Update: Xbox One To Take Cut With Every Pre-Owned Sale

Smiley Face

New member
Jan 17, 2012
Lightknight said:
Smiley Face said:
Dammit. My brother and I primarily game on the Xbox 360 now, and we don't care at all for this 'share button' nonsense on the PS4, but with all this nonsense about the Xbone, unless something dramatic changes, we're not going anywhere near that thing. Our internet connection can be pretty spotty, so a once-a-day connection won't always be possible. We have our own separate accounts, so with this registration thing, problems might pop up there, and heaven forbid if we want to lend the game to someone. Is there something I'm forgetting?

I just really, really hope that the Xbone (great name for it, haha) doesn't have any good exclusives to tempt me.
If the 360 is any indication, they will get a few big titles but that'll be it. Sony held the lion's share of good exclusives and new IPs. Having owned both, I gained MUCH more enjoyment out of the ps3's exclusive titles. But I also love games like inFamous, Journey, Uncharted, and such. Halo and Gears of War were great but most every other large title I played on the 360 weren't exclusives.
True - the only Xbox exclusives I've really cared about were the Halo Series, and now that Bungie's no longer at the helm and my taste for shooters is waning, that's not enough for me to care either (Gears of War never really appealed to me). As for the PS3, I've recently gotten my hands on a used model and am working through their exclusives, from small titles like Journey and Tokyo Jungle, to PS2 re-releases like Shadow of the Colossus, to the bigger Triple-A exclusives like Uncharted and God of War. Heck, right now the top of my anticipated games list is The Last of Us.

Nevertheless, Xbox might decide to pursue better exclusives, but let's hope not.


New member
Jun 12, 2008
Jman1236 said:
Where is the free trade commission where you need them? I think microsoft needs to be broken up once and for all after this stunt.
Considering that MS doesn't exert a dominating share of the console market the trade comission couldn't do anything. You can still go to Nintendo, Playstation, Android platforms, etc if you do not agree with MS's policies.

The most angering thing here is why MS would entitled AT ALL in taking a cut from the sale of a product it did not spend a dime to produce. I can understand the publisher's position in this, but what right does the console manufacturer have? It would be the same if Panasonic took a cut whenever a used DVD of a Warner Brother's was played on its dvd player.

Timedraven 117

New member
Jan 5, 2011
StayCalmAndHateXbox said:
RJ 17 said:
At that point, why not buy it used for a lower price?
Oh, I dunno, supporting the developers instead of the vultures at gamestop?
Devs? Getting money from their games? *Laughs histarically.* What are they Valve? *Laughs more*

Seriously, the Devs don't see any money from their games, they were already paid to do their jobs. Its the publishers that get the money.

Besides, there are other cheaper alternatives to Gamestop for used games, Ebay, DVD stop, just about any software dealer or mom and pop stores. Of course those are few, but its still cheaper then even used games from Gamestop.


New member
Dec 19, 2010
If you are anti-consumer, then you will lose at least some customers. I don't buy used games usually, not because I don't want to, but console titles, for me, are rare enough that I usually buy them new. So this doesn't affect me. But there is also zero compelling reasons for me to buy this. While the technology may be worth while and there may be some good games coming on it... there are lots of good games in the future for PC and maybe the PS4... lots. For me, the biggest turn off is the MUST connect one time a day. I am not without internet commonly. I have very stable internet here in New Jersey. But there were two weeks in the last two years that I didn't have internet for a solid week each time. When Hurricane Sandy came through, I got my power back and then it took a full week to get internet back. And in October of 2011 we had a huge snow storm that took down half the trees in my area. That time I was also without internet. Which means that at those times I needed a good video game to play more than most other times. It's nice when it's working, but when you want it the most and the very design of the system is there to prevent you from accessing it... well, no reason to buy it at all then.


Elite Member
Aug 8, 2010
If this is true, that is absolutely ridiculous. I would never pay £35 for a second hand game; £5 off the RRP is in no way an incentive whatsoever and I would never pay full RRP for a game in the first place.

If they think this will kill the used game market they are hilariously mistaken; all it will kill are the Xbones sales as people continue to buy games --used and new-- for their current consoles and PC's.

This must be what it would've been like to watch the ice age wipe out the dinosaurs.


New member
Jun 19, 2010
The source revealed that game retailers will be forced to sell second hand games at just a 10% discount on the original RRP. This news will come as a shock to consumers who are currently used to purchasing trade-in games at up to 50% of the retail value.

This is what worries me most. I'm all for the developer getting a cut of the used game market, though I don't think that it should be 90% of it, as that discourages the retailer. However, the fact that the discount is so small discourages the consumer from buying the used games, in the first place. This only further discourages the retailer from stocking the games.

Well, Microsoft, I'm afraid you've lost Gamestop's support. Prepare to be relegated to a tiny shelf in the back corner of the stores. Alas, poor XBox, I knew him, Playstation...


Mugwamp Supreme
Nov 26, 2008
Smiley Face said:
Lightknight said:
If the 360 is any indication, they will get a few big titles but that'll be it. Sony held the lion's share of good exclusives and new IPs. Having owned both, I gained MUCH more enjoyment out of the ps3's exclusive titles. But I also love games like inFamous, Journey, Uncharted, and such. Halo and Gears of War were great but most every other large title I played on the 360 weren't exclusives.
True - the only Xbox exclusives I've really cared about were the Halo Series, and now that Bungie's no longer at the helm and my taste for shooters is waning, that's not enough for me to care either (Gears of War never really appealed to me). As for the PS3, I've recently gotten my hands on a used model and am working through their exclusives, from small titles like Journey and Tokyo Jungle, to PS2 re-releases like Shadow of the Colossus, to the bigger Triple-A exclusives like Uncharted and God of War. Heck, right now the top of my anticipated games list is The Last of Us.

