Trying to convince my friend he's not a paedophile


New member
Sep 6, 2009
ReservoirAngel said:
The title in and of itself says it all really, but I'll elaborate so you can actually know what's going on.

Basically, for the past month and a bit now, my friend has been thoroughly convinced that he must be a paedophile, or at least some kind of potential sex offender. The reason for this? He has an immensely strong attraction to a 15 year old boy. My friend is 19.

He's been pissing me off with this because all he's talked about is either how much he likes this 15 year old guy, or how much he hates himself and fears he's going to go to prison.

So is there actually any way I can effectively convince my friend he's not a paedo for this? Or is he just a creepy freak?
Actually, the term for what he is is Ephebophile [].


This is the most wittiest title
Oct 26, 2009
The proper name is an ephebophile, and he's not even that. 19/15, who's counting...

Madara XIII

New member
Sep 23, 2010
REALLY!?!? REALLY!?!?! I got put on Probation for my Post @21?!? REALLY!?

Jesus Mary Magdeline Christ... *Facepalms* just wow...worse than the freaking FCC.

It was a joke and from what I read in the top his friend was getting annoying so why not just fun around with a silly little song?[footnote]Peoples problems are not a joke. Just because the OP said he friend was annoying him, doesn't mean he doesn't care. Posting a song meant to trigger and describe pedophiles and state "I've sent people to jail with this song" joke or not, is not good or considerate advice. Please refrain from 'joking' around with peoples problems in this forum from now on. Thanks! -Aylaine[/footnote]

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
Controlling ones sexual urges is a part of maturing; no matter how odd the manifestation.
I remember nearly falling in love with a teenage girl 6-7 years younger than me (I was 22 at the time), but I let go of the notion because I knew it wasn't really worth pursuing.

It wasn't worth potentially ruining her future, and it wasn't worth ruining mine.
Furthermore, if your friend is interested only in this particular person, then it's probably not full-blown pedophilia.

Irrational guilt is a destructive force, especially at that age. While I cannot tell you what to say, s/he needs to just let go and accept that there will be plenty of better opportunities for him/her in the future.

/2 bits


New member
Apr 4, 2010
In Scandinavia 15 is legal, so here she would not be seen as a paedophile, though from where you live i would just say ''he looks good for a 15 year old''.

Also such small age differences does not matter in the long run, she would be a pedophile if he was 9


New member
Sep 15, 2008
Teenagers being attracted to teenagers is normal. So is teenagers obsessing over teenagers.


New member
Oct 6, 2009
Is he physically attracted to Justin Beiber? I get the feeling we are participating in a giant "JBeiber is a girl!" joke.


New member
Nov 20, 2010
Does he show attraction to anyone else? Like to actors or models? If he can show healthy attraction to older men, or men his age, (and you can point this out) then you can assure him that he's a-ok.

As for the age gap, it's not a big deal. If he can wait a year, it will be legal, and he can do whatever he wants, with the other person's consent of course. My mother and step-father married when they were 36 and 26 respectively. If it's legal, age gaps just don't matter.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Casual Shinji said:
I think it's closer to "jailbait" rather than actual pedophilia.

Still jailbait though, so tell him to keep it in his pants.
Still, common parlance is that pedophiles go for "jailbait."

It's not the clinical diagnosis, but when have we ever let science get in the way of labeling stuff?

4 years is still a bit much at 15. I'm not condemning, just saying it's hard to reconcile.


New member
Mar 20, 2010
Well, if you don't have sex I suppose it's okay.
Paedophiles are purely lust tpye thing though.
If he actually wnats to be with the 15 year old and not simply fuck then it's ok.
Age gaps are ok, but when it's at such a young age it's much worse.


New member
Jun 23, 2010
If he did anything, then legally yes, he is. However, IMO, the age difference isn't to bad. It's not like your friend is 40 trying to bang a 15 year old.


Duel shield wielder
Jul 8, 2010
Well, paedophilia is an attraction to pre-pubescent children. A 15 year old is hardly pre-pubescent. Also the key factor here is actions. There are paedophiles out there that get on with life all the while not harming children and doing their best to ignore their feelings towards said children.

Anyway, it?s still inappropriate to have a relationship with a 15 year old at the age of 19. Due to the describe reaction to this whole thing it seems very much improbable that such a relationship will take place. Your friend needs to calm down, the thought police aren?t going to show up at his door to take him away.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Palademon said:
Well, if you don't have sex I suppose it's okay.
Paedophiles are purely lust tpye thing though.
If he actually wnats to be with the 15 year old and not simply fuck then it's ok.
Age gaps are ok, but when it's at such a young age it's much worse.
If pedophilia was purely a lust type thing, castration would work.

It doesn't.


New member
Mar 9, 2009
Not a paedophile, they like really young kids.

As others said it's still illegal though so he should definitely not act on his urges until it's all legal and good.

Did you know that men are instinctually attracted to young girls (past puberty of course) because they're the most likely to produce healthy offspring; really an unrelated fact given the situation but still a good one in a debate.

Evil the White

New member
Apr 16, 2009
He's not. And liking mid/late teens is perfectly normal for late teens/early twenties. Seeing as there's very little age difference, etc.


New member
Mar 10, 2009
Mechsoap said:
In Scandinavia 15 is legal, so here she would not be seen as a paedophile, though from where you live i would just say ''he looks good for a 15 year old''.

Also such small age differences does not matter in the long run, she would be a pedophile if he was 9
Young scandinavian sexual age power activate!

Dodododododododododododo TEEN SEX.

With that out of the way, I think you shouldn't worry. If both are mature enough there is never anything wrong with some love ;)