Unforgotten Realms: Episode 35: Ratgina


New member
May 27, 2008
To the people raising the question about the Sins of the Unforgotten:

I don't think switching dice is really enough to warrant one of those. Beforehand, Rob was doing things that blatantly violated the rules of chance and reason in the game (blowing on his die, moving a character to a place that he could not get to). People switch dice in real games all the time and the GM never calls foul on that. Something that would earn a Sin of the Unforgotten is if Mike said, "Oh look, I just remembered that I have (name of spell that Mike made up off the top of his head) that makes all my nat 1's nat 20's." THAT would be cheating. Simply switching dice is not.

Random Man

New member
Jun 20, 2009
Crais said:
To the people raising the question about the Sins of the Unforgotten:

I don't think switching dice is really enough to warrant one of those. Beforehand, Rob was doing things that blatantly violated the rules of chance and reason in the game (blowing on his die, moving a character to a place that he could not get to). People switch dice in real games all the time and the GM never calls foul on that. Something that would earn a Sin of the Unforgotten is if Mike said, "Oh look, I just remembered that I have (name of spell that Mike made up off the top of his head) that makes all my nat 1's nat 20's." THAT would be cheating. Simply switching dice is not.
Okay, but if you intentionally give a dice you know is rigged to your opponent than you are blantantly violating the rules of chance and thus you are cheating.

Captain Bobbossa

New member
Jun 1, 2009
Ah! bloody cliffhangers!

First time commenting on an UR thread but anyway...
It's an utterly brilliant thing Unforgotten Realms, infact it's acctuallygot me back into D&D despite all the pain that game caused me. I enjoyed the first series, the second series and I'm enjoying thins series. But there is one thing that bugs me and you've probably heard this quite alot but I'm getting sick of the really really short episodes. I mean there good episodes, good content and I know that most of the stuff on the internet (good or nay) is about 2 - 5 mins anyway. But UR was at it's best (I feel) when you got a massive lump of it each week so it was something I sat down to do, watch Unforgotten Realms and then dersperatly wait a week to get the next installment.

When the second series was introduced (or whenever it got shorter) and it was changed from 15ish mins to 7-10 I was a little disapointed but only a little, it was still enough to look forward too, still enough to make me designate a specific time as to "when i was going to watch UR". But lately it's been far to short and this week it was what 5 1/2 ish mins (i cant remember) or something along those lines, and it still had a cliffhanger (sorry... 2 CLIFFHANGERS!!! *gasp*) I was pretty pissed off that I waited a week for that. Also with the constant beating around the bush in this series it just gets dull, it was interesting the first few times you did it, you know the whole stalling episode thing but you do it way to often and I'm not sure if I can be arsed anymore if that keeps happening.

It's been a brilliant creation Rob but seriously, what happened? why the shorter episodes? why are you trying to irritate the people who watch your show? (yes cliffhangers, suspence and shizz is used in alot of media but I thing UR has passed a boundary or something where it's not exiting it's just annoying (in a bad way)).

Mabye you explained all this at some point in another thread, but I never read it and I can't see any reason for doing so.


New member
Jun 22, 2009
Yo, this is ISearchForTraps, some of you might know me from the UR forum.

I've been a fan of the series since the early days on Newgrounds, and I've always been a supporter and fan. Rob has his own way of doing things, and I think the complainers should appreciate he does the show at all - complaining just makes things worse and if this episode is any sign - Rob could well kill the series if they don't stop. I don't want that to happen to my fave web series, so I ask all the real fans to lay off and let Rob do things his way, positive feedback is good, but flaming and trolling won't make things any better.

Just enjoy the show, use intelligent answers, and let Rob develop it at his pace and liking - he may ignore the complaints, but their volume may have a bigger effect on his love for the show he's put so much effort into over the years.

I made this account when I saw the state the show could fall into, but now that's all out of the way, I just wanna say this ep was short, but sweet, it made me laugh, especially the references to the loaded Bulbasaur dice, and Gary calling Elamous 'Wigglytuff' (I'm actually surprised by that reference, such an ignored Pokemon), which I fould hilarious. =D

Seriously Rob, keep up the funny work, and don't let the complaints get you down or bitter - keep going for the real fans, and for yourself.


New member
May 22, 2009
I solely joined these forums because of UF, and these episodes still gives me a great laugh.

I can't help but feel though after watching this epidsode that you Rob are getting somewhat tired of doing it? Everything gets more and more contradictive, and 2 cliffhangers? ;D

I don't know, perhaps I'm way out fishing here :p

I agree with previous posters here though saying that negative posts with only flaming and such which has been posted in this thread is utterly pointless. I just ignore them and hope you do as well Rob.

I know this kind of project would demand a lot of your time and it's amazing how you manage to get these new episodes out every week. :) And I and all your fans appriciate it a lot. Keep on going :D


New member
Jun 16, 2009
lol, cliffhangers. And to people who are afraid he might stop the series, it's his source of income now, so he'd need to find another job. Yes, escapist pays him to make UR.

