Microsoft have told their side of the story, it's right here:KalosCast said:Guild leaders are allowed to run a guild in any way they want. Though, kudos for bringing up yet another story where everyone loved to demonize the people who haven't gotten a chance to tell their side of the story yet.Woodsey said:OK, well forgive me for not quite believing that an 11-year-old autistic kid has managed to "tamper his account" to boost his gamer score, and that he should be treated just the same as a regular 15+ year old.KalosCast said:He didn't get berated, he got the exact same treatment that everyone else gets in that situation. Being autistic doesn't magically make you immune to the rules that you agreed to when signing up for a service.Woodsey said:Even if he was cheating, I don't think they need to berate an autistic, 11-year-old kid for something that is obviously important to him - and important in a way that most of us wouldn't "get".
I suppose that deaf guy deserved to be kicked out of his WoW guild too because he could no longer hear people on team speak.
"Microsoft says it's confident that someone tampered with Jackson's account to boost his score in an illegitimate manner, and doesn't currently plan to give him his achievements back."