Snotnarok said:
The problem is, Ubisoft isn't going to learn from people pirating the game, they'll be just as fucking stupid and make a worse DRM next time
Ubisoft have demonstrated that they will not learn that DRM is bad from:
People buying Prince of Persia because of the lack of DRM.
People Boycotting Ubisofts games with SecuRom.
People Boycotting Ubisoft's games with Limited Install DRM.
Ubisoft will not learn from people boycotting Assassins Creed 2 because of this outrageous form of DRM, and I know I for one was very much interested in playing Assassins Creed 2, so if Buying and Boycotting haven't worked... why should people miss out on a game they were looking forward to playing and would have purchased had Ubisoft not pulled this ***** move?
Microsoft went on record this year saying:
"The Pirates are our biggest competitor, and they have one hell of a product at an unbeatable price."
At this point I am beginning to agree with them, if the Pirates are such a big deal then they must be offering one hell of a service and Ubisoft should be competing by offering me something that the Pirates can not.
Buying a game should be:
1: Easier to install and play than a Pirated version
At this point it seems easier to torrent and crack a game, than deal with the massive headache of DRM.
2: Run better than the Pirated version.
Cracked versions these days have superior performance and stability, bypassing or removing entirely things like TAGES, SecuRom and GFWL which have been known to cause instability and conflicts.
3: Be easy to Patch and update
Often times cracker groups will continue to provide patch and updated crack's in one easy to use package. Becoming more convenient than the tiered patches publishers are so fond of these days where you need to download and install 10 different patches in the correct order, or forcing you to use their service like the EA Downloader.
Piracy is cheaper, more convenient and provides a superior product. The downside being that it is that its illegal.
I want to buy Assassins Creed 2, I want to play it and enjoy it and I want to support the industry to ensure more games of such quality continue to be released on the PC.
But when I pay $50-60 for a game, I want to be able to play it when I want to, install it when I want to and play it on whatever computer I want to.
When I pay $50-60 for a game, I should not be limited on how many times I can reinstall it, nor should I be forced to be connected to the internet at all times to play it.
The war should be against Piracy, Ubisoft seem to have forgotten that the Pirates are the ones not paying for the product and their current protection schemes only serve to hurt the paying customer.
Piracy is wrong because it's theft on the part of the consumer.
DRM is wrong because its theft on the part of the publisher.
When placed into the position where as a consumer I can either be screwed over, or screw someone else over... I know which one I would prefer.
But I shouldn't be placed into that position in the first place.