U.S. Military Bans Medal of Honor From On-Base Stores


New member
Apr 15, 2008
The trailer I saw looked tasteless as hell and an almost direct rip off of the call home scene from Black Hawk down.



New member
Apr 15, 2009
The Procrastinated End said:
Maybe the governments don't want people seeing the war through the enemies' eyes, because you know that might make them seem human and less like malevolent tan people.
Yeah, but it is multiplayer you play the Taliban in. Do you feel sympathy for the Nazis, Vietnamese, Russians and generic Arab terrorists you play in other games multiplayer? Some of these groups also committed atrocities.
And it's not as if a multiplayer match tells the story of a poor, illiterate Afghan farmer who is ruined by corrupt government officials and therefore decides to join of group of self-proclaimed "freedom fighters", who live in caves and promised him to create a better society based on the laws of Allah. That would humanise the enemy.
No what it does it giving you a map and telling you to kill all other players whose name is written in a different colour. The differences between the two sides probably boil down to one side wearing American uniforms and using M16s (or whatever else, no expert here), and the other wearing rags and using Ak-47s. In which way is that different from any other game?


New member
Dec 22, 2008
Outlaw Torn said:
I bet the Taliban pull the same stunt in Gamestop stores in their military bases,or caves, or whatever.
edit: I'm pretty sure the taliban just isn't allowed to buy games or play em


New member
Nov 9, 2009
You get to play as Taliban in the multiplayer, in the older Medal of Honour games you got to play as the Nazi's same for Call of Duty, I somehow think the Nazi's were a bit more evil and killed a lot more people than the Taliban did so why all the uproar now? Fucking nanny states...


Ace Defective
May 1, 2009
That's fair enough, I guess. If my friend just got mauled to death by a bear, I doubt I'd be eager to watch a Yogi Bear marathon.
...okay, bad metaphor, but you get my point.

Wouldn't have been my decision to not supply the games, but I see where they're coming from.


New member
Apr 15, 2010
Completely pointless. This ban only serves as an inconvenience to anyone who actually wants to buy it. Unless of course the point is to make sure nobody who doesn't want to see it has to watch one of thier roomates (or whatever the military equivalent is) play it. Also, these are adults we're talking about. Not just adults, but what are supposed to be some of the most emotionally and physically resilient people in the country. To not allow them the option of buying a game because they decided to risk their lives for their country is illogical and condescending. Not to mention the fact that we've been playing as muslims in games for years, and some of those games are probably in the Gamestop retailers on bases.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
Mornelithe said:
technoted said:
You get to play as Taliban in the multiplayer, in the older Medal of Honour games you got to play as the Nazi's same for Call of Duty, I somehow think the Nazi's were a bit more evil and killed a lot more people than the Taliban did so why all the uproar now? Fucking nanny states...
Because WW2 has been over for over 60 years. As opposed to an active conflict where people (both military and civilian) are currently dying.
What difference does it really make, they were both real, both sides had to fight? It has nothing to do with anything other than the world has become entranced in a state of stupidity. Everything is now completely retarded when it comes to political correctness, the troops out there fighting the war are not half as fussed as the government.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
I can respect this.

Those soldiers are probably already stressed out with their fight against the real taliban, so fanning the flames with a simulation might not be to good of an idea.

Onyx Oblivion

Borderlands Addict. Again.
Sep 9, 2008
I really don't know how to feel about this...

At the very least, it's a good idea to take the marketing down at the in-base stores.


Made of ticky tacky
Jan 19, 2010
Nimbus said:
Are you telling me that there are Gamestop stores on Military bases? The fuck?
I didn't know that either. Anyone have a picture of one of them? I'm curious.

I mean, yea I guess it is a form of censorship. But it makes sense. These guys are tense enough without having to cause conflict with each other over something like this. We all know how poor the mental health care is for the armed forces (though it has gotten better).
So of course they can't say it's so one of our soldiers doesn't flip out on another one over some BS, but really that is what this is about. "out of respect for our past and present men and women in uniform" sounds better than the truth.

Censorship isn't always a bad thing. It might be 1% of the time that it is beneficial, but still.


Hail, Ilpalazzo!
Jan 26, 2009
This is not really a big deal at all. They did it out of respect. They have not banned the soldiers from playing the game. They have done it for the right reasons, and the right way.
If someone wants to get the game, they will just have to get it from on off base store, a bit of an inconvenience, but it's nothing major.
I think people are just overreacting because of others trying to censor the game.
I give US Military props for handling this in a respectful and sensible manner.


New member
Dec 6, 2009
Dumb conservative morons. This reminds me why I hate the military. Stupid people that think they fight for something good. It's funny how they still don't realize they don't risk their lives for their country, but for rich corporations. And on top of believing in all that crap about fighting for freedom and whatnot they think not playing a video game somehow honors those who died for these corporations. Come to think of it, anyone stupid enough to believe in the shit they tell them there deserves to set his foot on a land mine. It's just my opinion though.

Now before you start hating, what I said applies to every country. In Middle East however they think that they fight in the name of god. They don't. Reality is even more idiotic than that.