[UPDATE] BioWare Denies Multiplayer for Mass Effect 3


New member
Feb 25, 2010
I would very much NOT like to see Mass Effect 3 with multiplayer. I was told CoD4:MW was a brilliant game with a stong multiplayer scene. No, it was a SHORT game with a multiplayer scene that was primarily populated with complete fuckwits whose only claim to being well-balanced is that they had a chip on both shoulders.

Multiplayer detracts from the single player aspects and attracts more idiots than American churches.

They could do with getting rid of the planet-scanning stuff and bring back the Mako (shut up, it's easy once you get the hang of it!) though.

Addressing some other concerns voiced here, Earth would be a key target because it's still the centre of humanity. There's nothing to say it gets hit first or even early on in proceedings. True there's nothing to say anywhere else gets hit either but it would be bordering on the ridiculous to even consider the notion that nowhere else gets hit.

The way I would imagine things happen, the Reapers would go for the jugular first and mop up the rest later. You can pull the leaves off a weed but unless you eradiate the root, they will grow back. Earth might be hit early on because it's close (in galactic terms) to The Citadel - this is assuming that the Reapers use it, and not some other method, to travel from dark space. Plus I assume the Reaper fleet is vast enough to attack many targets at once. It was certainly big enough at the end of ME2 to raise a nervous "prrp" from my exhaust pipe.

I agree that ME2 was somewhat human-centred comapred to ME1. The in-game argument that humans were being picked on because Shepard killed a Reaper doesn't hold that much weight as it was a team effort. OK so it was a human that pulled the team together in both games and, depending on how you played ME1, humanity is on a roll one way or another but there are other races that would make for a stiffer challenge. Considering that a large amount of the aliens encountered in ME1 and ME2 seem to have no love for humanity then it's incredible Shepard got anywhere at all! Sure the Reapers would recognise Shepard and his crew as a threat because I'm guessing that they've never met such resistance before.

What I am curious about is what happens with regards to Shepard's "alliance" with Cerberus. It's clear that he has no love for them and stresses he was working with and not for them in ME2. Again I suppose it will come down to the decision made at the end of ME2. Personally I reckon the Illusive Man is in cahoots with The Reapers...he has that look in his eyes.



Circuitboard Seahorse
Dec 13, 2008
Do us proud Bioware, resist the multiplayer bandwagon.

I wouldn't balk at a multiplayer game set in the ME universe but I would like to see it kept entirely seperate from the singleplayer aspect.

But if not, then what next? Competitive multiplayer in Dragon Age 2? Surprise announcement coming soon!


New member
Nov 20, 2009
Multiplayer Discussion:

I'd hate to say that this is exactly what would happen, but if they feel the need to put multiplayer in I'd be afraid ME3 would likely go the way of Bioshock 2. Sure, Bioshock 2 was fun, but it wasn't phenomenal like the first one was. Had they spent the time they sunk into the multiplayer on that game into the main story line, who knows how much better (and longer!) it could have been.

Story Discussion:

I think we're missing one big fact here though, in regards to why the Reapers attack Earth. All we know about the game is what we've seen from that quick trailer. There's no mention of the citadel at all, much less any other planet. This doesn't necessarily mean that the Reapers passed it up. Mass Effect 2 started, essentially, by skipping ahead a few years, who's to say Mass Effect 3 won't start out by skipping ahead a few weeks? They could thrust us en media res to a point where the citadel has already fallen and now the Reapers are going after the individual home planets of all the big species.


New member
Jul 22, 2009
Oh wow, they avoided doing a BioShock 2 and instead focused on making the core game worth playing. That's pretty awesome; I had a feeling Bioware wouldn't let down the players who appreciated Mass Effect for what it is.


New member
Oct 5, 2010
To be honest, i don't think Mass effect is the right type of game for a multiplayer. I thought the same about Assassin's creed brotherhood, but that was a fluke at best.


New member
Jan 1, 2008
RatRace123 said:
Oh thank god, that was actually something I was worried about.
Good to see they're pouring all their Mass Effect resources into making a kick ass single player game.
Well the multiplayer i would have been interested in was simply co-op campaign, ut yeah ifit's down to half assed MP or a great finaly i'm with ya.


