Update: Xbox One To Take Cut With Every Pre-Owned Sale


New member
Nov 23, 2008
tardcore said:
Charli said:
I'm starting to feel dirty just for using windows 7...

I mean I would do everything in Linux Mint but... adobe, adobe and their picky ass shit.
Move to freeware products like The Gimp, NVU, and Avidemux and tell adobe to sod the hell off. You'll be glad you did.

So far the Xbone is looking like the next gen console equivalent of Sim City 5. I swear every time I read more about Microsoft's Xbone drivel I just hear the calliope version of Entry of the Gladiators playing in my head.
I have quite the arsenal of freeware media development tools at my disposal but my addlebrained co-workers tend to have a loading bar in their heads trigger, decreasing productivity if I don't at least convert the files in adobe format to suit their purposes. Such is life.


New member
Mar 12, 2012
Devil said:
Marak Daga said:
hello pc. im glad i have you for many reasons.
You mean the PC, where you cannot trade any game to another after you activate your CD key to your account / console too? Dang, I wish the past 15 years the PC wouldn't have those annoying CD keys, but thankfully Microsoft was kind enough to let us do that with the Xbox and Xbox 360 for those extra years! In essence, Microsoft gained a point here over the PC. Sorry all.

But in fairness, the score is still around MS: 03, PC: 87
You're absolutely right. You can't lend a buddy a PC game or sell one used. The ability to do what you wish with the games you buy is one of the advantages consoles have over the PC. Oh, I'm sorry. Did I say have? I guess I should have written had there, because actual ownership of your games and the ability to exercise your rights to do whatever the hell you want with them is now gone.


New member
Sep 23, 2010
I look and see people saying that this is good that it's hurting gamestop... Well Growing up I have always gone to Mom and Pop stores that's what got me into gaming. I urge you to go around your hometowns, chances are that there is one of these stores selling new and used games far cheaper and with far more pride and knowledge of the product than any Gamestop in the area. Unless you care about Pre Order bonuses there is no reason to purchase games from Gamestop over these places.

And these are the places that stand to be hurt most as they most likely would not be able to afford what cost Microsoft would charge them for the sales.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
So the update, how are they going to enforce that? they cannot legaly bind any retailer to sell at higher than x price. retailer can choose whatever price it wants and MS cant do anything about it, just like i can sell any price i want.

Devil said:
You mean the PC, where you cannot trade any game to another after you activate your CD key to your account / console too? Dang, I wish the past 15 years the PC wouldn't have those annoying CD keys, but thankfully Microsoft was kind enough to let us do that with the Xbox and Xbox 360 for those extra years! In essence, Microsoft gained a point here over the PC. Sorry all.

But in fairness, the score is still around MS: 03, PC: 87
This was the case of 3 PC games that were a failure and noone uses that stupidity. you can trade any PC game that you bought on disc with exception to those fake discs like ME3 where the disck had no game in it, jut a code for online download. Also i guess this will mean mroe people are goign to be willing to attempt to enforce the court ruling that digital games should be re-sellable and companies must make meants to do that.
Frankly i dont remember last time i entered a CD key, most games i played just asked for a disc to be inside the drive which i happily emulated so the game would nto destroy my disc drive needlessly.

KingsGambit said:
I love it. It's like Microsoft assumes that people will simply put up with this instead of simply not buying their bullshit console. A brilliant move whose outcome will inevitably be to have a console that no one buys. Bravo.
You know the sad thing? People will actually put up with it. because the average gamer dont care.

Winnosh said:
And these are the places that stand to be hurt most as they most likely would not be able to afford what cost Microsoft would charge them for the sales.
MS cannot charge them anything for sales. once the product is bought MS looses any rights to it. No wait, they actually dont thants to completely moronic Copyright laws. you dont actually own any of your games now. you cna thank mickey mouse for that.


New member
Feb 8, 2011
Wow it's like they tried to tell developers, Yeah we feel your pain and understand it sucks that when someone resells your game you don't get a part of the cut, so instead of fixing your problem as a show of good faith like partners should we decided we would take advantage of it for ourselves because fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck you guys!


Inexplicably Awesome
Sep 27, 2008
I'd hope that people wouldn't put up with this sort of nonsense, but they probably will. After all, people are still buying games on release, despite knowing that after few weeks it would be a third cheaper in half the places that sell them. I might just ignore it and go retro for a while.

Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
Karloff said:

There has been a clarification regarding the 10% sales cut issue:

The source revealed that game retailers will be forced to sell second hand games at just a 10% discount on the original RRP. This news will come as a shock to consumers who are currently used to purchasing trade-in games at up to 50% of the retail value.
So, the free market only works when the big corporations want it to work. Fuck the little guys, right? Retailers all around the world should just refuse to sell their products until the entire industry crashes. Because that's exactly what we need. This has become unbearable for everyone involved.


New member
Jul 23, 2009
Yep, Microsoft's pretty stupid for doing this, but don't think that Sony isn't going to do something similar. Sure, they said that people would be able to play used games on the PS4. Then they coughed and muttered "Sorta, kinda...". So here's hoping they're looking at the backlash of Microsoft's announcement and will say "Of COURSE you can play used games on the PS4 without strings attached. Why, that's be SILLY if you couldn't!" all the while, throwing their plans to do the same damn thing in the garbage behind their back so you couldn't see it.

"The source revealed that game retailers will be forced to sell second hand games at just a 10% discount on the original RRP. This news will come as a shock to consumers who are currently used to purchasing trade-in games at up to 50% of the retail value."

Oh, so not screwing the used game market as horribly (except that means they'll have to still sell a B-list game for $60 bucks even 2 years down the road). Just screwing the consumer more. Wonderful.


Migratory coconut
Oct 7, 2010
So really what M$ want is to be paid over and over for the same game. Fuck off M$, seriously fuck off into a corner and die.

No backwards compatibility and a money grubbing attitude to the used games market? One step too far IMO. Unless Monolith jumps ship with their embryonic Xenoblade sequel the next console I buy will be a used Wii U


New member
May 14, 2011
I... just... what? How is this even? Do Microsoft SERIOUSLY believe their fan base is devoted enough to put up with this? This could get them dangerously close to losing support from retailers, and if that happens they're pretty much fucked.

I just keep telling myself - there has to be something we're missing. There has to be some method to their madness we're just not seeing.

The Lugz

New member
Apr 23, 2011
Charli said:
I'm starting to feel dirty just for using windows 7...

I mean I would do everything in Linux Mint but... adobe, adobe and their picky ass shit.
haha, i hear you.. i have many microsoft bound products or i'd consider it myself but in fairness it's not the whole of microsoft that's gone to hell, only the smartphone, tablet, entertainment, operating system.. ok yeah when you think about it.. ms IS going to hell isn't it..

how are they even making money right now? the cloud?


New member
Jul 23, 2009
MS: Please tell me you?re going to appeal to my humanity.

Me: Uh, actually. I?m planning on threatening you.

MS: Heh. You should have kept your last gen system for that.

Me: Yeah?It?s seen a bit of mileage, and you?ve the?uh?*points at Xbox One* system of destiny. Would you like a drink?

MS: Stalling me won?t change anything.

Me: No no no. Threatening. No drink? You sure? I?m having one.

MS: The new generation is coming. Nothing will change that. What have I to fear?

Me: The Gaming Community.

MS: *looks puzzled*

Me: It?s what we call ourselves. Sort of like a team. Earth?s purchasers of game stuff type thing.

MS: Yes. I?ve met them.

Me: Yeah. Takes us awhile to get any traction, I?ll give you that one, but let?s do a head count here. Your fanboys, slavering as they are. (MS turns their back in disgust. I grab Steam, PS4, WiiU, GoG and other alternatives) The core audience, who lives up to the name. The hardcore with breathtaking anger management issues. The casuals. And ?you-, big fella, you?ve managed to piss off every single one of them.

MS: That was the plan.

Me: Not a great plan. When they come, and they will, they?ll just pass you by.

MS: I have control over used game sales.

Me: We have a Steam.

MS: I thought the beast didn't allow used-game sales, either.

Me: You?re missing the point. There?s no throne. There is no version of this where you come out on top. Maybe your anti-consumer practices come, and maybe they?re too much for us, but it?s all on you. Because if we can?t protect the gaming market, you can be damn well sure we?ll avenge it.

MS: How will your friends have time for that, when they?ll be so busy fighting you? (Sticks me with the Cloud Computing spear. Nothing happens. Tries again, nothing happens). This usually works.

Me: Well, performance issues...not uncommon. I mean, look at SimCity and Diablo 3?(MS grabs me by the throat and throws me to the ground)?deploy?

MS: (Grabs me again) YOU WILL ALL. FALL. BEFORE ME.

Me: deploy?deploy!(MS Tosses me out the window, promptly gets uppercutted by all the alternatives to it, which fly down and save my ass)

Me: ?and there?s one other person you pissed off. His name is Jim. (Blasts MS)
Apr 5, 2008
Strazdas said:
KingsGambit said:
I love it. It's like Microsoft assumes that people will simply put up with this instead of simply not buying their bullshit console. A brilliant move whose outcome will inevitably be to have a console that no one buys. Bravo.
You know the sad thing? People will actually put up with it. because the average gamer dont care.
The tradedy here is that you're right :-(

Nintendo messed up with the Wii U with their controller. The Wii U tries to straddle the line between core gamers and filthy casuals. Instead they made a controller that neither will put up with.

