Ubisoft ask's where the next Assassin's Creed should be set


New member
Sep 23, 2010
That list makes me smile. I enjoyed recent AC games but I've been wanting a change in the time period for a while now. I would be satisfied from anything on this list. I think Feudal Japan or the Russian Revolution would be my top picks.


New member
Oct 11, 2010
Victorian England followed closely by the Russian Revolution. I think that Victorian England is a time period due for some exploration. But the Russian Revolution has some great potential too. I just don't want a Japanese or Chinese AC now... I have nothing at all against the cultures, but I feel that it would seem too out of the way to make sense in the series at the moment. As a spin off, yeah, they'd be cool though.


New member
Dec 31, 2008
The motherfucking French Revolution for godsake. Honestly.

Did nobody at Ubisoft take any history classes. The game is MEANT for this period.


New member
Apr 24, 2010
Fidelias said:
ksn0va said:
None! Set it in the present and wrap up Desmond's story already!
This, we've messed around enough with the past, time to actually continue the friggin story please. After that, I don't mind one bit if Ubisoft keeps churning out pointless expansions.
Assuming of course a game centered around Desmond would be fun at all. I thought Desmond was the worst part of the series and would've preferred if they just made it a game just set in the past, he was only added in to give the targetted audience i.e. teenagers someone to relate to in the story.

Pimppeter2 said:
The motherfucking French Revolution for godsake. Honestly.

Did nobody at Ubisoft take any history classes. The game is MEANT for this period.
Well Ubisoft is French, but it's made in Ubisoft Montreal so...But I guess they try to not make their company look as foreign as they can and as American as possible.

(whitty name here)

New member
Apr 20, 2009
Tough choice between Communist Revolution, Medieval China, Victorian England, and Fuedal Japan.

I'd absolutely love to play in any of these.

Red Hood

New member
Sep 3, 2009
Pesonally, it would go:
1) The current story line, with Desmond (he has eagle sense, the fighting abilities and the Apple now)
2) The culmination of the Pharaoh Reign in Ancient Egypt (the amount of anarchy alone during that time is more than enough to satify me and the numerous gods within the game would more than quench my thirst for knowledge)
3) Feudal Japan/Meji Restoration era (You get the best of both worlds because this is a time period where the past and the future are literally fighting for dominace, plus I could learn about all the buildings and structures of Japan.)

Helmholtz Watson

New member
Nov 7, 2011
Bring the game back to the Middle East! Assassins Creed is one of the few examples of a game where Middle-Eastern people are the main character and hero of the story! (Yes I know Prince of Persia, but like I said, there are few games like that).


New member
Aug 20, 2010
Exile714 said:
gphjr14 said:
Given all the hints in Revelations I'd be surprised if it wasn't set in China. Marco Polo's father made an appearance as well as Mongols, and Marco Polo ventured to China during the Yuan Dynasty which was ruled by Mongols so it's not hard to create a story where a Han Chinese assassin takes on Mongols.

If they did Japan they could do during the Meiji Restoration.

That or England During the Act of Supremacy when Henry VIII broke with the Catholic Church.
Having a degree in history I think there's a lot more interesting periods of history than just Europe and Colonial America.
Have you played to the very end? Because:

Desmond and company will be in the United States at the Vault, as shown in the map during Jupiter's monologue. So, even if the historical section is somewhere else, at the very least DESMOND will be in the United States.
Desmond might but I doubt Ezio will ever see the shores of North America if he does he'll probably die soon given his age. One of the cutscenes with Sofia I believe they showed a map for only a few seconds and you see the outline of the North American Coast which is about right given that by this time America has been discovered but they haven't really explored it yet. Meanwhile the rest of the world is still going full steam with way more source material.


New member
Apr 12, 2011
Ohh, please be China, that would be awesome :D

Only if it didn't the hilarious but terrible (and mildly offensive) chinese accent that plagued Des Ex HR and made me grind the top layer of my teeth away whenever someone spoke :(

Captcha = didedur wtf?


New member
Feb 24, 2011
Didn't they promise new Assassin's Creed in 2012? It seems like they're behind schedule if they didn't choose the setting yet.

edit: I choose China. That would be awesome.


New member
Sep 19, 2010
I would say any of the choices would have been good if it wasn't for assassin's creed brotherhood and revelations, because of those games the story feels like its dragging on a bit. I think this one should be in the present and it should finish Desmond's story.


New member
Jan 19, 2009
I say Victorian England. Seems like it'd be a very neat time for the series. Maybe we can meet a little boy who just wants a wee bit more soup.


New member
Nov 29, 2011
Unfortunately, i believe it should go back to the true roots of the REAL assassins that started around 1050s?1124 under the direction of Hassan-i Sabbath who where a band of mercs. And instead of the usual Templar bad assassins good, have the game be morally ambiguous and offer a origin story of why the two sides originally hate each other, with the assassins being a minor cult that drugged its followers in to having a "super natural" experience (as documented by Marco Polo), and the Templar being the Templar.
