U.S. Military to Test Iron Man Suit in June, Seeks Your Help for Components

Daaaah Whoosh

New member
Jun 23, 2010
I don't get it, it sounds to me like a bunch of people want the suit, but no one actually knows how to build one. Pretty sure it's been that way for a while now.


New member
Jan 12, 2011
Uhh............. this can't be real. No way. Have we really become so distanced with reality? There is ZERO reason for a suit like this to exist. A grenade or a single rocket would still blow someone the hell up....

What a massive waste of money and time..


New member
Jan 14, 2010
You expect me to believe that dragon-skin is too expensive for wide-spread deployment, but you're going to make iron man suits?


New member
Jan 21, 2014
michael87cn said:
Uhh............. this can't be real. No way. Have we really become so distanced with reality? There is ZERO reason for a suit like this to exist. A grenade or a single rocket would still blow someone the hell up....

What a massive waste of money and time..
That's the same reason it's dumb for the US to continue to have such an absurdly huge standing army (it was ramped up for WW2 then never dropped down again thanks to the cold war) but we still have that. Generals love to spend billions of dollars of taxpayer money on dead ends trying to make new toys for themselves. Meanwhile thinking people in one of the richest countries in the world should food and shelter every day even if they can't work is "an entitlement".


New member
Mar 18, 2009
I think they mean Mobile Infantry suit, unless they plan to build models that can fly and shoot whatever the hell Iron Man beams out from his hands.


New member
May 11, 2011
michael87cn said:
Uhh............. this can't be real. No way. Have we really become so distanced with reality? There is ZERO reason for a suit like this to exist. A grenade or a single rocket would still blow someone the hell up....

What a massive waste of money and time..
It's not armor. They want to make the user faster and stronger, so they don't get fatigued as easily and can either carry more gear or throw cars or whatever.


New member
Jul 12, 2009
Damnit USA!!
You can't preassure the North European countries like this, we are nowhere close knowing how to pull Thor from Asgard yet!


New member
Dec 25, 2008
So they're designing Power Armor and the call it TALOS? I wonder what Bethesda's legal department thinks about that.

Seriously though, this is awesome news. Can't wait to see what they come up with.


New member
Jul 16, 2009
Souplex said:
FoolKiller said:
Umm... so the first time I come across it in combat I will chuck an EMP near it and then it will be all sorts of vulnerable.
And how would you generate said EMP?
Nobody has figured out how to make EMPs practical for use, and magnetic shielding exists.
EMPs as a win button exist only in bad stories.
Generally speaking, if your most practical option is "set off a nuke", I'd say your concept needs a bit of tuning.

wombat_of_war said:
you mean they want people to submit things and designs for suits sort of like that guy did a few years ago with his 'bear attack' suit that they couldnt find a use for?

they will spend hundreds of millions or billions of dollars on the program and then scrap it in a few years and still keep using the same stuff. exactly the same thing they do every few years to replace everything to vehicles to rifles
That's kind of the point of R&D: you tinker around with lots of different concepts, and very few ever see use. What makes it slightly ridiculous here is not how many projects are actually useful, but the gargantuan amounts of money the US has thrown at it.


New member
Feb 24, 2011
MrFalconfly said:
Oh that's good then.

Because while I trust the soldiers of most NATO nations (Denmark, Britain, Norway) I wouldn't want to see what would happen if a normal US Army soldier got this kind of capability.
You do know the US is a NATO nation, right?

OT- Really all they want is a usable exoskeleton that is actually combat capable. I don't see that as an unrealistic goal really. The comparison to iron man was simply for the drama. There is no way at this point to make anything even close to resembling iron man.

BOOM headshot65

New member
Jul 7, 2011
The Gentleman said:
"U.S. Navy Admiral William McRaven"

That sounds exactly like a name out of a Marvel comic. Please tell me this isn't another elaborate internet prank. I really want to see what these prototypes look like.

McRaven is the former commander of JSOC (Joint Special Operations Command), SOCEUR (European Special Operations Command), and the first commander of NCSS (NATO Special Operations Forces Cordination Center), and Current commander of USSOCOM (US Special Operations Command), and was the commander of the raid to take out Osama Bin Laden (and directly involved in the creation of the Stealth Blackhawks for that raid).

So no, I dont think this is a prank. Although with deats like those, I would NOT be suprised if he was a top commander in SHIELD as well.

OT: I guess I am going to break from the pack here but: SWEET!! I actually enjoy seeing the military gear that my tax dollars help fund things like this, but maybe that is because I still have pride in my military and think that we NEED things like this because alot of our tech is getting outdated.

Hero in a half shell

It's not easy being green
Dec 30, 2009
Endocrom said:
Hero in a half shell said:
Gotta respect a man called Dick McRaven.
Richard shortens to Dick, I've never seen William shorten to Dick. (Any double entenrdes were not intentional)

Nice flair naming it after a living bronze guardian.
Ahh, Willy McRaven.

My bad, I knew it was some phallicly humorous name


New member
Sep 5, 2011
Sarge034 said:
MrFalconfly said:
Oh that's good then.

Because while I trust the soldiers of most NATO nations (Denmark, Britain, Norway) I wouldn't want to see what would happen if a normal US Army soldier got this kind of capability.
You do know the US is a NATO nation, right?

OT- Really all they want is a usable exoskeleton that is actually combat capable. I don't see that as an unrealistic goal really. The comparison to iron man was simply for the drama. There is no way at this point to make anything even close to resembling iron man.
I refer you to my usage of the word "most".

I said "most NATO nations".

Yes USA is a member of NATO but I effectively excluded them in my statement about trusting "most NATO nations".


batlh bIHeghjaj.
Dec 19, 2010
omega 616 said:
Oh, come the fuck on ... did you already try blasting a dude with gamma rays? Or injecting him with stuff to turn him into cappin 'murica? Finish looking around the stars for Asgard? Think archery was a little too last century?

Can't invent a jetpack but a propulsion system built into a bulletproof suit isn't a problem, so much so civvies can work on it?

TALOS has the potential to provide the U.S. with a "huge comparative advantage over our enemies and give our warriors the protection they need," McRaven said.
'cos the apache, stealth bombers, Kevlar vests, grenade launchers with variable fuse and multi-explosive pay loads, long range ballistic missiles, corner shots, robots, drones and the other multi billion dollar advantage you have, just isn't enough?

They have a Toyota pick up truck, AK 47's and RPG's ... as for body armor, they have prayer!

Watch any number of "Future Weapons" tv show and you will quickly understand that the US has every kind of toy imaginable! For fucks sake, they have a rocket that will explode once to breach a wall, send a second explosive through the whole it just made and then clear the room with the second!

It's the second half of the video.
(okay, it's not the American's but I bet they have something of equal destruction)
The rocket thing isnt new, the Russian's did it with the RPG-29 , they fitted it with a tandem warhead which makes it deadly against the reactive armor of modern tanks.


Apr 28, 2008
Has a 75 trillion dollar budget
Asks some guy with a toolshop to make their suit for free.