Unpopular Opinions


New member
Jul 7, 2011
I hate mayonnaise, why do restaurants and fast-food places that do chicken burgers insist on putting that shit on? It ruins the taste of the meat and it looks like someone spunked in my burger.

I don't think Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is the worst movie of the series, surviving a nuclear blast by hiding in a lead-lined fridge is more believable than jumping out a plane with a liferaft to land safely.

Scripture classes shouldn't be mandatory in public schools (some schools they are in AUS), they should be opt-in only by the student's choice, and an alternative class could be offered with more practical advice (drug education, recognising scams/cults, lifeplanning, common sense, etc)

Feminism has become plagued with pseudo-academics who whine about trivial first-world non-problems with false statistics and unsubstantiated anecdotal claims (gender pay gap, rape culture, etc) in order to profit from charitable donations and achieve undeserved celebrity status, when real injustices occur against women in much of the third-world that they brush off as not as important as their causes or use as a signal boost for their own ideals.

Labradors are the worst breed of dog.

Johnny Novgorod

Bebop Man
Feb 9, 2012
Zontar said:
Johnny Novgorod said:
Make a Pokemon game where you can actually catch them all?
I think the first two generations, since gen 1 does have a small card you can printout if you catch all 151, and gen 2 had the ability to have all gen 1 pokemon transferred to it. I think it's at gen 3 where it stopped being possible.
But you can't catch them all in a single game (i.e. Blue), you need to play/trade with Red as well. Same w/ Gold and Silver.


New member
Jul 27, 2014
TakerFoxx said:
A utopian society is not only impossible, but an inherently dreadful concept and is far worse than the chaotic, imperfect world we live in now.
Hmm. May I hear your reasoning why it's a bad concept?

OT: Most of the criticisms against Man of Steel don't hold water when held up to any real scrutiny.


New member
Oct 30, 2012
- I am putting aside my skepticism for the new Star Wars movies. JJ might not fuck this up
- the MOBA genre killed RTS
- Halo: Combat Evolved is a good shooter and will be remembered as one of the big game changing titles in all of gaming
- American Football is dangerous, and parents should reconsider letting their kids play.
- Korra is the worst protagonist I've seen in a long time.
- I still don't see what is so special about Felicia Day, and nobody can give me an answer.
- I don't like or understand shipping culture in fandoms, think it's overblown and dumb
- Dubs > subs for the .238% of anime I watch
- Captain America, and all heroes (from all fiction) like him are crap. Idealism wearing the skin of a man or woman. Makes me cringe.
- Steven Universe is overrated
- ME3 was a cautionary tale to developers who think they can write complicated game narratives. Also for PR people on how not to handle disappointed fans
- Twitter is fine. Just use the block features and follow what you want. If you don't like it, get off it.
- Steak is disgusting, along with most meat.
- I think a lot of comedy is bad, and don't really care for stand-up

Can't think of anything else.


New member
Dec 7, 2008
* I find My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic bores me cross-eyed.

* Naruto is terrible manga with terrible people in general as protagonists.

* Harry Potter is very derivative and every character in it has the common sense of a moldy cabbage. Voldemort could only come back due to the collective neglect and stupidity of the Wizarding World and could be defeated handily by a bunch of muggle soldiers.

* Dan Brown is not only undeserving of the title of "scholar" in any respect but his books rely too much on the protagonists being ignorant of facts that they (according to their background) should be familiar with.

* Gridiron/American Football is a less demanding and exciting sport than just about any form of Rugby.


New member
Oct 30, 2012
StormShaun said:
We all have our lists, and I'm sure many of us aren't listing all of them.
Still, I'd like to share mine. They are all in random order, which is funny since I love organization.

- I think The Last of Us was a mistake for Naughty Dog. (And a terrible story for that matter.)
Why do you think so, if you don't mind me asking? Personally I think it was extremely derivative, and Druckmann is a hack who couldn't touch Hennig.


New member
Aug 30, 2010
Dragon Age 2 trumps Origins in every way but story.
Bacon isn't that good.
All illicit drugs should be decriminalised.[footnote]Which is not the same as legalised.[/footnote]
Fedoras/Trilbies are cool depending on the person wearing them.
Nickleback sound good (though I don't own any music by them).
Five Night at Freddy's is total shit (though I really enjoy Game Theory's series on its lore, which is astounding if right).

Sure I have more, just can't think of any.


New member
Jun 9, 2012
I absolutely positively undeniably hate ketchup.
GTA 4 is absolutely boring to me.
Playing Skyrim, while it was a really good time for me, I think is massively overrated.
Afrojack is a terrible musician.
I never liked My Chemical Romance.
Dave Mustaine should just.stop.singing.
David Beckham's work ethic and professionalism while he was a player needs to be praised more.
Pele overrates himself. (wouldn't know for sure though, wasn't alive when he played).
Clubbing is annoying, Lounge's are awesome.
Corona beers are a waste of time and money.
Cricket in the 90's was better than it is today.
I actually really like leg day in the gym.
I don't like Vanilla Ice cream.