Microsoft have put too many restrictions on theirs. It's their way, or no way. They've also made the mistake of forgetting they were making a games console, and that the experience should revolve around that, instead of the "television" focus. No SD connections, always online, the pre-owned policies...the list is too long.

Sony, I don't know enough about it, haven't made up my mind yet. Their trouble generally however is that they haven't innovated in a decade. They simply come late to every party, wearing the same thing as everyone else and yelling "Me too! Me too!". Last time I went to a Sony store in the US (we don't have them in the UK (to my knowledge)), it was a depressing visit looking at a sea of boring, unoriginal, uninspired products all of which are already made better by someone else. Maybe the PS4 will be different? I missed the launch on that one.


New member
Jul 27, 2010
I'm too angry to read the entire thread but I do have this to say: Does anyone else realize that soon, it will be easier and less of a hassle to purchase a FIREARM than it will be to purchase a used Xbox game?

I am not going to buy an xbone. None of my friends are going to buy an xbone. I'm just worried that Dudebro McCOD-O-Madden will buy this trainwrek in droves. You see, none of the xbones problems would affect me. I have good broadband, I have an HDTV, I can afford to buy new games every now and then, and I don't really like loaning my games to people (I'm a bit paranoid about damaged cases/discs). None of the xbones feature/failures will really adversely affect me. The reason I won't go anywhere near the xbone is solidarity. I see this for what it is. Microsoft is blatantly declaring war on the used games/rentals market (especially GameStop), obviously trying to hamfistedly grab control of more power from the consumer, blithely ignoring the millions of gamers/customers who don't have broadband, and treating its existing customers as criminals and unworthy of consideration.

It's like all the problems of the gaming industry, up to and including the main reason videogames aren't yet considered mainstream artworks: The casual filth spewing from Xbox live trolls, are consolidating into this one machine that idiots (who are too self absorbed to think about how negatively this affects the industry as a whole) are going to flock to in droves. I predict the xbone will sell like gangbusters, giving false validation to microsofts anti-consumer policies, but within 18 months game sales will drop like a stone due to the hassles/price-gouging inherent in the Azure system. I'm just afraid that by then it will be too late, and the rest of the industry will have accepted these assanine restrictions as the new norm.

I seriously feel the Xbox One might be the death knell for video gaming as a whole.


The One Who Protects
Oct 22, 2009
I know a small game store I frequent. They sell board games and card games but (while they make some money) that does not cover costs usually. Video games (new and used) are what keeps their doors open.

Short term, they can do well with the retro games and previous gen used. Long term, I do not know. I fear this will hurt them to the point of closing.

Is there not anti-trust laws that are suppose to prevent this sort of thing?


The One Who Protects
Oct 22, 2009
magicpokey said:
I'm too angry to read the entire thread but I do have this to say: Does anyone else realize that soon, it will be easier and less of a hassle to purchase a FIREARM than it will be to purchase a used Xbox game?
That is very Ironic. I did not even consider that yet.

It is relatively easy to buy a used firearm. Really it is just like buying new, pass background check (I have my licenses, so even faster for me), fill out paperwork, and pay.

I honestly give the video game industry 4 years before a collapse like the great one of the 1980s. Assuming that the companies stay on present course.


New member
May 25, 2013
So instead of pissing off retailers and customers, Microsoft has decided to anger retailers and enrage customers. This makes sense, because the customers are the ones who will actually be buying the xbone.

After reading this all I could do was shake my head and think "Nononono noooooooo Microsoft. This is not how things work."

I don't understand where video-game publishers get off complaining about not getting a cut in used game sales. Every entertainment industry in America has a used industry associated with it, and since the publishers don't see the money they're not making they don't mind, and many of the people creating the product would rather have an audience for their work (i.e. John Green, an author and co-creator of the vlogbrothers youtube channel, stated as much in his and his brother's early youtube videos).


New member
Jan 30, 2008
I swear, gamer's are the most hysterically hypocritical "group" of people on the planet. Valve's Steam has given no used game support whatsoever for years. They're borderline always online, you have to rebuy games if you want them on your Steam account, and they definitely have the capability to record your every conversation in Steam friends.

So why is it that Valve are almost universally loved for the same general stuff as Microsoft are going to have in the Xbox1?