US 2024 Presidential Election


Elite Member
May 1, 2020
male, pronouns: your majesty/my lord/daddy
Not sure if this is news, but the real report is out on the cat eater stuff

Just a crazy drug addict in Canton. Born and raised in Canton, Ohio.
Yeah this has been known for a few days, I guess they saw the woman being black and just assumed she was hatian or something? Thing is you have articles defending the practice of hunting random animals from the neighborhood park without a hunting permit and out of season being written too which is so dumb and hilarious at the same time.

Grass meat is in, if not, you're waycis.


Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
I'm saying there's tons of legitimate problems in America. Things Kamala and Biden either haven't or are struggling to address. Rising medical costs, substandard job pay, affordable housing, fears of the future in regards to the environment and rising retirement age. Theres ways to get there that contradicts democrats if spun correctly.
The problem is that most of this are being blocked by republican. Either because they want things to suck (remember "they're not hurting the right people") or because they're just hoping to keep blocking the dem from being effective. Bringing it up would probably just end up being an own goal.


Made you look...
Aug 13, 2011
Plano, TX
United States
Taylor Swift has endorsed Kamala Harris. For once, the Swifties might actually make a difference that matters. Anything to keep that orange oligarch out of the White House for another four, insufferable years.
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Elite Member
Apr 28, 2020
United States
The problem is that most of this are being blocked by republican. Either because they want things to suck (remember "they're not hurting the right people") or because they're just hoping to keep blocking the dem from being effective. Bringing it up would probably just end up being an own goal.
I think thats simply incompetence. I'm not saying "I" believe those problems are democrats fault, but theres plenty of angles to spin it. Rashomon is a classic for a reason. I won't disagree, in reality its a bunch monkeys trying to fuck a doorknob over there. They couldn't even gather "Republican" consensus on their spending bill today.

On a side note - God how could he fuck up that Ukraine question? It just screams foreign agent. He could have so easily word saladed that response to sound "not" like hes under russias thumb. God he even specifically complained about "Russian" Lives being lost. If I was his PR I'd just be screaming (shuuuut the fuuuck uuuup.)
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Elite Member
Sep 11, 2014
More weird threats of implied sexual violence from the party of family values....
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Elite Member
May 1, 2020
male, pronouns: your majesty/my lord/daddy
More weird threats of implied sexual violence from the party of family values....
View attachment 11859
I think he's just using the fear of the threat of sexual threats to manipulate her more than threatening her, since he's gay. And he's not wrong but Swift is sheltered from the risks of the venesuelans cause she can just fly to safety on her private jet that she always has flying by just in case she needs to grab milk or something, it's usually other immigrant populations who suffer from them cause they have to actually be near them and the cops often abandon them to their fate.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I think he's just using the fear of the threat of sexual threats to manipulate her more than threatening her, since he's gay.
Still not a good luck either way, and still being an wannabe controlling biatch-in-a-boxstand telling a woman what to do, how to think, and attempted gaslighting (which can still be seen as a threat, and it is). The asshole has no point and is wrong. We're not giving him any credit. Don't forget that the party of "family values" want to control a woman because she is not the perfect "Aryan house material" they projected in their heads. Swift also ditched her KKK/Neo-Nazi/Proud Brothers dick sucking ex-fiance. Smart move on her part. Also, Swift ain't what I would call "sheltered" as I've already laid out earlier. Don't insult her intelligence and you sure as hell don't speak for her. She knows and understands more than you.

More weird threats of implied sexual violence from the party of family values....
View attachment 11859
Fucking racist and sexist punk ass biatch!

On a side note - God how could he fuck up that Ukraine question? It just screams foreign agent. He could have so easily word saladed that response to sound "not" like hes under russias thumb. God he even specifically complained about "Russian" Lives being lost. If I was his PR I'd just be screaming (shuuuut the fuuuck uuuup.)
Nothing surprising me when it comes to Trump being a complete narcissistic dumb ass.