The Lost Symbol doesn't deserve the success it got.

Dr. Crawver

Doesn't know why he has premium
Nov 20, 2009
Hitler, for all his character flaws, was an incredibly charismatic and strong leader, and was unfortunately what Germany needed at the time.

Kenbo Slice

Deep In The Willow
Jun 7, 2010
Elfgore said:
- The Hobbit movies are very close to being as great as the Lord of the Rings.
You're dead to me :p

OT: Batman Begins is better than The Dark Knight.
Breaking Bad is not the greatest television show of all time, and Better Call Saul is way better.
Deflategate is a joke. GO PATS!


New member
Nov 5, 2012
djdomain said:
Feminism has become plagued with pseudo-academics who whine about trivial first-world non-problems with false statistics and unsubstantiated anecdotal claims (gender pay gap, rape culture, etc) in order to profit from charitable donations and achieve undeserved celebrity status, when real injustices occur against women in much of the third-world that they brush off as not as important as their causes or use as a signal boost for their own ideals.
Whenever I see claims like this I have to wonder about how much exposure the individual has had to feminists IRL, as opposed to internet feminists. See, I always wonder this because, with a bit of research, you could find numerous examples of people doing exactly the kind of the things you complain aren't happening. Here's a good example from close to home, my wife is a feminist, as am I, but she obtained her degree in public health from Tulane University and is pursing a doctorate in biological anthropology, a local chapter of feminist social advocates raised money for her to take a trip to Saudi Arabia and give lectures in various classrooms (both middle and high school) on the health risks of genital mutilation (which she actually devoted a large portion of her thesis to), because it is a depressingly ubiquitous practice in some parts of the country. Sure, it's not the kind of thing that makes newspapers, but it helps. Real injustices occur everywhere, slavery is alive and well in America and most western countries, it's just become focused in the illegal sex trade and disproportionally effects women and children. You can likewise choose to believe rape culture doesn't exist, that's your prerogative, but I've experienced it first hand, the mistake so many people make when condemning the term is failing to understand it's full definition. It takes into account the culture that allows men and women in prison and the military to have ridiculously high rates of sexual assault, and absolutely no support structure to report their attacker and heal afterwards. Maybe you'll think I'm another SJW or whatever, but I've spent a good part of my life trying to make a positive change in the lives of others, so has my wife, so have the other feminists I know.

Johnny Impact

New member
Aug 6, 2008
JoJo said:
My favourite episode of Star Wars is the Phantom Menace. Yes, I even like Jar Jar Binks.
MarsAtlas said:
I like the sequels to The Matrix better than the original film itself.

Batman Begins is better than The Dark Knight.
You are dead to me. Along with the guy who hates bacon. Can't find that now for some reason.

People have the right to kill themselves. This is a bit of a tricky one because I don't especially agree with it. I think most suicides fall in the category of permanent solution, temporary problem. I vehemently support the right to do it, however, for one simple reason: nobody's gonna tell me how to feel. I extend the same courtesy to others. If it's so bad they can't take it anymore, and they want to check out, they can go right ahead. I'm not going to insult them by telling them to cheer up. I don't buy the notion that suicide is weak. Everyone's got a breaking point. Some of us simply reach it. We can't know what goes on in others' heads, the torment they might be experiencing every moment. I don't believe it's selfish, either. How selfish is it for family/friends to demand this person live on in unimaginable pain?

No topic is forbidden in discussion. You'd think this wouldn't be unpopular, but lately I wonder. People have this amazing habit of seizing the one word in a sentence they find objectionable, yanking it out of context, and having a full-on ragesplosion. Anyway, discussing something does not mean agreeing with it. Words are awesome tools, probably the best we have, but they are still just words. The word is not the deed. To forbid discussion is to forbid education, debate, compromise, information, philosophy, consensus, civilized disagreement -- essentially to forbid society itself. Try having your next conversation with nothing more than grunts and gestures! I'm being silly, but you get the point. People want to ban ideas, shut down all mention of topics they find uncomfortable. This doesn't work. Go ahead, ban discussion of rape. See if rape stats drop. I'm pretty sure they won't. Discuss, inform, educate about rape and they might.

I generally prefer dubbed to subtitled. Not because I don't like to read, but because I like to be able to look away for two seconds without missing something.

Religion is hogwash. I know, probably a lot of atheists here on the site. In my country at large, however, a truly depressing percentage of the population is into it. I have never wondered how people fall for pyramid schemes. If they believe this, how smart can they be?

