Unforgotten Realms: Episode 35: Ratgina


New member
Jan 14, 2009
This show is weird. Not "Sealab 2021" weird, but the plot seems like it has Attention Deficit Disorder.

Random Man

New member
Jun 20, 2009
Gigastrike is right, if mike cheated doesn't that mean another Sin of the Unforgotten is activated. Or will Mike not give himself one because he's a jerk?


New member
Jun 20, 2009
Great episode, i love this show! =D
'You know damn well that Disney shit isn't going to help me here!'
'See this spell Mike? I'm going to use it to kick ass!'
Cliffhangers,are genius =D, actually most of the cliffhangers i hate, but this one is just perfect xd, so funny!
Great show, nice....


New member
Jun 20, 2009
Mordwyl said:
After reading several posts from people I have to raise a concern: The whiners are affecting the series in a negative way. In the little time there is for every episode per week sometimes it is spent (wasted if you will) getting back at these people somehow instead of keeping with the entertainment; As a consequence those who do not read the forum tend to be confused at this and forget about Unforgotten Realms.

Robert, while I appreciate you paying attention to these ingrates's feedback don't let them get to you so much as it'll damage the series. After all this is what happened to FFVII after Zippy Nomura saw what a cashcow the game was and spawned all these dairies.
I agree. Rob your show is awesome, I watch it now and I will probably always continue to watch it nomatter what direction it takes, but I can see it in the newer episodes that your really pissed off, you don't seem happy to be making unforgotten realms episodes anymore, it seems more like you quickly put them together so that people will stop whining. I know pumping them out once a week is tough & stressfull, and dealing with all the people acting so judgemental over a free show would get on my nerves too. When I first watched your show, everything was so silly and thought out, you seemed to have fun making episodes and making us laugh, it was great. I dunno if you got a contract or anything with escapist, but id rather see once a month episodes that you enjoy making at your own pace when YOU feel like it then see you stressed out and arguing with stupid people inside of your show. I hope things get better, don't waste a great show and alot of talent because of some retards, just have fun & enjoy what you do :) ~ Bobothehunter


New member
Jun 6, 2009
I like Unforgotten Realms quite abit, but each episode seems to be shorter and shorter still. This episode was OK, not my favorite cause it really didn't DO anything. Just a tiny fight scene. Season was better due to longer episode times. This is way you have gaps between seasons to start on the next set without skimping. A minute of intro, and a minute of exit stuff only leaves roughly four minutes for the show to continue, and with two seperate parties it leaves very little room to get on with the story.

Otherwise, real good series.

P.S. The first paragraph was an OPINION, if someone qoutes me and berates me for it...I'll do something...EVIL.


New member
Nov 15, 2008
Random Man said:
Gigastrike is right, if mike cheated doesn't that mean another Sin of the Unforgotten is activated. Or will Mike not give himself one because he's a jerk?
maybe before mike can cast the spell he faints like sir schmoopy


New member
May 7, 2009
gigastrike said:
So...was that the 3rd sin of the unforgotten or what?
...I said that first. Remember...
Athen said:
Wait, if Mike is cheating, I think he should get one of those "Sins of the Unforgotten" slash things.


New member
Mar 13, 2009
petey hunter said:
Ahh jeez how is douglas ganna live through that, unlessif the mini kobold missed Flintlocks are highly innacurate,

You know I was watching this thing on the history channel about this guy named Andrew Jackson,and this guy tries to assasinate him and pulls out his pistol and it misfired and he pulls out another and it misfired. That would be hilarious if that happens to douglas except four times.


New member
Apr 17, 2009
darn, this is the last one im gonna be able to see for like, 7 weeks. And now I get to spent that time wondering... But it was still funny


New member
Feb 12, 2008
Of course Douglas is not dead..

they are in the past..

Douglas IS Timmy The Evil.. how do people not know this yet?

and he is going to become evil because of something Sir Schmoopy does to him in the past.

well thats my theory.


New member
May 1, 2009
Greendragon99 said:
Hilarious episode, but it's really annoying waiting a week to watch a 4 minute episode. If you subtract opening song and end credits thats all we are left with. This wouldn't be so bad but they used to me more than ten without the opening and end credits. Granted they came out every two weeks but at least it was a show and not a clip. To be honest I don't expect you to even get to both Cliffhangers net week in four minutes + time for comedy. I love the show since its inception but well I felt that I needed to say this.
I lso miss " The following episode ....bit. That was a hilarious and quick way to get into the show.
Long live Roamin the rank 11 crime solving Paladin!
before he had a script for the first seiries now he has to write one