Turn in your man card


New member
May 21, 2008
I enjoy love stories a little too much.
I cry at a lot of things. Just for an example: Full Metal Alchemist ended, I cry every time I read the last chapter. Maes Hughes died in it and every time I remember it or read the chapter, I will at very least tear up. Also at the end of fights, even though I usually win them, I've yet to figure out why.
My hips never formed properly, so I walk like a girl. Which is really starting to show, I'm 25 and my hips hurt or pop, something I suspect shouldn't be happening to someone my age.
I read shojo manga.
I ship a lot of things, I'm also proud that most of my ships have been correct, to the point where I can't think of one that I was wrong about....except Digimon, fuck season 2, they did that to piss us off. Bad enough the villain was garbage.
I still have a stuffed rabbit from when I was little.


New member
Mar 22, 2009
I love to bake.
I'm an excellent chef.
I watch My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.
And I'm a sucker for a cute chibi.


New member
Feb 11, 2011
-I'm a sensie. *sneak hug!*
-Could care less about cars.
-I participated in a cross-dressing pageant. If you've played Persona 4, yeah, it was pretty much that.
-Will, never, EVER, drink alcohol. My father died to it, so lets not repeat mistakes of the past.
-My videogame crush is Kirby.
-I don't like shotguns. Besides, we all know knives are more practical :)
-I usually prefer pop over heavy metal (although I really love Blues and Jazz)
-I'm gay and play (American) football, so since we all know that of course there are no gay athletes, I ripped a hole in the fabric of space.
-Am a feminist, in the equality sense
-I refuse to hunt.
-I would take a cat over a dog 9 out of 10 times.
-I have my stuffed Baby Mickey from when I was a few weeks old when my father gave it to me. Its sitting on my dresser.
-My most recent, and only, relationship was for almost a year (six months local, then six months Long-distance), and the closest we came to sex was cybering around month seven. And to be honest, while sex was never a big deal to me-c'mon! That is just pathetic, you know? <-----Just take my balls, I don't deserve them.

Can I have it back though? I've done some pretty ballsy things, including something that I'm pretty damn sure is a felony. Well, if you go by the logic that more blood spilled=the deeper the shit you are in.

dakorok said:
Only real thing is the fact that I've joined the pony side. Of course, it's a damn good show, so...
I believe I just referenced it in my first bullet point ;D


New member
Aug 22, 2010
I have a simple solution:

If anyone asks me for my 'Man Cards', I'll say as the Spartans said to the Persians

"Come and take them"


New member
Jun 9, 2010
I don't feel like I should rightfully be a woman anymore.
I have almost none of those considered 'feminine' qualities. *sigh*


New member
Dec 24, 2008
-I don't give a molested donkey about sports.
-Don't care much about cars, but I do drive a pickup.
-Watched Powerpuff girls (idk the name it was in Spanish) when younger.
-I can't bring myself to call a girl a ***** in any context, which is something popular...
-Cried during toy story 3 and the first pokemon...
-I like eating baked food I cook
-I lose respect for people who smoke, and are proud of it..

Yeah that's about it


New member
May 28, 2011

I'm an avid fan of My Little Pony, but that hardly counts as 'feminine' anymore.
Furthermore, I also like H20 and Nanoha.

I have a strange interest in jewelry. In particular, I wear a silver key hung by a golden string around my neck, daily.

I appreciate a good story, and can get REALLY into it. Just reciently I felt like crying when....I'm not sure how to do the spoiler thing, so....SPOILER TAG, Keil sacrifices himself for the sake of Stoke and Rosch.

Speaking of crying....I cry. Usually not from physical pain, just emotional pain. I've also found myself crying when I'm angry as opposed to sad.

I acctually took a test that measured how left-brain/right-brained I am. I found that I was 1% off center. (And that one percent? The feminine side.)

I have been told repeatedly that I 'think femininely'. Personally, I felt I was more androgynous-minded.

Finally, I've wanted to grow my hair out long for the past year now. My Mom won't let me. >> But I DID just turn 18....


