Username Origins


Prunus Girl is best girl!
Apr 28, 2011
Mine is a shortening of "Shinsei Joutei" which comes from a Japanese translation of the words "divine" and "lord" and though someone who knows Japanese may read it some other way the true meaning behind it to me is
"a lord of the divine who protects those they favour, ignores the irrelevant and smites those they hate".
I chose it because that's my idea of a god and my personality in a nutshell, minus the godly powers part.
PS. I don't have a god complex, it's just that I've been know to be in the extremes of kindness, cruelty and apathy.

King of Asgaard

Vae Victis, Woe to the Conquered
Oct 31, 2011
Well, I'm a fan of Norse mythology, and Odin in particular, thus King of Asgaard came about.
The avatar is literally Odin surrounded by animals, so it's there for thematic reasons.

Tiger Sora

New member
Aug 23, 2008
My original name here, long gone. It fell to the fire when my guild forsook me. (WoW). And cast me out. (A story for another time maybe).
So I needed a new name.

So it's two parts obviously. And I may as well start from the front.

This portion of my internet screen name came from my original stomping grounds of forum'ing and rp'ing. It was a furry comics forum. Anyways, one of my rp character's names was Calia, a female anthro tiger. And thats where the Tiger portion comes from. I still use that characters name and such to this day in many different incarnations, so it actually means something to me. And the name Tiger itself went on to be a new paladin from the one with my old name who'd fallen from my want to play.

I believe at the time of the names creation I was rewatching, or had finished rewatching recently .Hack Sign of the .Hack series. In Sign there is a character named Sora. A Twinblade class character. (Thief/assassin). He was the antitheses to my days of playing WoW, where I was a paladin for my main. I was stalwart and did my best to been a good guy. But I always had my dark side I wanted to let out, and he fit the role. I wanted to be evil, it's so easy. But trust me guys, from life experience I can truly say that to be evil, fully self serving and all that, does not work.
But still I wanted to be, or have a face for it anyways. And Sora is just that.
Well not all just that, he's also all my snarkiness, cynicism and comedic self too. Qualities of my real self.

I could go on but I feel things getting rather long in the post.
So this is the basics of what you need to know of my screen name,

Tiger Sora out. *Helicopter top hats away*.


New member
Mar 31, 2009
One of the things I was know for back when I was a child was my love of insects. With that in hand I would always put BUG on arcade game high scores instead of my initials. I would continue with using BUG in all console games as my main characters name.

Much later on when I started playing WoW I was looking for a name for my first character, a undead rogue. I was a bit tired and could not think of anything interesting so I used the random name button over and over again. Finally the name Euphan came up and I liked it so I kept it. I enjoyed it enough that when getting a name for any online use I tended to use cut or changed forms of Euphan.

Then came the moment when I decided to use my still main console game name Bug and Euphan together and got Euphbug. A simple story but I do quite enjoy it.


New member
Mar 18, 2012
Wanted something that people couldn't deduce and preconceive anything from.

I plucked piinyouri from the air, cause I thought the wordplay was cute and knew most people would read it as "Pee in your eye".

I think I was playing .hack GU at the time so that's probably where the 'pi' came from.


New member
Mar 14, 2012
When I had first gotten my Xbox 360, I made my gamer tag Rayman56 because its a combination of of my first name (RAYce), and the fact that I was bigger than my mom, hence man. I added 56 because that's what channel Comedy Central is in my area.


New member
Aug 5, 2010
I'm.. actually not sure. All my usernames are some variant of Cyanide Sandwich, and this was the first account that I made with the name. I wanted something that would be relatively safe, in that there's a very low chance that someone else would have it, so this popped into my head (originally it was going to be Cyanide Burger, but I like alliteration).


Aug 3, 2008
I used to be EmileeElectro because I thought it sounded cool after seeing some girl call herself EvieElectric or something. The girl in question was a bit of a twat which is a shame but never mind.

I'd be happy if I could change the 'Electro' to 'Hearts' which is Username I use all the time now. (EeveeHearts)
That name is just a play on my actual name (Emilee Victoria Hartley - see if you can work out how I came to using EeveeHearts, haha!) but I love it because I love Eevee and a few people have said I remind them of an Eevee.

[Kira Must Die]

Sep 30, 2009
Well, I was (and still am) a big Death Note fan at the time, and I was playing Devil May Cry, so I thought I'd just put the two together.

The brackets are just to make it look cooler : P


New member
Apr 24, 2009
Years ago I used it a random name for a character I was playing on a game (I forget what it was) and just ended up using for everything. I later googled it along with all my mates online names and found that no-one was using mine in anyway aside from me so I stuck with it.


New member
May 12, 2011
I was playing age of empires 2 and had to make a profile So i typed in commanderL and it stuck becuase of how awesome it sounds


New member
Nov 21, 2010
Elate, because I'm so damn elated, or I elate people.

At the time though it was ironic, since then I was a miserable ass hat. OH HOW TIMES HAVE CHANGED. Now I'm just an ass hat, and the name is no longer ironic, more appropriate.


Elite Member
Nov 9, 2008
Playing Project Snowblind and making fun of it, came up with sleetblind and l33t3d it. As you do.


Don't Bend! Ascend!
May 15, 2008
Highschool nickname...<.<

and I didn;t get it for the reasons you think... Despite how dirty it sounds...<.<

wolf thing

New member
Nov 18, 2009
i stole it from a friend of mine, not on purpose mind, i need a steam name and this came to mind i only relised latter that i stole it from a freind, but he forgot he had created it. now im using another username for computer games and the like but wolf thing is still here.


New member
Oct 11, 2010
a throwaway joke form the satirical show mock the week, were Ed byrne suggested that dara O'briain change his name to ramboondiea, and for the life of me i dont know why i found it so funny, but it what came to mind when i needed a screen name so it just kind of stuck


New member
Feb 26, 2012
'Cause I swing my axe at you?

It's a character that was made up by Jesse Cox during his Terraria Lets Play with Totalbiscuit. I checked to see if the name was still available at the escapist, and when I saw that it was I just thought 'fuck it'.

The rest of my many online handles have just been names that I thought were cool.

Wolf In A Bear Suit

New member
Jun 2, 2012
I just found the idea of unzipping a bear suit and expecting some guy playing a practical joke then finding a large wolf which mauls you and runs away with your foot to be amusing. In truth I wanted Two Bears High Fiving but it was too long. I got that one from a Wild Wasteland encounter from Fallout New Vegas which I found rather amusing


New member
Apr 15, 2009
The 'D' is the first letter of my first name, and the Slatch is most of my surname.

BONUS ROUND: Avatar from a shirt of mine... I'm a master of the art.