Owyn_Merrilin said:
Anton P. Nym said:
That's not correct. Or, at the very least, it's hypocritical unless you think that falsifying one's standing on a game's global leaderboards also hurts no one.
But it's not a highscore system, it's a percent completion system multiplied by ten.
That's false. Most games* can be completed in entirety and not receive a 1000/1000 or 200/200 score from them. Many Achievements are built to reward replay; others for map exploration; my favourites tend to be the ones that support "tricking", as so well done in
Crackdown... Base Jumping is my all-time favourite Achievement ever, and is entirely unnecessary to completing the game. Many of the best Achievements measure intelligent or creative play... getting the "Pacifist" Achievement in
Geometry Wars is extremely hard to do, for example.
Your example of two players completing the game on different difficulties and receieving the same Gamerscore is also incorrect, at least in the games I've played, as there are often Achievements for playing through at the highest difficulty level. (I still don't have the one for playing
Mass Effect 2 on "Insanity" difficulty, though I have all the rest.)
If you value High Score systems, and would resent someone going into the back of an arcade cabinet and setting the DIPs to put their own initials at the top or digitally falsifying a winning lap time of "0:01" in
Mario Kart's global leaderboard, then you cannot dismiss cheating on Gamerscore as irrelevant.
-- Steve