Captain Bobbossa

New member
Jun 1, 2009
And besides some of it is CONSTRUCTIVE critisism... this being a good thing to all those fanboys out there who will all jump at my throat if I don't say everything is apsolutaly wonderfully spectacular and should replace God (or something). Wether he chooses to accknowledge the oppinions of the people who watch his show is upto him off course but can he really expect any less when his show is on a site that's main purpose is too critisize and review such things?

Shit happens, people send hate mail (which he was asking for at some point in the series anyway) some people like it, some don't, some think he could do it better, some think it's fantastic the way it is... it's the way the world works and you can't get worked up about these things because it was your choice (not specifically directed at Rob) to put your talents to the public view so you do have to take the bad with the good.

Just for the record I like the serious, I think it's fantastic but I do have a few issues with it at the moment (they are listed in my previous reply a few comments up the way) and I if none of Rob's fans ever told him that they think there might be something up with it and perhaps he could make the odd adjustment here and there then he would never know would he and thus carry on regardless.

Critisism is good but only when relivant, accurate and not just a rant about how much you hate something. It should be about WHY you hate something or WHY you like it. Off course just people coming on and saying "that was awsome" etc. is nice and a good ego boost, makes you feel good and that your doing a good job etc. and of course you cant stop people randomly posting abuse for no reason they should ust go away and not watch whatever it is again. But you can hardly blame people for voicing their oppinions (if relivant) in a bloody forum on a critic and review website.


New member
May 27, 2008
Random Man said:
Crais said:
To the people raising the question about the Sins of the Unforgotten:

I don't think switching dice is really enough to warrant one of those. Beforehand, Rob was doing things that blatantly violated the rules of chance and reason in the game (blowing on his die, moving a character to a place that he could not get to). People switch dice in real games all the time and the GM never calls foul on that. Something that would earn a Sin of the Unforgotten is if Mike said, "Oh look, I just remembered that I have (name of spell that Mike made up off the top of his head) that makes all my nat 1's nat 20's." THAT would be cheating. Simply switching dice is not.
Okay, but if you intentionally give a dice you know is rigged to your opponent than you are blantantly violating the rules of chance and thus you are cheating.
First of all, the term "rules of chance" is fairly contradictory because chance, being almost completely random, cannot have any set rules or else it would be pointless to call it chance to begin with. Second, didn't you hear Mike? He knows nothing lol.


New member
Apr 15, 2008
Captain Bobbossa said:
Ah! bloody cliffhangers!
Mabye you explained all this at some point in another thread, but I never read it and I can't see any reason for doing so.

There is no reason to create a 10 minute episode. It makes as much ad revenue as a 1 minute episode to be perfectly honest. Unforgotten Realms bi weekly with the hits it was getting simply could not support myself to continue working on it like that. If you feel that this has hurt the show well sorry but the alternative was to not do the show at all.

Until some millionaire wants to come by and throw me money so I can hire a team of Chinese animators to do all the bulk work for me, It's gonna stay this format.

Captain Bobbossa

New member
Jun 1, 2009
SirSchmoopy said:
Captain Bobbossa said:
Ah! bloody cliffhangers!
Mabye you explained all this at some point in another thread, but I never read it and I can't see any reason for doing so.

There is no reason to create a 10 minute episode. It makes as much ad revenue as a 1 minute episode to be perfectly honest. Unforgotten Realms bi weekly with the hits it was getting simply could not support myself to continue working on it like that. If you feel that this has hurt the show well sorry but the alternative was to not do the show at all.

Until some millionaire wants to come by and throw me money so I can hire a team of Chinese animators to do all the bulk work for me, It's gonna stay this format.
Well I suppose that is a good enough reason, my mind is at ease now so thankyou.


New member
Apr 24, 2009
wow mid sentence though... i mean wouldnt the look on our faces been soo much better if it had been "i wanna cast a spell. i cast"-*screen goes black* is instead of " \i wanna ca--"

i mean i realize its basically the same but... *using announcer voice* "whats he complaining about? is he not happy to see a groundbold about to shoot Douglas? find out in the next post from... w8.... whats my user name?"


New member
May 29, 2008
SirSchmoopy said:
Captain Bobbossa said:
Ah! bloody cliffhangers!
Mabye you explained all this at some point in another thread, but I never read it and I can't see any reason for doing so.

There is no reason to create a 10 minute episode. It makes as much ad revenue as a 1 minute episode to be perfectly honest. Unforgotten Realms bi weekly with the hits it was getting simply could not support myself to continue working on it like that. If you feel that this has hurt the show well sorry but the alternative was to not do the show at all.

Until some millionaire wants to come by and throw me money so I can hire a team of Chinese animators to do all the bulk work for me, It's gonna stay this format.
You should do 5, 1 minute episodes one week. 5x's the number of hits! =)

I'm kidding of course.


New member
May 27, 2009
hey............................. shut up
Pi_Fighter said:
urgh76 said:
Broken Wings said:
Alright I'm done with this show, I've got no laughs, and his staggering amount of cliffhangers are pissing me off, so I'm done.
shut up u pansy
Are you totally fucking retarded?
Or do you genuinely believe that he has no right to voice his opinion?
hey.......................................... shut up