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
So if in africa they call it bush meat the practice of eating anything alive right next to where you live, be it a monkey or a rat or whatever, should we start calling it grass meat when they eat the dogs and cats here?
No, "the bush" is wilderness where few if any people live. Bushmeat is meat from wild animals hunted in such areas. (The equivalent in the USA would be things like wild pigs, deer, etc.) Probably the best term for people catching and eating cats, dogs, rats, squirrels and so on might be something like "citymeat" or "urban meat".


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
I think he's just using the fear of the threat of sexual threats to manipulate her more than threatening her, since he's gay.
He's not threatening her at all.

Inasmuch as threat is involved, what he's doing is amplifying the sense of threat his audience feel, via their perception of immigrations as violent. However, the main thrust is manipulating the hate and anger of his audience. In supporting Harris Swift is now the "enemy", and implying she deserves to be the victim of sexual violence by immigrants is to satisfy his audience's vindictiveness and contempt towards Democrats.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Why do that? Especially since that brief hook up didn't even last long.
Well, hardly in a position to tell for sure, but I'm guessing he was a rebound, which she quickly realised was a really bad idea, did some damage control to try to pretend it wasn't, they dropped him when that didn't work.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Well, hardly in a position to tell for sure, but I'm guessing he was a rebound, which she quickly realised was a really bad idea, did some damage control to try to pretend it wasn't, they dropped him when that didn't work.
Some of this is coming back to me now. I'll keep this in mind. I.'m glad she did drop him.


The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
Sorry, which law makes overturning Obergefell impossible, or preserves nationwide same sex marriage access if it is?

Of course we can. We can focus on other things at the same time. Of course, it's the conservative Supreme Court justices like Thomas and Republican legislators and governors who keep devoting time to arguing Obergefell should be overturned, so kindly direct your complaints to them.

"Silvanus didn't do my research for me quickly enough, so it's his fault I made a mistake!"

I think the US has already seen dozens upon dozens of Supreme Court decisions overturned by later Supreme Court decisions, and that the Republican Party and several Supreme Court justices certainly don't consider it "settled".
I didn't say Obergefell can't be overturned, I said if it was, it would basically be pointless. Respect for Marriage Act.

It obvious these other more important things aren't being focused on as they are never focused on...

I didn't care specifically about gay marriage and there was still like a 150-200 year gap where it wasn't challenged.

So black people have to worry about slavery happening again? Is that what you're saying?

Not really.

Saying it was "discovered" makes it sound like it's out of the justice's hands. "Oops, we found out that the Constitution has actually said something completely different all this time, and now we have to follow it, it's not up to us."

When it's actually a reinterpretation and is squarely in the hands of the supreme court. The justices are intentionally choosing to interpret the constitution in a different way than it was in the past, often in the furtherance of their own goals and beliefs.
How is say online discussion up to the justices' interpretation and not the 1st amendment?


Elite Muppet
Feb 15, 2009
I didn't say Obergefell can't be overturned, I said if it was, it would basically be pointless. Respect for Marriage Act.

It obvious these other more important things aren't being focused on as they are never focused on...

I didn't care specifically about gay marriage and there was still like a 150-200 year gap where it wasn't challenged.

So black people have to worry about slavery happening again? Is that what you're saying?

How is say online discussion up to the justices' interpretation and not the 1st amendment?
Didn't you say similar things about how even with roe down, it wouldn't lead to issues with abortions???

Then they immediately starting banning them and doing crazy shit like offering bounties for reporting medical data, trying to reach across state lines and control their neighbours policies etc.
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Elite Member
Apr 28, 2020
United States
I won't bother to post statistics but DJT media continued to take a battering today, now trading under $16. Unless he turns the ship around, its *trending to fall below $12 a share by 9/20 which extends trumps personal stock lockdown. I need to verify as I may have spoken incorrectly. According to some reddit reading (*citation need) the stock is required to stay above $12 a share for 20 days straight before he can trade after sept 20th. He may be locked out indefinitely.

Obviously you can check any aggregate news tracker.

It wouldn't surprise me if you see some social posts or trump gets on fox news to try and lift investor/supporter spirits over the next 24 hours.

I'd watch truth social, but

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