Unforgotten Realms: Sir Schmoopy and the Philosopher's Shiny Rocks


New member
Apr 14, 2009
cavsfan69 said:
I love this series but lately they've reverted back to nothing but talking to NPCs. Where is the action? Where is the comedic wit i have come to expect? I really hope that you can get back to the humor that drew me into the first few episodes.
That's a trademark of this series. Every time Rob hones in on the story for a while and you expect to see a continuation of that he hits you with a gem like "Question Mark Face". I'll admit sometimes it's a little too distracting but when I think of what's made this series great it's been the asides of ROAMIN and Garry or Timmy the Evil and Professor Walrus...just offbeat stuff that works for whatever reason. The nice part of all that is you never really know what you're going to get each week.


New member
May 21, 2008
One thing i've noticed is that Rob has a definite pattern to seasons: first few episodes are mostly comedy, then a bunch of storyline, followed by a real winner (One example is my favorite line in season 2: "Will we ever find out why Roamin, a crime solving rank eleven paladin, had an EXTRA jar of pee?") Then a couple of well mixed, then right at the end he sets it up for a last episode filled with epic win, then in the first couple of the next season he does comedy again.

... Well, something like that anyway.


New member
May 6, 2009
I think he did take Canada week off its 11:21 here so unless he puts it up in 1 hour and 36 minutes or friday / saturday he did and you know what a damn good thing he did


New member
Jul 9, 2009
i think that sir schmmopie either becomes the dragon warrior, or maybe abraham (possible the phone call to the judge remember) or he and elimus find a way back to stop malestrum. and i think schmmopie somehow does something to douglas thats makes him timmy the evil not sure if it's true or not just saying. Really awesome videos dude don't stop making them.


New member
May 28, 2009
nice episode, especially with the harry potter intro but why is it taking so long to upload episode 48, its already friday here (holland)there normally uploaded on thursday between 6 and 10 o'clock why hasn't it now?


New member
Jul 9, 2009
What's up is episode 48 taking so long to upload was it 2 soon to reveal what the nader gems really do, but im pretty sure he'll have it uploaded today sometime in the afternoon maybe.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
SirSchmoopy said:
Dartinin said:
ok ill admit it i couldn't bring myself to watch more then 1:10 of this video before giving up 0_0 i can only take so much of ur humor and this is just too much 0_0 its overly stupid(in the I'm ripping off something to make fun of it way) so I'm going to have to sadly say that after all this time i might just have to give the unforgotten realms a breather break lol well i wish you luck and hope u have many more years of funny time joke making lol ^_^
-best wishes Darth

The first 1:10 doesn't even get you past the intro.

Troll less.
wow someone actually commented on my comment >.> i was not trying to troll i was just expressing my disappointment ... and if that's the intro i don't think i want to see the episode v.v i honestly loved UR when it came out and now i just disappointed in it v.v but then that's my opinion and that's all it is and if u have some problem with it then don't read what i have to say lol but i do want to thank you for reading and commenting it >.> i have some mixed feelings here >.>

Hamster at Dawn

It's Hazard Time!
Mar 19, 2008
Is there no episode this week? That makes me a sad panda.
I don't mind if Rob wants a week off but it would've been nice if he'd said there wasn't going to be an episode this week, I've been eagerly anticipating it and now I'm just disappointed.


New member
Jul 10, 2008
Krantos said:
Your comments about this episode's length not being indicative of a return to longer episodes saddens me, because the length of the initial episodes was one of the things that brought me to the series in the first place.
Well, the first season episodes (and some of second season) were much longer because they were released once every two weeks, Rob needed to start making weekly episodes due to (what I assume to be) getting a larger fanbase (lets face it, not a lot of people outside of the more 'hardcore' fans would bother waiting that long, or even notice it if it wasn't weekly) and money (more episodes= more money, not to say that he's greedy but if he's going to be making this show he should earn some money). But I don't see why you put it here as this was the longest episode in quite a while.

I admit, I get a bit disappointed with the show sometimes, but it always brings me back in with another episode, which is nice.


New member
Apr 24, 2009
Kumomaru said:
Nickisimo said:
I'm starting to come to this site more for new UR stuff than ZP once again(along with re-visiting older UR eps). Season 3 has been a nice mix of humor and story. Thanks for the eps and the hard work, Rob. :)

My favorite line of the season still has to be the seemingly under-appreciated: "In all my years of announcing arena shit..."
My fav is probably "Hey, this wolf has 2 hearts!"
i think mine so far for this season is probably Mike's "u figure out that a figure shit out check does not exist."
although i change my mind a lot cuz there are a lot of good ones even with this season being only 7 episodes in


New member
Jan 16, 2009
Dude, It's a day after, are you not going to at least let us have a courteous 48 hour notice?
By THOR! This is blasphemy, this is madness!


New member
May 7, 2009
unforgotten_bain said:
Dude, It's a day after, are you not going to at least let us have a courteous 48 hour notice?
By THOR! This is blasphemy, this is madness!
This is not madness! THIS IS UREALMS!


New member
May 21, 2009
Since Everyone is crying and Whinign About the New episode Not Being Up I will State What I think May have Happened...
The First And most Likely Cause of The Delay is That Rob Was Abducted By Aliens and They Decided to Make him their Leader...
In order to Have Longer Episodes We Are switching Back to the One episode Per 2 Weeks Schedule Again.
Rob Said $%#% It and Quit Urealms.
Purhaps We Will Never Know.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
well i sure hope he dose not stop because even if i didn't find his last episode (what i watched) funny that dose not mean i want those who did to miss out on what i think is a particularly hilarious series and even at the risk of missing something videl i still attend to watch the next episode.The two weeks break would be just long enough for me to be ready to give UR another try so it dose not really bug me ^^ and if it bugs you then get over it like was stated before YOU DON'T PAY FOR IT(or at least i don't think you do) so you have no right to complain just take what u get and if u have to state what u think once (or twice if ur like me and u tend to state things badly -_- ) (PS:don't bother quoting this if u agree or don't or just don't like me because im not checking back and i don't care ^_^ )


New member
Feb 11, 2008
So what's the story on the new episode and its lack of existence? Are they (hopefully) going back to the twice monthly update?