Transformers 2 Writers Explain Why it Sucked


New member
Aug 13, 2009
luvd1 said:
So what was the excuse for the first movie?
You don't really need an excuse to make a first movie, but I guess It helped that remakes are popular these days. And to be honest, the only reason why I saw Transformers 1 was because of the nostalgia... and Megan Fox.

Why they made Transformers 2? I don't know... A better question would be Why did I go to the movies to watch that?


Smug Platypus
Dec 19, 2008
I'm sorry, but the racist "nigga" Autobots and the "testicles" on the giant evil robot are something a director can consciously avoid and writers can avoid putting even into their rough drafts. T2 sucked because the it sucked, not because of timing or any other flimsy excuse.

That being said, when I watched it (rental), I fast forwarded through any scene where Shia LeDouche was present and no giant robots were fighting. It cut the film down to a much more manageable size and caused a smaller amount of permanent brain damage that seeing the whole thing would. I did something like this with Spiderman 3 and a few other movies. Really takes the edge off. Well, that and a few shots of hard liquor...


Better than Vash!
Oct 20, 2009
i payed to see this in theaters and i got exactly what i expected. ridiculous cgi robot action! Anyone expecting anything more is over thinking a michael bay movie :p
Feb 13, 2008
0 has been said MANY times, how about letting the Transformers actually be the main characters of the films instead of Herpes Fox and Shaved Lebuff?

And remove the racism, sexism, humanocentric Dawson's creek slush script, and actually put someone in charge who knows the background?

FFS, Mattel sold the premise on toys that change form, how much did you fail by not being able to follow a 80's toy fad advert?


New member
Jun 18, 2009
The movies were crap with the first one when they turned Bumblebee into a gimmick with no real personality.

Of course the second movie was leaps and bounds worse than the first one.

I'm just going to assume the third one will be crap too and hopefully I am proven wrong.

In the effort of stayong on topinc, explaining why it sucked does not change the fact that they should have known it was crap before releasing it. Hinddight is usually pretty worthless and in this case, utterly so.


New member
Dec 19, 2010
I can see that. The first movie was much better written. The character development was top notch. The thing I hated about the second movie was the random Autobots and Decepticons thrown in, as if we know who they are. When those two retarded autobots were fighting what was supposed to be a stupid bad version of Devastator, I think, and the one got eaten, that was the high point of the movie, followed by a biggest let down, he survived. While the special effects were pretty good, there was too much going on in them and some of the fights looked completely retarded and were just a mess. That goes for both movies.

And how in the world are we supposed to care about Megan Fox's character in the second one? Her part was written so poorly that they could have put the female equivalent of Morgan Freeman in there and it would have sucked. She isn't the best actress, but that part was written like complete shit. And neither of the main human characters were written the same as they were in the first movie, wrecking the continuity.

This is kind of a joke, they sucked at writing it (no matter what their excuses were), and Michael Bay sucked at directing it. It was essentially doomed from the start, and the hype saved it. That means that one good movie followed by a horrible sequel, will require an actual good third movie if they want to make money. Good luck, my first advice is to dump these two jokers here. I have written first draft short fiction that was better than what they pedaled to Michael Bay. It's too bad he was dumb enough to take it.

The_root_of_all_evil said: has been said MANY times, how about letting the Transformers actually be the main characters of the films instead of Herpes Fox and Shaved Lebuff?

And remove the racism, sexism, humanocentric Dawson's creek slush script, and actually put someone in charge who knows the background?

FFS, Mattel sold the premise on toys that change form, how much did you fail by not being able to follow a 80's toy fad advert?
Unfortunately, it won't stand a chance without human main characters for two reasons.

1. While I love Transformers, an actual movie requires characters that the audience is capable of understanding, and the first step is to make them the same species.

2. The special effects were cool, but a whole movie of them with no real things going on would be horrible. Some of the upclose fight scenes were headache material, and there was no way of knowing what was actually going on.

Xero Scythe

New member
Aug 7, 2009
C2Ultima said:
It wasn't just the shitty script that made the movie bad thoug. What about Meagan Fox's terrible acting?
On the bright side, she's been fired from the third movie, so hooray!

Now we just have to get rid of Shia Labeouf...

Honestly, the only humans I actually like in that movie were the army guys. That, and they're the only one who don't, as Hamlet would put it "Herodize Herod." They don't overplay every damn emotion to the breaking point.


New member
Nov 17, 2008
I'm sure people will facepalm but I actually liked the Transformers movies, not for the story but as a action movie.

So sue me sometimes it's just pretty lights from a TV is all it takes.


Fussy Fiddler
May 7, 2009
So the movie was their 1st draft.... that actually explains a lot. The first one wasn't good, but it wasn't horrible, the second one however was just painful to sit through. I went to see Transformers, you know Robots in Disguise, not Bimbo Barbie and Haircut boy playing soldiers.


New member
May 28, 2010
So... You're not going to refund the 15 bucks I spent on this piece of shit and the horrible time I had watching it?

They couldn't care, as long as they get people in seats. If you can't deliver I don't want to hear your bullshit excuses, if a movie isn't up to scratch in pre-production before starting, then you fucking wait until it is.