Stormfather take you!
Nov 10, 2009
Damnit Bioware, when did you become such a tease? First the bogus hints about a "new" game announcement, and now these intentionally ambiguous answers and counter answers to multiplayer rumors? Stop being jerks and answer up.


New member
May 20, 2009
Just so long as I can have a Hanar, Volus and Batarian Companian, I don't care if they make the whole story about a tea party of Reapers and Shepard can either serve or eat the cake!


New member
Sep 9, 2009
God no. As she said "Mass Effect is a SINGLE PLAYER game". If I want to play CoD, I'll play CoD.


M-f-ing Jedi Master
Dec 19, 2009
Cool. I don't wanna end up making BioWare not my favorite game developer with this fiasco.



New member
Mar 12, 2010
CosmicCommander said:
MiracleOfSound said:
1. They're not.

The Reapers wipe out all civilised worlds when they come for their little visits.
Allow me to clarify... Why are they starting with Earth? Why does it seem to be their priority target? It's a very bad place to start, considering it's at the end of the Mass Relay system, and it isn't the head of galactic Government. Wouldn't it make far more sense to go with the original plan of destroying all infrastructure and communication in the Galaxy by wiping out the Citadel. Then everyone will be scrambled, unorganized, and then they can attack Earth with ease.

2. It makes sense they target Earth first...
No it doesn't. Think of it... seeing as Earth is at the end of the line in the Mass Relay system, they'll have their backs against the wall if the other races turn up. And the fact that destroying a single planet will not screw things up at all for the rest of the Galaxy. You see, the Reapers rely on blitzkrieg; they can instantly wipe out foes, but they can't wage any defensive battles with ease. As omnipotent beings of logic, obviously they should realise that a quick attack on the infrastructure and military is their best bet, instead of waging a static war which leaves them easy targets.

The idea that they'd stupidly negate the plan that has worked dramatically well for the past several million years just for a hunt on a single human, by doing a static attack on one planet... Is ridiculous.

Although its a little harsh to judge the game sorely based on its trailer, even if it was kinda dumb and cliche.
However I can see this being nothing other than 'Oh noes! Earth is under attack! Itz up to Commanda Shepherd to shag aliens via neverending dialogue options and then eventually get around to stopping da bad dudes and saving humanity...AGAIN!'

Like you said its always about the humans, and humans suck.
In Mass Effect 2 the only crew member that seemed alien to me was Tali, all the others seemed like aside from their appearance that they just had a couple characteristics shown here and there making them slightly differentiated from humans, though that may be a bit harsh, seeing as if all the non-human characters were too different you probably couldn't relate to them much.

OT: If this is true than some of my personal fears about Mass Effect 3 have been alleviated.


New member
Sep 20, 2009
Wow, I came into this thread expecting everyone to be spewing profanities that multiplayer most likely isn't going to be included.

You have surprised me escapist. Surprised me in a good way. :)

Broken Orange

God Among Men
Apr 14, 2009
Veret said:
I don't object to multiplayer in this series, but I certainly don't want it anywhere near the main trilogy. Here's hoping somebody who actually works for Bioware comes out and confirms this story soon.

Oh, and the moderator in question (Pacifien) is a she. Not that it matters, but that was bugging me. Fix please?
This (thd first part). The finality is too important for it to get muddled up with multiplaya. I'll look forward to a spin off game.


New member
Dec 13, 2010
Mass Effect does not need multiplayer. It carries a solid campaign that has a high replay value. I usually watch Zero Punctuation just to laugh but I do agree with Yahtzee on one of his ideas; games need a solid campaign and multiplayer should be the after thought. That is why Modern Warfare 2, Black Ops, Halo 3 and Medal of Honor are not terrible games but are not good either.


New member
Nov 29, 2010
RollForInitiative said:
MiracleOfSound said:
Sometimes I think people just want a reason to *****.
A writer I once worked with said something to the effect of: "You could give the players a hat that will create their perfect RPG experience for them and they would ***** about the color of the hat."
I demand a clear hat! Clear is a color, right?