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
Sorry, but I'm a man because I don't care if other people think my habits unmanly. You can't de-manify me.


New member
Apr 13, 2011
SleepingDragon said:
I don't like sports. Sports movies are okay because the characters give me a reason to care who wins.

I have no interest in cars.

Don't drink and I don't plan on ever doing it.

I've never had a girlfriend.

I want to wait until I'm married before I have sex.

I like a good love story.

I can still enjoy Backstreet Boys and Nsync. I'm was a fan when I was a kid some nostalgia from time to time can be fun.

I'm the sensitive type and I wouldn't have it any other way.

I like to talk about my problems and feelings
This. The differences are that I have never seen sailor moon (though I have nothing against it), I don't care about having sex unless my (hypothetical) partner desires it, and I actually am competitive (though it is an aspect of myself I would like to weaken).

FalloutJack said:
Sorry, but I'm a man because I don't care if other people think my habits unmanly. You can't de-manify me.
He's right, our likes and habits don't make us unmanly so long as we are proud of them.


Local Cat
Aug 15, 2008
Some of that stuff applies to me as well.

I dislike sports.
My only interest in cars is concerning whether or not mine is in suitable condition for transport.
I haven't had a girlfriend
drinking is wholly unappealing to me.
and I tend to shy away from competition.

other things:

I enjoy MLP.
I cannot grow facial hair (though not for lack of trying or desire)
I sometimes obsess over my looks.
I am physically weak.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
My manliness is defined by the fact that I have a penis and a Y-chromosome. Anything else is strictly arbitrary.


New member
Dec 23, 2008
What's up with all the My Little Pony stuff in this thread? I thought we were listing things that made you less manly.


- I don't give a flying fuck about sports or cars.
- I'm a vegetarian. No idea what that has to do with manliness myself, but most people on the internet insult my masculinity whenever I mention that I don't worship bacon.
- I hit on guys all the time. I'm not gay, I just like watching them squirm.
- Partially because of the previous entry, I'm perfectly fine with other people saying that I'm not a masculine manly man and will readily agree with them.


New member
Jan 3, 2008
I probably wouldn't count as a man around here either. Even my girlfriend says I'm not really manly, but she prefers it that way, so I guess it's OK.

Some examples:

Again, the not-liking-sports thing. She's a bigger football (proper football, not handegg, which is sometimes called football) fan than I am, which - admittedly - isn't difficult, because I mostly share Moss' opinion about it ("Hooray, he kicked the ball... now the ball's over there, that's an interesting development. That man has it now, maybe he'll kick the ball... he has indeed, and apparently that deserves a round of applause...")
I like to cuddle. Not after sex or before sex or leading to sex, just generally
I like pretty things. Not that I wear flowery clothes, but I have a tendency to spot butterflies with an interesting pattern, colourful flowers, and forest strawberries (these are really tiny, but totally worth the parasite infestation risk)
I own quite some cuddly toys, named most of them and sometimes talk to them (and imitate their voices to have them answer, of course)

THese are all the things I can think of right now, but there surely are more.


New member
Oct 16, 2009
I have a handful of effeminate traits (I use the word "adorable" a bit liberally, for instance) but honestly, you immediately stop caring about this sort of thing once you lose your virginity. Because you know that no matter how odd your behavior or characteristics may seem at a glance, you are evolutionarily selected for, and no one can take that away from you.

Also I dance like Thom Yorke, frequently.
Feb 9, 2011
I've never had the "man card". I turned it in voluntarily. *Opens Escapist profile* Yeah, that photo is me.

*waves bye to "man card"*


New member
Jan 13, 2011
canadamus_prime said:
My manliness is defined by the fact that I have a penis and a Y-chromosome. Anything else is strictly arbitrary.
Unless you're XX with an SRY gene translocatant


Pretty much the same as OT, except without the like for certain boybands. What makes me laugh though is that older (40-50+) guys in my area seem to not be able to hold a conversation longer than 5 words unless related to cars, tool collections or "the game last night"