U.S. Senator: We Need to Look Into Anonymous, Pronto


New member
Dec 6, 2010
KeyMaster45 said:
Once again, government is late to the party in figuring out what the public figured out long ago. Flattering picture by the way; saying you respect him and insulting him in one fell swoop. The back handed insult is a subtle art we don't see much of in this day and age.
He looks like he may have some irritable bowel syndrome. Either that or he got brain-damaged in a motorcycle accident.


New member
May 17, 2009
I think I'd be disappointed if these people succeed in bringing down hacker groups. They're doing illegal things, but I've never really cared or hated them for it.

If they successfully regulate cyberspace, It'll be like the killing of the wild west again, but with more cat pictures.


New member
Mar 30, 2011
McCain is treading on a minefield, attacking Anon and all :p

But I support this


The Last Albino
Aug 30, 2010
Great picture - shows about as much 'fair and balance' as Fox News.

McCain has a point, but he's as worthless as the next donkey or elephant.

What people need now is LESS red tape, not MORE - which is EXACTLY what a comity run by a bunch of rich, old, dudes is going to do.

2012 Wont Happen

New member
Aug 12, 2009
A committee to handle cyber crime is a fine idea. Spending most of their time hunting down hacktivist groups like Anon instead of being on the look out people who will potentially use cyber attacks to take down essential systems in preparation for a terrorist attack would be an unfortunate waste of such a committee's time.


El Zorro Cauto
Nov 9, 2009
JPArbiter said:
First and foremost would be to put hackers on the payroll to track down Anonymous hackers after their little escapades, so they can be arrested and prosecuted.

I am all for freedom of information but electronic vandalism like what Anonymous does is juvenile, naive, and threatening to common people. eventually doing things "Just for the Lulz" will include shutting down power to a hospital or something that puts real lives in danger.

The_root_of_all_evil said:
But sure, we can trust McCain. He chose Sarah Palin as his running mate. What more proof do you need?
Sarah Palin was a political hail mary to garner female votes, nothing more. had Mac been elected she would have been the most marginalized VP since John Adams
Or Joe Biden. Half the time, I forget that he exists. He's the polar opposite of Dick Cheney: never in the spotlight, always in the shadow of POTUS.

OT: McCain is completely right. Doing things "For teh Lulz" is getting out of hand and needs to be clampled down.


New member
May 19, 2009
Keava said:
Lemme say that. Fancy laws are fancy. What does it mean? That you make all that buzz with the "new legislation" to show your voters how much "you care" and then it changes nothing. The laws to arrest hackers exist already for ages, the tools are all there, it's easy - track them down and can 'em.

Thing is, until you start educating your employees about security, invest in proper security audits, start using the technology available you won't change a thing. As long as some guy in the office opens the attachment in the mail, as long as you let your cousins son who failed to get to college/work write the code for your website, as long as you don't even have basic security in place all the fancy laws you make won't change a damn thing because the nice lady or man working in your office will give out/change password over phone.

Start with basics and use what you already have available. No amount of arrests or pretty papers will completely remove hacking, ever.
In short: Laws can not corrected stupidity.

Hmm... Nice to see America trying to do somehting about their problems, but I just hope they do not do anything totally stupid and get more shit rep from the international front on them.


New member
Mar 4, 2011
Whether right or not, I have tremendous doubt that a group of politicians can be at all effective at inhibiting Anonymous.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
When I read the title for a second I thought it said "John McClane Targets Anonymous"

THAT would screw anonymous.


Oct 6, 2009
Treblaine said:
When I read the title for a second I thought it said "John McClane Targets Anonymous"

THAT would screw anonymous.
We did see how well hackers bode against him.....

Where I do believe that some people are not capable of being trusted and there should be people to look into this, I really don't trust the government with this, I do believe this demotivator sums up my feelings.


Pixel Pusher
Mar 25, 2009
A day in the life of McCain

McCain: We could have some real threats unless we form a band ...
Stooge: but what to call et ...
McCain: howz boutz Select Committee on Cyber Security and Electronic Intelligence Leaks or SCCSEIL for short? ...
Stooge: Sounds like Suck-Seal to me, I doubt that will catch on ...
Stoogette: Yeah it sounds like you have a thing for that singer ...
McCain: I do not! I mean he's African American and very successful so I respect him, but it's not like that! ...
Nurse: McCain go back to your rocker please.

Because I imagine him at one of those nursing homes like the one in A-team.

Yes, there is a threat. However, we need to stop kidding ourselves and just make a task force for this based on something like the team on Ghost in a Shell.

Do et!


New member
Nov 19, 2009
At first glance first to the title I thought I read

"John McClain Targets anonymous"

And I thought Die hard 4...


Bearer of Pointed Commentary
Jul 13, 2008
Too bad the likes of Bush and his cronies shoved McCain aside in 2000. The nation would have been led with a lot more class and sensibility.


New member
Dec 25, 2009
JPArbiter said:
First and foremost would be to put hackers on the payroll to track down Anonymous hackers after their little escapades, so they can be arrested and prosecuted.

I am all for freedom of information but electronic vandalism like what Anonymous does is juvenile, naive, and threatening to common people. eventually doing things "Just for the Lulz" will include shutting down power to a hospital or something that puts real lives in danger.
It's the only resistance there is , and by the way, lulzsec is long over, open your eyes.


New member
Jul 5, 2010
darfjono said:
OOPS! Looks like you've fallen into the delusion that the U.S. has any power or jurisdiction over the Internet.
Haha, amen. You can't stop Anonymous, and doing so only makes you a target.
Information should be open; if the only way to make it so is illegal then there's a problem with the system, not with the people poking holes in it.

Omnific One

New member
Apr 3, 2010
JPArbiter said:
First and foremost would be to put hackers on the payroll to track down Anonymous hackers after their little escapades, so they can be arrested and prosecuted.

I am all for freedom of information but electronic vandalism like what Anonymous does is juvenile, naive, and threatening to common people. eventually doing things "Just for the Lulz" will include shutting down power to a hospital or something that puts real lives in danger.

The_root_of_all_evil said:
But sure, we can trust McCain. He chose Sarah Palin as his running mate. What more proof do you need?
Sarah Palin was a political hail mary to garner female votes, nothing more. had Mac been elected she would have been the most marginalized VP since John Adams
Ironically, it ended up garnering more support from sexually-deprived 50 year old men.