Hold the phone! Prince of Persia?!? That was terrible! Please, Ubi, if you do anything -- anything at all -- don't make another catastrophe like that again! I'd take nine Pirates of the Caribbean over one Prince of Persia sequel, any day.
Assassin's Creed could be good, but we're talking a video game movie adaption here, and there will be a trite love story thrown in and it will be PG-13, unfortunately.
Ghost Recon... I... honestly have no idea. I played a little of the Ghost Recon: Future something-or-other on the 360, but what exactly is there besides another spec-ops, war movie type of deal? Oh goodie, a squad of military guys pointing silently, busting in doors, shooting terrorists, and then [insert terrorist plot cliche], only to [cliche], followed by [been there, done that], and... yeah, I think they'd have to stretch the name a bit to make anything other than a movie pastiche from tons of war movies already out there.
Tom Clancy I could also see. It wouldn't be pretty, and certainly not unique. Essentially another spy/stealthy movie, but totally relying on the name alone. Seriously, why not just play Splinter Cell?