U.S. Senator: We Need to Look Into Anonymous, Pronto


New member
Jan 27, 2011
He doesn't even know what a computer is.

The internet? You can't explain that...

Cory Rydell

New member
Feb 4, 2010
Considering all the infrastructure cuts in favor of not raising taxes (yea because inflation doesnt exist for the govt. amirite) this seems contrarian to current republican rhetoric of reducing spending. Unless of course this somehow happens without spending but I can foresee that happening.

The Lugz

New member
Apr 23, 2011
the problem is anonymous are real hackers, you wont trace them all down ever and even if you get most of them they probably wont know all the members themselves so you're asking for allot more trouble before this is over so-long as the government know that and take proper precautions we wont see anonymous pull something crazy in retaliation
basically what I'm saying is only go down this road if you can ensure the safety of the general public and yourselves FIRST and that is a feat in itself

and yes, i know that isn't what anonymous is about but powerful underground organisations have a tendency to become terrorists out of self defence when the government go after them
the problem is the us government have a horrible track record when it comes to terrorists imo they either over react massively or refuse to deal with the situation

hope it works out well, it should generate allot of positive pr if you pull it off.


New member
Jun 22, 2009
Yeah sure add another thing to Congress' to do list so they can continue farting around and avoid making any sort of agreement over the budget situation.

Seriously, I agree that yes, there probably needs to be something done. I just don't think Congress is the bunch to do it.


New member
Jan 31, 2011
Maybe this is a good idea, maybe not. I'm not sure yet. What I AM sure about is that the Senate has infinitely more important things to worry about right now, like making sure the house of cards euphemistically referred to the Full Faith and Credit of The United States doesn't come crashing down into fiery disaster.


Noisy Lurker
Jul 16, 2008
Mr Companion said:
Signa said:
I like how kids on the net are now threatening the lives of the people in our country.
No you dont
You're right. It's hyperbole to say that there is anyone in the threat of physical harm from all of this.

I'm far more concerned for the status of our liberty than the welfare of the pocketbooks that the corporations and government hold.


New member
Jul 11, 2008
I'd imagine this'll go the same way as Murdoch's had it in the UK, with most politicians simply too scared to go up against them, because they have some kind of skeleton in the closet that will be making a loud public appearance the moment they try to fight the bad guy. (Newspapers/Anon).

It's only because News International have gone so far and offended so much of the British public that the politicians have had their hands forced into looking like they're doing something.

I'm not sure how far Anon would have to go, but I believe if and when the US government decide to take them on, it'll both be a disaster because I imagine they'll just attack anyone vaguely related, like lists of people who've watched an Anon video on youtube, such has been proved of the quality of their 'online intelligence'.

It'll be like throwing grenades thru a whole street's front windows to get rid of some rats, there's gonna be huge collateral damage, the solution will look really stupid and expensive and the rats were in another town anyway.

As much as Anon and others like them have caused costs to corporations and embarrassed governments, I'm kinda on their side until they do some real damage that isn't exposing idiocy.

EDIT: IF you're out there, Anon, please, please, do something awful to the new News Inc 'Sun on Sunday' site for their relaunch of the News of the World under a new name.

Just a spoofed front page with the headline 'Immigrants, gays and muslims 'fine' say experts' or something like that :)

The Random One

New member
May 29, 2008
I doubt the government will succeed where the private initiative has failed.

I guess in the US that would make me a Republican.


New member
Dec 5, 2008
Annnnd McCain's web page going down in 3... 2... 1...

So, yeah, it's a problem. I wish I felt that Congress in its current incarnation was a body set up to assess the problem, to even effectively address the question of who to hand the problem off to or what kind of new body to create to deal with issues like large-scale hacking and the leaking of sensitive information.

I... don't. I think it's getting better, certainly; I think there are probably a lot more Senators with Blackberries and smartphones than there used to be, and maybe even a handful who (gasp!) play video games. But in a lot of ways, the kind of language and the kind of legislation that continue to come out of this generation's legislators is rife with a) an excessive willingness to hobble the way typical consumers actually use the technology, b) an extreme preference for the rights of big businesses and "IP holders" over issues of fair use and non-profit uses of licenses, including ones that haven't generated a significant profit in decades, and c) sheer Luddite-ism, a nearly hysterical fear of those kids and their new-fangled technology.

I think the problem needs to be addressed, but in these hands, I have serious fears that any "cure" they devise will be worse than the disease.

The Great JT

New member
Oct 6, 2008
McCain, you are a far braver man than I. And I'm not just talking about the Vietnam thing.

If only you could pick a potential vice president that wasn't a card carrying member of the Crazy Club.


New member
Oct 20, 2010
Go get 'em, McCain.

Maybe, just maybe, the government will actually start taking an initiative towards this issue this time around.


New member
Sep 13, 2010
people are walking through the holes in our security. We should do something about preventing people from making use of those holes. Hunt down anyone who may try to get through.

Hamish Durie

New member
Apr 30, 2011
Hal10k said:
Father Time said:
Why did you choose that photo of Mccain?

He looks like the picture you'd select in a fighting game.
"McCain went on to say, 'These dang hackers. They make me so annoyed... so mad. McCain MAD! MCCAIN SMASH!'"
really i thought it was him trying to smile


New member
May 8, 2008
Hackers Anyone?


this article completely refreshed my memory of this movie.


Sight, Sound, and Mind
Nov 24, 2008
And yet the picture says: This just in, John McCain spontaneously turns into a pirate on during senate meeting.

The government really should have an organized group dealing with cyber-protection. I hope whatever happens helps stop hacking attacks but I don't know how effective any system could be. The internet is the modern Wild West and I don't think any group can control it.


New member
May 23, 2011
Hamish Durie said:
Hal10k said:
Father Time said:
Why did you choose that photo of Mccain?

He looks like the picture you'd select in a fighting game.
"McCain went on to say, 'These dang hackers. They make me so annoyed... so mad. McCain MAD! MCCAIN SMASH!'"
really i thought it was him trying to smile
Maybe so, but I look at that picture and I just think "Hulk". That, or severe constipation.