SuperMse said:
Also, how will saying "gay" turn Xbox Live or PSN into Red Light Districts? It can be used to describe many things, and even if used to describe the orientation, I doubt Xbox Live or PSN would become all about sex. Besides, she just said she was a lesbian in her "About Me" section, so its not like she was advertising it; she just thought that it was something about her important enough to put in her profile.
Not sure what my status has to do anything but the fact you reconized it's me and missed the humour and my post might mean you don't watch my show. When I say fag is a "perfectly acceptable" racial slur, I am meaning it as what everyone who uses it via internet gaming.
It means you are a newb.
When someone over an internet game calls you a "fag" they mean you are a "Newb". Someone camping behind a wall? That guys being a fag. Someone picks up all the extra health packs when your at 10% HP? Fag. Calm down, I nor the people using it like this really care about your sexuality, they are just saying it because they think you are lame. And you know what? In an Xbox live Profile, I don't need to know someones Sexual orientation because it doesn't matter to me and it shouldn't matter to anyone else. In fact, I bet if you find some guy/girl with a profile that says "I'm Straight" you can just go report it to xbox and have it removed too because it shouldn't be on a GAMING PROFILE.
The girl who posted this story is seeking attention. Thats why she put "Lesbian" in her profile. She wants people to see her and know that shes a lesbian and thats not acceptable behavior in a gaming community. Sexual orientation does not matter. If someone was harassing her for being a lesbian.. err wait how do they know shes a lesbian? Why didn't she just report them?
You kids play nice. You are missing the point. Microsoft isn't being biggots they are just being put into bad light by Ms Give-Me-Attention-Because-I-Am-Different.