships, we just thought that implying that the thugs stranded on an empty island might potentially be horny as well would be reasonable.


Crystal Dynamics: Of course, we don't want to sound disrespectul with sexual assault victims, but we hope that most gamers' intelligence is enough to know the difference between reality and fantasy



I have to admit I laughed at that. If only you turned your comedy efforts to not defending idiots who got called out for their inappropriate handling of a delicate subject.
They didn't get "called out". They got deliberately misinterpreted. Reporters could have written articles about how unfortunate the word choice of "protect" was instead of "empathise", or how they should have communicated that the game isn't really about rape.

But they didn't do that, they did their best to put it in the worst possible light, with the most selective choice of words just for controversy's sake, like how "In Tomb Raider, you will want to protect Lara from rape" or "groping isn't sexual assault according to CD".

If you say something to your friends that could potentially interpret as you admitting that you are having sex with your mother, and they spend the next weeks accusing you of having sex with your mother, they are not "calling you out" on it, they are just bullying.

Simply saying that "they were idiots, they deserved it", is wrong. Even idiots shouldn't be blamed if they are victims of malice. NO ONE deserves to get intentionally misinterpreted by the media.