Transformers 2 Writers Explain Why it Sucked


New member
Nov 7, 2006
Yet more proof that just because something is popular or sells well, doesn't mean it is any good.


New member
May 8, 2008
Nobody goes to Transformer movie for the plot anyway. Most of us have seen the cartoons/animes/CG cartoons/played the game. We know the story is going to be crap, and there's no helping that. We are there for the robots, for the glorious effects, and to worship Soundwave and Shockwave.

Bay knows this. He knows we're just after the sfx, and he delivers.


New member
Mar 21, 2010
I thought it was pretty good.

You HAVE to give it that it and Transformers 1 was at least unique in certain ways.

And unique + watchable = I enjoy it.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
luvd1 said:
So what was the excuse for the first movie?
Exactly my thoughts.

I had to turn that fucking thing off halfway through - and that was an hour and a half in (although it felt like much, much longer).

How people can watch such drivel is beyond me. And don't even get me started on the excuses of "its just supposed to be fun".


New member
Mar 1, 2010
luvd1 said:
So what was the excuse for the first movie?
I found the first movie to be extremely entertaining. It has to be said that I have not followed transformers like a religion, but I've been a fan. And I still think that the first movie was fucking awesome, while still being a pop-corn flick.

The second one was ruined by the homie-bots.


New member
Nov 29, 2009
Transformer 2's action was one of the few movies that I could say was boring. Meaningless fight after meaning flight and all the Decepticons looked like Megatron. I was so bored! Then near the end it become an American Army propaganda flick. I've never seen evil Aliens get beat down by the US Army as much as the Decepticons did.

Mister Linton

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Mar 11, 2011
Personally, I kinda like that the military get as involved as they do in the Transformers films. The Decepticons aren't defeated by a computer virus, or a stupid macguffin like water, or a small child accidentally flying a fighter into their control ship. If aliens came to Earth, I strongly believe the military would put up a hell of a fight.


New member
May 9, 2010
Mister Linton said:
Personally, I kinda like that the military get as involved as they do in the Transformers films. The Decepticons aren't defeated by a computer virus, or a stupid macguffin like water, or a small child accidentally flying a fighter into their control ship. If aliens came to Earth, I strongly believe the military would put up a hell of a fight.
The Mayans put up a hell of a fight against the Spaniards, but were still horribly outclassed because of the tech gap. Don't you think this should apply to Transformers as well? Most of our modern tech is based off of what we gleaned from Megatron himself, which is why The Allspark was animating SUVs and Mountain Dew machines, and why their first reaction was to attack everything in sight, but it also means that whatever we had to fight the Decepticons would probably pale in comparison to what they had at their disposal. But in the second movie it looked like the Military with the help of four or five Autobots were about to beat back the Decepticons until The Fallen showed up.


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Dec 1, 2009
PhiMed said:
zombie711 said:
Was I the only person who thought Transformers 2 was really Awsome?
It had tons of action and explosions, and robot killing each other.
Not movie of the year but still really good.
khaimera said:
I thought of this movie like I do an action game. That means I don't care what the story is and I just want to get straight into the action.
But the action sucked. It was poorly choreographed, inexpertly shot, ugly, difficult to follow, and pointless. There was no tension or sense of purpose or danger. I swear during the fight where Optimus "died" I just quit trying to figure out who the hell was doing what and spaced out.

And just when you started to care about what was going on in the action, they'd cut to captain douchebag running like a sissy, or slutdog McGee doing... something... with that damn thing in her purse. Or one of the comic relief characters doing something racially offensive. Or they'd make a dick joke that wouldn't make a 12 year-old chuckle.

I get so tired of people saying this movie was good "because of robots fighting and stuff".

I could make more interesting, more exciting action sequences with some fireworks and gasoline in my back yard.
us critics and "intellectuals" can say all we want about why it sucked. we can go into explicit detail, say all of it was "poorly choreographed" and "has bad cinematography" and how there are actual racist stereotypes and it has "poor acting"... but the average joe is only going to see "robots and explosions with megan fox, yo!"

and really? that's all they'll care about. i should know, my entire family and fiance's family are EXACTLY like that. easily amused.


Sane among the insane.
Sep 12, 2010
zombie711 said:
Was I the only person who thought Transformers 2 was really Awsome?
It had tons of action and explosions, and robot killing each other.
Not movie of the year but still really good.
I enjoyed it. There were a few moments that I thought were stupid (the balls joke), but I enjoyed it just fine. One of the few movies that I actually could let my brain take a vacation, and enjoy.

But hey, I hated movies like Meet the Parents, and only started enjoying School of Rock about halfway in. So take that how you will.


New member
Mar 6, 2009
zombie711 said:
Was I the only person who thought Transformers 2 was really Awsome?
It had tons of action and explosions, and robot killing each other.
Not movie of the year but still really good.
I enjoyed it, too.

It wasn't one of my favorite movies of all time, but it wasn't supposed to be.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
zombie711 said:
Was I the only person who thought Transformers 2 was really Awsome?
It had tons of action and explosions, and robot killing each other.
Not movie of the year but still really good.
Yeah there was plenty of good with the movie. The first transformers wasn't that story heavy either. I guess it's just something that comes part of the series.

Think about it this way. If the directors had actually worked a story into it, there would be more lulls in the timeline and we wouldn't see as much action. Standing how it is, the movie was pure action. Yes it wasn't perfect, but I enjoyed it immensely for what it offered and it quite deserved it's large profit.


New member
Jun 4, 2009
Does anyone else think the Transformers just look like crap? They look like moving junkyards.

They have so many shadows and separate pieces that just looking at them strains my eyes, there is nothing to focus on. It's hard to tell at times if their bodies are even humanoid in shape.

Andy of Comix Inc

New member
Apr 2, 2010
The movie sucked because it was a Michael Bay film. It was also a poorly-written slock-fest with terrible humour and acting, that turkey-slapped Transformers fans and newcomers alike just by existing.

Did I mention it was a Michael bay film?