New member
Oct 25, 2009
Stickwell said:
No, I loved it because it was Transformers, The whole analyzing the quality of the flick didn't matter to me when I saw it... I was all 'HOLY F*#(, ACTION!'
couldn't you get that by playing a transformers video game? Why a huge movie for it?


New member
Aug 17, 2009
khaimera said:
zombie711 said:
khaimera said:
PhiMed said:
zombie711 said:
Was I the only person who thought Transformers 2 was really Awsome?
It had tons of action and explosions, and robot killing each other.
Not movie of the year but still really good.
khaimera said:
I thought of this movie like I do an action game. That means I don't care what the story is and I just want to get straight into the action.
But the action sucked. It was poorly choreographed, inexpertly shot, ugly, difficult to follow, and pointless. There was no tension or sense of purpose or danger. I swear during the fight where Optimus "died" I just quit trying to figure out who the hell was doing what and spaced out.

And just when you started to care about what was going on in the action, they'd cut to captain douchebag running like a sissy, or slutdog McGee doing... something... with that damn thing in her purse. Or one of the comic relief characters doing something racially offensive. Or they'd make a dick joke that wouldn't make a 12 year-old chuckle.

I get so tired of people saying this movie was good "because of robots fighting and stuff".

I could make more interesting, more exciting action sequences with some fireworks and gasoline in my back yard.
I get what you are saying. I was pretty high at the time and was just like "wow, these special effect are amazing, look at all the parts these robots have, how did they do that?" The movie, of what I remember, was pretty shitty all around.
so what qualifys as a good non postapocoliptic giant robot action movie to you?
ummmm. I can't remember any. But my memory is shot anyways. Got any ideas?

I did like the tv show Small Wonder, but she was regular size.
Maybey the TOHO movie Godzilla vs MechaGodzilla, Power ranger movies if you really want to see something that badly, but the best is Megas XLR, best Giant robot fighting action ever, but its a TV series. seriously watch this

see 0:28 thats Bruce Campbell
see 0:22 thats Steven Jay Blum, a dude who has had a voice in at lease every cartoon/anime/animated movie

(ps in the show they blow up cybertron, among other land mark japanese and american cartoon culture land marks)


Perfect Strangers
Jun 23, 2009
zombie711 said:
khaimera said:
zombie711 said:
khaimera said:
PhiMed said:
zombie711 said:
Was I the only person who thought Transformers 2 was really Awsome?
It had tons of action and explosions, and robot killing each other.
Not movie of the year but still really good.
khaimera said:
I thought of this movie like I do an action game. That means I don't care what the story is and I just want to get straight into the action.
But the action sucked. It was poorly choreographed, inexpertly shot, ugly, difficult to follow, and pointless. There was no tension or sense of purpose or danger. I swear during the fight where Optimus "died" I just quit trying to figure out who the hell was doing what and spaced out.

And just when you started to care about what was going on in the action, they'd cut to captain douchebag running like a sissy, or slutdog McGee doing... something... with that damn thing in her purse. Or one of the comic relief characters doing something racially offensive. Or they'd make a dick joke that wouldn't make a 12 year-old chuckle.

I get so tired of people saying this movie was good "because of robots fighting and stuff".

I could make more interesting, more exciting action sequences with some fireworks and gasoline in my back yard.
I get what you are saying. I was pretty high at the time and was just like "wow, these special effect are amazing, look at all the parts these robots have, how did they do that?" The movie, of what I remember, was pretty shitty all around.
so what qualifys as a good non postapocoliptic giant robot action movie to you?
ummmm. I can't remember any. But my memory is shot anyways. Got any ideas?

I did like the tv show Small Wonder, but she was regular size.
Maybey the TOHO movie Godzilla vs MechaGodzilla, Power ranger movies if you really want to see something that badly, but the best is Megas XLR, best Giant robot fighting action ever, but its a TV series. seriously watch this

see 0:28 thats Bruce Campbell
see 0:22 thats Steven Jay Blum, a dude who has had a voice in at lease every cartoon/anime/animated movie

(ps in the show they blow up cybertron, among other land mark japanese and american cartoon culture land marks)
That video was cool. Thanks for sharing it. The theme song made me laugh too.


New member
Oct 28, 2009
zombie711 said:
Was I the only person who thought Transformers 2 was really Awsome?
It had tons of action and explosions, and robot killing each other.
Not movie of the year but still really good.
Nope, I thought it was awesome too.
It gave me everything I wanted: Lots of robot fighting action.

But then again, I didn't grow up watching the show or anything like that so I don't really care about the story like others may.

Nerf Ninja

New member
Dec 20, 2008
Meh, Fighty Bangy Robots, worked for me.

Not as good as Robot Jox of course ;)

HitoriNoOkami said:
Nope, I thought it was awesome too.
It gave me everything I wanted: Lots of robot fighting action.

But then again, I didn't grow up watching the show or anything like that so I don't really care about the story like others may.
See, I did grow up with the cartoon and unlike a lot of people, I remember that the stories were actually pretty crap even then but we were kids so we let it slide. Which is what I'm willing to do for the films now.