Nevertheless, Xbox might decide to pursue better exclusives, but let's hope not.
As long as they don't force social features then this could very well be Sony's generation.

ssgt splatter

New member
Oct 8, 2008
tmande2nd said:
Why is it that Microsoft seems to be the seagulls from Finding Nemo?


Actually wait that is just Microsoft in general with money.
Well wont be getting an XBone then.
HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! That, is the best analogy...EVER! XD
Well done sir.


New member
May 3, 2011
Proverbial Jon said:
Everything Microsoft has announced for the Xbone actually physically turns me away from it. We may have heard little about the PS4's actual capabilities and features but, just by saying nothing, Sony is already winning.

I hope this idea crashes and burns most gloriously.
That's my thoughts, even if sony was considering some of these practices right now they gotta be looking at Microsoft and going. "You know what...maybe we should rethink this."


Lurker Extrordinaire
May 10, 2009
Well Microsoft, it was fun while it lasted, but with this, I feel that I must bid your dumb asses, adieu. Adieu, Microsoft, you greedy, anti consumer assholes, farewell, you moronic twits, bon voyage, you power grabbing pricks, cheerio you overly controlling cunts, I await to see your crash and burn, but before YOU go, tell me, have you a valediction?


New member
Dec 5, 2008
Wow. They really know how to go from "Well, I'm not going to buy one" to "Grab random passers-by asking the clerk about getting an Xbox One and yell 'Dear God, man, do you know what you're DOING?!'"

Yeah, we get it, MS. You want to reshape the market to fit your paradigm. It's not yours to do that. Off you fuck.


New member
Nov 21, 2007
I don't think I've ever laughed so hard at the reveal of a new console generation. This years is already the most ridiculously stupid one yet, and the Big Three are still rolling out the bullshit!

I have never been more glad to have given up on modern consoles than I am right now. PC and old consoles will suit me just fine for the foreseeable future.

Still, I feel for my console-centric brethren. Especially the Xbox fans. Every time Microsoft opens their mouths to talk about a new "feature" of the Xbox One, it's like they're giving all of you a colossal cock slap to the face.


New member
Jun 24, 2007
yeah... I'm certainly not gonna buy the Xbone. And I've never even bought (nor sold) a used game.

Devil's Due

New member
Sep 27, 2008
Marak Daga said:
hello pc. im glad i have you for many reasons.
You mean the PC, where you cannot trade any game to another after you activate your CD key to your account / console too? Dang, I wish the past 15 years the PC wouldn't have those annoying CD keys, but thankfully Microsoft was kind enough to let us do that with the Xbox and Xbox 360 for those extra years! In essence, Microsoft gained a point here over the PC. Sorry all.

But in fairness, the score is still around MS: 03, PC: 87


New member
Jan 15, 2011
Charli said:
I'm starting to feel dirty just for using windows 7...

I mean I would do everything in Linux Mint but... adobe, adobe and their picky ass shit.
Move to freeware products like The Gimp, NVU, and Avidemux and tell adobe to sod the hell off. You'll be glad you did.

So far the Xbone is looking like the next gen console equivalent of Sim City 5. I swear every time I read more about Microsoft's Xbone drivel I just hear the calliope version of Entry of the Gladiators playing in my head.


May 1, 2008
Marak Daga said:
hello pc. im glad i have you for many reasons.
Yep..... This.

Also, who wants to bet that Gamestop will suddenly become a PC PS4 & WiiU exclusive store? (plus handhelds of course)


New member
Jul 11, 2010
Serrenitei said:
wetfart said:
I can see this going to court in the US due to the First-sale Doctrine and Microsoft losing.
I wish it were that easy. Unfortunately it's not. The courts have no precedent for games, and technically First Sale Doctrine only applies to products not services or licenses. Most games put a ToS that consider that you are buying a "license" to the game, not the game itself, and First Sale Doctrine has no good precedent for situations like this.

The same situation applies in those games that bill themselves as services (note: the license/service isn't mutually exclusive, most ToS contain verbiage for both -- the license for the client software, the service for actually being able to play).

Now, what's unclear is whether games can conceivably bill themselves are services/licenses instead of products and THAT will be the deciding factor in the court room. The only standing precedent (currently in appeal) is the sale of 'used' MP3s, which a lower court found was not legal, but of course is being appealed.

Microsoft will likely go under the "service" route, claiming that the Xbox One provides services, requiring a daily internet check in, and that you get some 'benefit' out of that, likely in the form of software updates. The other, less tasty parts of the service are what you agree to use the 'service,' the used game provision being one. Basically, when this goes to court, it will be on the onus of the plaintiffs (read: gamers) to show that games are actually discrete products and First Sale doctrine applies, OR say that license/service agreements can also apply under First Sale Doctrine.

To be blunt, the First Sale Doctrine wasn't written to accommodate this kind of situation. It's that lack of accommodation that publishers and console creators are trying to exploit to increase profits.
I know in Europe the courts ruled that a perpetual license is the same thing as a sold product. So there may be hope yet!
Apr 5, 2008
I love it. It's like Microsoft assumes that people will simply put up with this instead of simply not buying their bullshit console. A brilliant move whose outcome will inevitably be to have a console that no one buys. Bravo.