Update: Xbox One To Take Cut With Every Pre-Owned Sale


New member
Jun 12, 2010
Altorin said:
You do realize that I was talking about Developers as in the Studio itself, not individual team members right? The studio handles the salaries, the studio enters agreements with publishers, and maybe, just maybe the developers will see a little bit more money.

None of this is for sure, but I don't see why it can't happen.


This is a...!
Apr 8, 2009
neppakyo said:
Mumorpuger said:
This pretty much sums up my thoughts. So I guess I can say "GOOD."

I guess I'm in the minority here, but I'm looking forward to the XB1 since I hit all the checkmarks of their target demographic.
You poor, poor bastard. Don't forget to smile and say hi to your xbone as it passively records you, and charges you for going over the limits of people in the room.

Oh, and crap games too. The 360 for the last year or so has released shit for games, and will continue that way for the xbone.

I'm a PC gamer, but the PS4 is looking interesting to me. Xbone not at all.
Tinfoil hat and speculation, much?

Proverbial Jon

Not evil, just mildly malevolent
Nov 10, 2009
Everything Microsoft has announced for the Xbone actually physically turns me away from it. We may have heard little about the PS4's actual capabilities and features but, just by saying nothing, Sony is already winning.

I hope this idea crashes and burns most gloriously.

Sonic Doctor

Time Lord / Whack-A-Newbie!
Jan 9, 2010
Won't effect me. I have never bought a used game in this respect.

The only used games I have ever bought is N64 and older back to NES, and that is because I can't buy physical copies new anymore, but even then I always end up paying a little extra because I want a copy that actually looks like it is new/been taken care of.

Other than that, I buy all games new at full price(usually pre-ordered special edition as with the last few 360 titles I bought), or a year later still new but when the price has dropped ten to twenty dollars.

I know GameStop gets most of their profit from used games, which makes me laugh because they must hate me, because if I ever go there to get a game, I walk by the used game rack "bleh" and get a new copy from the new rack, even if there is a copy for half that on the used rack.

I buy new in that respect, because I know I will get everything the game originally came with. I want a game that has a box that it belongs to, not one that the cover has been has been lost and has a GameStop logo on the box with the game name. I want it to have all the original inserts(not that there are many if any anymore). On the box thing, I've just never got that. How do you lose the box, or lose the cover insert? Do people actually take out the cover insert and throw it around or away? Maybe I'll just chalk that up to stupid little kids destroying the stuff they get for no reason.

What would I call myself? A dedicated gamer. When I buy a game, it is mine(until I die). I've never sold a game, ever. The only games that have left my possession are ones that were stolen in house break-ins(back in the day they stole my SNES and all the games). Over the years though, slowly but surely, I'm getting those stolen games back through E-Bay.


New member
Apr 26, 2011
Now this... this MUST be illegal in the EU. This is microsoft trying to inforce a monopol on the used games market for its console via price enforcement. And no.. the game industry is not entitled to money from the used games market just as the car industry is not entitled to money from the used car market.

So i hope they get knocked down a notch AGAIN by EU judges... but lawyers are amongst the slowest people in the world so i wont hold my breath.


New member
Nov 9, 2009

Sony endorses your dumb bullshit moves, Microsoft! Please, push all your followers to us! (and maybe Nintendo. But let's be honest, the Wii-U? Come ON)


New member
May 24, 2013
I think this means that it will be easier for an adult in the USA to legally buy/sell/trade/give a used shotgun than it would be for that same adult to perform the same transaction with a used xbox one game.


New member
Feb 8, 2008
I don't buy used games at GameStop because they are only five dollars cheaper than the new title. Why would I ever buy a used game if the discount isn't worth it?

Also, is Microsoft guaranteeing price protection because I know many stores that won't be able to survive if this concept is true.


New member
Feb 8, 2008
Serrenitei said:
re: Who get's what money -

So if we assume all costs at current market - $60 for a brand new game, 10% below that is $54. So for each sale that means that reseller get's approximately $5.40. The remaining $48.60 go to Microsoft for ... reasons and the publisher. It's not clear who would make out better between MS and publisher, but I get the feeling MS would probably take the lions share here, and the publisher is grateful to get anything from a used game sale.
Also, what is the trade in value of the game?

If I sell my game I should get at least $40 out of it then.

Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
Krantos said:
GameStop (and others): "What's that? You only want to give us 10% of each sale? Ha ha! See how many people buy your system when we don't stock it! Oh, and people want to buy the new games? Too bad we only have this small kiosk of Xbone games. After all, we had to devote this entire wall to the WiiU and PS4 games."

Really MS? Really? Did you actually think ANYONE would go for this?
If I was a retailer it's exactly what I would do. I would organize a nationwide or worldwide deal with other retailers to refuse to sell Microsoft's consoles and games, and instead I'd stock up on products of their competitors.

But I don't really expect that PS4 will be any different when it comes to used games. They've been very vague about it. The only difference is probably that PS4 doesn't demand that you install the entire game on your hard drive, which means that you don't have to log in once every 24 hours to have your account updated, because when you sell the game disc you won't be able to play the game. Which is still somewhat better than Microsoft's unnecessarily complicated way of doing it.


