Universal Porn Filter Coming to the U.K.


New member
Mar 17, 2010
welp rather than ***** about this i decided to write my MP by e-mail. and then ***** about it

bjj hero

New member
Feb 4, 2009
idarkphoenixi said:
Nothing get's under my skin more than a politician hiding behind children. Notice, he mentioned "secretive file-sharing networks". Now I wonder what he's talking about when he says "file-sharing"...At least have the guts to say what this is really about.

This fucking country sometimes...I wish more than anything I had the kind of money to move out, but unfortunately I'm stuck with a ridiculously conservative nation that doesn't give a single iota to what "I" want.

But hey, it's all about the children, everything we do is to protect the children, right?

Don't worry kids, you can still see naked ladies on page 3 newspapers. He's already specifically said he's not touching the newspapers, which makes it all the more obvious this has nothing to do with porn.
It looks like page 3 is on the way out, there is a group at the sun being put together at the moment to suggest what it can be replaced with (my suggestion is news).

If you want your views considered vote and become politically active, form groups, lobby your mp.

I dont feel strongly on this. Its not a ban, you just have to request adult content
Were all adults so wheres the problem? Unless youre not. Then its aimed at you.


New member
May 2, 2013
luvd1 said:
You can tell there's an election brewing. Now stop piddling about Tory boy and get back to the economy you ineffective, creedless, vacuous, joke of a man. You make my blood run cold at the thought of your ineptitude.
I would say hes more of a shambles than a joke - I never found him funny.


New member
May 25, 2013
1.) this shit never works. my school tries blocking all of the gaming and "bad" sites out there. Everybody still manages to play games on their school laptops. Hell, this entire site's devoted to gaming and I'm typing this on my school's laptop.


3.) Wouldn't it make more sense to simply give more power to the agencies that are supposed to bring down sites hosting child porn and rape porn? This way you can combat illegal sites without imposing on their citizens rights.


New member
Apr 22, 2010
I'm pretty certain that this won't go through for as long as we're in the EU - having to sign up to a sex register for unrestricted access to the internet isn't exactly the sort of thing they go for.

Dominic Crossman

New member
Apr 15, 2013
Andy Shandy said:
Dr. Cox really does put it best
You know there are problems that actually relevant, like having terrorist and hate preachers in the UK who we won't deport because of their "human rights".
My question is where are their victims' human rights?
With issues like this, how the hell can censoring porn be protecting us when our soilders are stabbed to death and ran down in the middle of London or the attacks of 7/7 kill dozens of people.
I'm not polictal but I've had it with the coalition.
Sorry for going off topic, the blindness the goverment has to bigger issues just comes to mind when they start doing trivial, unimportant stuff like this.

Captcha: no-brainer


Music Slave
Nov 4, 2009
Control the internet ... without shutting it off. Good luck with that Mr Cameron, your going to need it.


New member
Jul 22, 2013
As others have said I find this type of thing rather offensive, but if Mr. Cameron thinks he can successfully censor all the porn I wish him luck in his endeavour.

Verlander said:
I'm pretty certain that this won't go through for as long as we're in the EU - having to sign up to a sex register for unrestricted access to the internet isn't exactly the sort of thing they go for.
Whilst they have been rather good about appearing outraged about matters such as the US spying on us I wouldn't be so sure that they would stop this kind of thing considering they spend millions of pounds setting up groups to trawl the internet looking for anti EU content. And they do love state interference in every facet life, so I again I wouldn't put it past them supporting this.

Prince Regent said:
But surely the social liberals won't stand for this. Personal freedom is one of their bullet points.Hell its the whole embodiment of the social liberal ideology. And I cant really imagine labour helping out the conservatives on this either, so how are they going to get it through parliament
Can someone that follows british politics better than me please explain this?
The only reason Labour wouldn't support this is because the Tories suggested it, but the leader of the Labour party is currently one of the weakest politicians this country has ever seen and well I imagine he may very well support to make it look like he is one of the good guys. I do find it amusing how a lot of the people on this site think that the Labour party wouldn't be supportive of such measures considering state interference and state control are two of their core tenets. Also the Tories won't need Labour if their whipping boys in the Lib Dems (who are in coalition with them) decided to do what Cameron tells them to do.

Matt Dellar said:
Wait, this guy is conservative? Aren't conservatives supposed to be against empowering the government more than it already is?

Regardless, I have a feeling Google DNS is going to become very popular in the UK very quickly.
No he isn't a conservative. That is the name of his party - it isn't his political position, which coincidentally is why he is currently haemorrhaging support to UKIP.