The death penalty is a fabulous idea. When you find a weed in your garden, you don't move it to a special area and continue to water and care for it. You pull it, chuck it over your shoulder, and forget about it.

I like Superman. Not Man of Steel, that was merely passable. I mean the character. Not sure how unpopular this opinion really is, but Supes seems to get a lot of flak for being flat, uninteresting, and too powerful.

The Last of Us is merely good, not the best thing in the history of ever. Probably the best movement I've seen in an over-the-shoulder analog stick game, but the enemies are uninspired, the instakills are cheap, the visuals (while great) are generic, and the characters didn't grab me.

Life is not sacred. First, it's quite clear life is merely a chemical accident. Second, I hate the hypocrisy of the life-is-sacred argument. Ever take cold medicine? You don't believe life is sacred. Ever hunt or fish for enjoyment, rather than purely for sustenance? You don't believe life is sacred. Ever advocate the death penalty? And so forth. This is not to say we should chop down all the rain forests and murder each other willy-nilly. I'm just saying don't tell me life is precious while wearing a leather coat made from an animal that died not so you could avoid starvation but so you could be stylish.

Beer is gross. It tastes like carbonated bicycle tire. Yes, I've tried the "good" stuff.


It took 6 months to read my title.
Jun 6, 2008
Johnny Impact said:
I'm sorry that people are unnaturally attached to the fattiest part of pork cooked in it's own grease. How people can enjoy crunchy meat is beyond me. I suppose I'll just have to live with myself and my lengthened life span.


The Basement has been unleashed!
Feb 1, 2009
Ishal said:
Why do you think so, if you don't mind me asking? Personally I think it was extremely derivative, and Druckmann is a hack who couldn't touch Hennig.
Well first and foremost, I do have my biases, especially when it comes to the Jak and Daxter games.
That series is near the top of my list as a gamer, and I've had many fun childhood memories with it. I enjoyed the story about two best friends trying to overcome the odds. You could say it spoke to me at that certain age.

Yet this story created a intriguing plot surrounding it and future games. So I can also view a little professionally.

As a professional (at least I try to be one), student, writer, and aspiring author, I believe that the Last of Us was very basic, and it held the hand of the player. The story was a road, one filled with small bumps (gameplay), and little hills that fit the video game genre. In terms of the story, it was very ... Plain, I guess. Virus, girl who can save everyone, and the journey of a man who lost a daughter. Pretty basic, sure, but I'll give it compliments for the ending.

Still, it is very basic and doesn't add anything around it, heck I'd say it doesn't seem alive, unlike the Jak and Daxter series. That series adds great characters, a changing world, and a story that comes with its own little uniqueness. Of course though, both are games, not a book. So limits were unfortunately applied to The Last of Us. Other games seem to do well in story. :p

I should mention, this is my opinion, people can prefer stories like this, and some of them do actually work ... I just feel that TLoU did not.


Nemo saltat sobrius
Mar 9, 2010
I don't like Paul Verhoeven movies. The man has no subtlety. He makes a point with some easily understood metaphor and then throws around gobs of blood and brains and tits screaming for attention. That's not brilliant, it's kind of juvenile.

Conversely, I love all Richard Kelly movies. Even Southland Tales... especially Southland Tales.
Sep 24, 2008
Spider RedNight said:
Also I find it interesting that you say "people can have different opinions" then turn around and say "to devolve into insults... doesn't fix anything" as you say "fuck this and fuck that". That just piqued my interest, is all xD
I understand it's a "Fight for everlasting peace" situation.

It doesn't make sense, but the current mindset of the internet generation is one that if you approach respectfully, it just makes it easier for them to walk on you. Talking gently is good for them because they can yell over you and feel like you're an easy target.

The Youtube comment section is a somewhat of a barometer of the level of discourse people are willing to have nowadays. It saddens me, and that old adage of "We're closer to Idiocracy" infuriates me, honestly. But yeah, if it could be fixed with calm heads and polite conversation, I would infinitely prefer that.


Sep 23, 2014
Cannibal Corpse's last two albums are their best, and they got more musically interesting since Chris Barnes' departure

I prefer Indiana Jones 4's use of aliens as the plot device rather than the supernatural (but as a film it's still the worst)

Bioshock Infinite is much better than Bioshock (because it's less like a watered-down System Shock 2 clone)

Two of Wish You Were Here's five songs do absolutely nothing for me (Welcome to the Machine and Have a Cigar)

12-bar blues is insufferable

The only defence I'll accept for eating meat is its taste

MarsAtlas said:
I like the sequels to The Matrix better than the original film itself.
How about the Animatrix? I prefer it to the sequels, though not the original. But looking back, the original has some terrible flaws.