New member
Oct 14, 2010
allright gamers, time to put our collective money where our mouths are and NOT purchase this if we feel these practices are unethical and anticonsumer. do not let the pretty exclusives and shiny graphics distract you from your resolve.

oh who am I kidding the vast majority of gamers will buy this thing.


New member
Nov 24, 2009
Baron von Blitztank said:
Wow. I keep trying to say that this is the stupidest thing they could do, but it seems that with every passing day Microsoft just keep coming up with the most retarded thing I've ever heard!

Looking forward to tomorrow Microsoft!

completely agree. remember when sim city launched there was a new disastrous news stroy everyday. pretty much whats happening with the Xbox now, god this might keep me other til the next game of thrones episode

Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
JPArbiter said:
allright gamers, time to put our collective money where our mouths are and NOT purchase this if we feel these practices are unethical and anticonsumer. do not let the pretty exclusives and shiny graphics distract you from your resolve.

oh who am I kidding the vast majority of gamers will buy this thing.
I was reading some comments on some Facebook page and it's insane how excited people are for the new Xbox. They like everything about it. The problem is that they are uninformed. They are the kind of people who wait for days in front of Apple to buy the new iPhone. Mindless drones who don't give a fuck what they spend their money on as long as it's cool and trendy. And unfortunately that's the majority of the people on this planet.


A dyslexic man walks into a bra.
Jan 24, 2009
It's amazing how much worse this trainwreck gets with every piece of news they come out with. At this point it's a trainwreck that's been hit by at least 3 other trains. Microsoft has already shot itself in the foot so many times with this that it's more like shooting a pile of bloody flesh and bone fragments that used to be their feet.


New member
Jul 29, 2008
Where is the free trade commission where you need them? I think microsoft needs to be broken up once and for all after this stunt.

Smiley Face

New member
Jan 17, 2012
Dammit. My brother and I primarily game on the Xbox 360 now, and we don't care at all for this 'share button' nonsense on the PS4, but with all this nonsense about the Xbone, unless something dramatic changes, we're not going anywhere near that thing. Our internet connection can be pretty spotty, so a once-a-day connection won't always be possible. We have our own separate accounts, so with this registration thing, problems might pop up there, and heaven forbid if we want to lend the game to someone. Is there something I'm forgetting?

I just really, really hope that the Xbone (great name for it, haha) doesn't have any good exclusives to tempt me.

EDIT: Ah, yes, I'm forgetting the used sales bullshit that this whole article is about. And all this multimedia nonsense. And do we know if they're still going to charge for Xbox Live. Yeah, that's the icing on the cake. The cake made of bullshit.


Senior Member
Nov 19, 2009
Surely this is a good thing, right? Maybe the majority of posters in the thread can't read between the lines, but I can't see why this is 'anti-consumer' in any way.
I mean when I currently trade in a game and then see it being resold for at least twice the value, that doesn't strike me as a good deal, or ethical business. Particularly since retailers have started placing used and new games together, rather than in separate sections. Used games currently given retailers a massive profit margin, and returns nothing to the industry. At least with this method publishers (who y'know, give funding to devs) get a cut for EVERY sale. There's too many companies in the industry going down, and might it might be part of bad practice, I think companies would benefit from extra money in the industry, and would feel less pressure to make games that are all carbon copy brotastic shooters or whatever and devs (with publishers) can release interesting, adventurous games that might not conform to common taste.


Mugwamp Supreme
Nov 26, 2008
Smiley Face said:
Dammit. My brother and I primarily game on the Xbox 360 now, and we don't care at all for this 'share button' nonsense on the PS4, but with all this nonsense about the Xbone, unless something dramatic changes, we're not going anywhere near that thing. Our internet connection can be pretty spotty, so a once-a-day connection won't always be possible. We have our own separate accounts, so with this registration thing, problems might pop up there, and heaven forbid if we want to lend the game to someone. Is there something I'm forgetting?

I just really, really hope that the Xbone (great name for it, haha) doesn't have any good exclusives to tempt me.
If the 360 is any indication, they will get a few big titles but that'll be it. Sony held the lion's share of good exclusives and new IPs. Having owned both, I gained MUCH more enjoyment out of the ps3's exclusive titles. But I also love games like inFamous, Journey, Uncharted, and such. Halo and Gears of War were great but most every other large title I played on the 360 weren't exclusives.


New member
Jan 18, 2011
Eldritch Warlord said:
Marak Daga said:
hello pc. im glad i have you for many reasons.
That really does not make much sense. The vast majority of PC games do not support used sales at all.
True--but one of the key factors in the success of Steam that MS is rather flamingly obviously missing here is that while they don't have 'used game sales' as such, they *do* have deep-discount sales (75%-80% in some cases) that fill the niche splendidly (*and* solve that pesky 'Original provider not getting their skim off of the second+ sales of the *same* item' problem). MS's decision to limit used sales to only a 10% discount is frankly slitting their own throats.