Tanis said:
Didn't the UK suffer BOMBING RUNS from fascists like Cameron?

You'd think, after killing enough Nazis, that they'd have been wiped out.

But, I guess Cameron and his ilk show that Nazis are like cancer.
Just when you think you've beaten it...it comes back.
Why is he a Nazi? Surely Communist would be a better fit considering that their use of censorship was and is much more widespread than the Nazi party (who only briefly existed in Germany and a few other states for a very short period of time). The communists are still doing it today after all and even in the UK their are groups like Antifa who are extremely supportive of such measures.


New member
Dec 16, 2008
I don't recall Labour winning the election. Odd.

This is parental incompetence masquerading a saving a childs' innocence. It is a parents duty to make sure thier child is aware of both the joys and dangers of growing up, not some greasy-haired man who had the political determination of a hagfish.

Also: From what I recall about the UK political system (aka, form living in the UK) This still has to get alot of passes before it is law. The plain cigarette packaging scheme and the staple price for a unit of alcohol also started off with this amount of fervor. Both are no longer coming into effect.


New member
Feb 10, 2010
Oh Cameron you poor, dumb bastard. You've finally hit the trip wire people will not tolerate. 1st rule of politics: go after any civil liberties you want, but NEVER, EVER go after peoples' right to the porn...


New member
Jun 26, 2013
Germanicus said:
Why is he a Nazi? Surely Communist would be a better fit considering that their use of censorship was and is much more widespread than the Nazi party (who only briefly existed in Germany and a few other states for a very short period of time). The communists are still doing it today after all and even in the UK their are groups like Antifa who are extremely supportive of such measures.
Because communism is an economic model and "Nazi" is generally short-hand for fascist?


New member
Mar 1, 2011
deonte9109 said:
There might be a way to make it hard on the gov't.
Step 1: Opt for access to porn sites
Step 2: Create a folder on your computer labeled with the name Porn, CP, or some other potentially incriminating title
Step 3: Fill created folder with several Gbs worth of videos of Rick Astley or other troll worthy videos (make sure the videos are super long and are loops)

When the FBI ,or whatever is the British equivalent, search your computer somebody has to sit down and watch all of the videos from start to finish.
The "Extreme Pornography" laws are so badly worded that they WILL find something on your computer or in your browser history that they can charge you with. And they will.

Lord Doomhammer

New member
Apr 29, 2008
United States
I'm going to be interested to see Microsoft(Bing) and Google's responses to this... Something tells me they aren't going to care very much.

Robot Number V

New member
May 15, 2012
One step forward, followed by several million steps back. The porn filter itself is actually not a bad idea. I'm not saying that ANY porn would fuck up a kid for life or anything, but...Well, there is some fucked up shit out there. And right now, unless the parents just stare over their children's shoulder EVERY TIME they use a PC or smartphone, there's not really a good way to stop them from finding that seriously fucked up shit. Filters like this are absolutely necessary for parents.

But that's the thing. FOR PARENTS. It should be THEIR responsibility to REQUEST the filter, not the other way around. Blocking ANYTHING from the general public in the name of "the children" is censorship, plain and simple. Their trying to parent an entire country.


New member
Jul 9, 2012
Well if this is going to play out similar to the ban on alcohol in america then we are in for a lot of new porn on the rise!


New member
Oct 14, 2010
This is likely a political distraction and a quick way to score points with social conservatives.

I doubt it will happen, the ISPs will likely kick up a fuss or just install the active choice system they were working on anyway.

But since we don't have things like the first amendment this really could happen.

What is more sinister is he is conflating this with child and illegal porn to silence opposition, and basically threatened google into doing something they already do.

Samurai Rabbit

New member
Apr 2, 2011
I know it's against the TOU to self link, but I feel that this will save me a lot of typing:

This is about control and nothing more, this will escalate if it is allowed to go unchecked. Pornography today, then tomorrow bloggers and their "terroist" propaganda, unfavourable reviews of consumer products that infringe on intellectual property.

A slippery slope indeed.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
So he's only just noticed that there are bad things on the internet? Did he just discover the internet? Does he think it's a new thing? Yes there's bad stuff on the internet, that's why you use easily found parental blocking software, or better yet, parents teach their children that they aren't old enough to look at it and block it.

Funny how better parenting and basic common sense is apparently never an option when things like this arise.

It's like letting a 5 year old walk through the streets by themselves, and they see a homeless man begging for change, or they nearly get mugged. Yes it's a shame there are bad things in the world, but the more sensible option is to accompany them and steer them around things rather than giving them freedom and then immediately wrestling it away.