Total Recall Remake Trailer Remembers Things Differently


Jun 13, 2008
For a film that is not going the same direction as the original (as in, not to mars) they sure have borrowed a lot of dialog from the source.

BTW, This is a pretty good take on it:


New member
Sep 15, 2008
Azuaron said:
Can we stop calling this a "Total Recall remake"? It's not. It's another movie based on Dick's original. Whether that's "better" or "worse" than being a remake is up for debate. Personally, I would've liked them to go to Mars...

It's like, when the Cohen brothers' True Grit came out, that was not a remake, that was just another movie based on the same source material as the John Wayne version.

nikki191 said:
actually an honest question for everyone. when do you guys think the dark and gritty bubble will burst for tv and movies?
Hopefully never. *loves me some dark and gritty*
This is what I was thinking. I think they've shot themselves in the foot by sharing the name with the Arnie classic - it's only going to lead to negative comparisons for lovers of good ol' arnie cheese and negative impressions from people who weren't a fan of Arnie films in the first place. Who wins? No one, by the looks of things. The films looks like it's taking cues from iRobot and Minority Report, which is fine (if a little forgettable), and that city's architect has spent too much time watching Fifth Element (or would that be just long enough?), but they would perhaps have done better emphasising it as being based on the book by Philip K Dick rather than by trying to slip in as a remake that has just a single connection to the original.

Then again, if it thought it could stand on its own then presumably it would have done so - a thought that doesn't fill me with confidence about this film's merits...


New member
Oct 31, 2007
Have I been desensitized or does this whole trailer remind you of Mass Effect? Like, years before discovering the archives and Charon relay Mass Effect?


I'd like to purchase an alcohol!
Jul 7, 2010
Well Arnie's not impressed:

seriously, make a film set in the future man doesn't know who he is, fights alot, solves a problem and gets the girl and call it something else!


New member
Jul 11, 2008
I'm just amazes that the irony has escaped hollywood, in remaking 'Total Recall' while managing to forget so much of what made the original good :)

As other's have said, if you're going to change enough of it, just give it a new title. Not like Total Recall was the name of the book.


New member
Nov 21, 2007
Blind Sight said:
Seems like they're taking more information from Philip K. Dicks' work then the 80s version's probably only called Total Recall because 'Overdrawn at the Memory Bank' is less dramatic.
Don't you mean "We Can Remember It For You Wholesale"?

Anyway, I loved the original Phillip K. Dick story. I've always felt that "Ah-nold" film was utter shit. I've never been a fan of Paul Verhoeven's adaptations. In my eyes, he's responsible for taking some of the better sci-fi stories ever written and turning them into awful, B-grade schlock; often with half-assed socio-politic "statements" crowbarred in. He ruined "We Can Remember It For You Wholesale (Total Recall)" and he ruined "Starship Troopers".

Therefore any "remake" of Total Recall, even if it does turn out to be just another "generic summer sci-fi action flick", will be better in my eyes than that abortion of a film Verhoeven made.

Here's hoping this one's closer to the book. Which, at first blush, it seems to be the case, even if they're seemingly removing the whole "Mars" aspect of it. Likewise, I've high hopes for the "Starship Troopers" remake. By all accounts, it seems they're aiming to adhere to the novel's version of the story rather than Vehoevens.

Tipsy Giant

New member
May 10, 2010
anyone else think of this while watching the trailer?

If loss of memory is the main selling point of the film, boy is this going to be shit.
The only things people remembered about the original have been removed leaving a very forgettable movie


New member
Dec 8, 2009
Well, it doesn't look bad to me and I love the original. It also has Kate Beckinsale in a major role. That fact alone, for me anyway, sells it for me. :)


New member
Apr 26, 2011
I'm actually kind of curious since they seem to be following the original story more closely.

But, yeah, the three breasted hooker is a visual that will probably never be forgotten. And Arnie saying 'Get Your Ass To Mars.'


New member
Jul 8, 2009
The 'Bourne discovering his killer moves' on a room full of soldiers pointing their guns at him instead of two unwary policemen late at night made me laugh hard.


New member
Sep 26, 2008
I think people are reading too much into the word "remake". It's nothing more than a movie using the same opening premise; a guy who's bored with his life signs-up for a virtual reality program called "Recall" that lets him live-out whatever life he wants, only to have the office get raided right as it starts-up because apparently (or maybe just in the fantasy reality) he was a secret agent who's memory was wiped.

Now, I can agree that calling it a "remake" when only the first 15 minutes worth of plot is the same was a poor choice in wording; they probably felt that "reboot" was a weird label for something that was just one movie, rather than a series.

ShindoL Shill

Truely we are the Our Avatars XI
Jul 11, 2011
I think it looks good... kinda like Bourne in the future.
I haven't seen the original though.

ShindoL Shill

Truely we are the Our Avatars XI
Jul 11, 2011
StriderShinryu said:
Well, it doesn't look bad to me and I love the original. It also has Kate Beckinsale in a major role. That fact alone, for me anyway, sells it for me. :)
Sort of the same for me, except with Colin Farrell.
No idea why.


New member
Sep 26, 2008
putowtin said:
seriously, make a film set in the future man doesn't know who he is, fights alot, solves a problem and gets the girl and call it something else!
Yeah, and then people will harp on it for blatantly stealing Total Recall's plot set-up. At least this way they're being up-front about it.
Tipsy Giant said:
The only things people remembered about the original have been removed leaving a very forgettable movie
Dude, if you're gonna say the movie is terrible without even watching it to know that it's terrible, at least wait until after it hits theaters so that I can assume that you watched it. Sure, I'd be wrong in that assumption, but at least you'd look like less of a tool.


New member
Apr 8, 2009
wait...they DON'T go to Mars!!!!?

I thought that was the whole purpose behind Total Recall! Put in a virtual reality world and 'experience' Mars...then something goes wrong and Arnie fucks everyone up and have sexy time with triple-tittied hookers.

This is all wrong!


New member
Dec 25, 2008
While I don't like the fact that they changed the story so that the hero doesn't go to Mars and that, that the protagonist isn't portrayed by Schwarzenegger, and the fact that they are remaking it it at all, I have to admit that it looks very interesting.

BTW, did anyone else think about that mission in ME2 on Illium where you have to get to Nassana Dantius and you drive a hover-taxi that looks like the hover cars in this movie, plus you fight the blue suns mercs which have armor similar to the white armor seen in this trailer?