Username Origins


New member
Nov 2, 2010
Hmm, oh God it was so long ago...story is long, silly and very immature, but then, so were we.

My friend once broke his finger while punching me in a shoulder. It was just a friendly punch, but he hit the bone and hurt himself. Being kids, we enjoyed watching X-men re-runs on Cartoon Network and that, coupled with the fact that I was the tallest kid in school probably made him yell "You're a freaking Colossus, man". When we started playing Half Life deathmatch and Team Fortress, I had to pick a name, so I went with Colossus.
In my high school days, when we started learning more about computers I found out that Colossus was the world's first digital, programmable computer. It was also used to break encrypted German messages during WWII, and I always liked learning about that period.
When I started playing online multiplayer (CoD 2 had just come out) I learned to my dismay that there are a lot of players with that nick, so I changed it to ClearScreen (we were studying basic console commands at the time), but I was missing the story behind my old name so I just shortened it and used uppercase CLS (CLS = ClearScreen). And so CoLosS came to be. Honestly, I have no idea why I put that zero in there.

Some people find the name awkwardly difficult to spell with all those uppercase letters and a zero, but I don't care. I like pissing people off in any small way. Also, it looks and sounds very silly.


New member
Jul 28, 2012
Cojo965, okay the first part of that has a depressing story behind it. Cojo was the name of a leopard gecko that was given to me by a friend. He had to be put down because of a prolapse (tried to poop so hard his innards came out). 965? That's just the last three digits of my Xbox Live gamertag HunterSlayer965.


New member
Jan 20, 2010
Areal Maximillion was the name of my second D&D 3.5 character.

That name itself actual was influenced by my interest at the time with Azreal, the angel of death and Maximillion, a secondary moniker for one of my favourite rappers, The Genius/GZA of the Wu Tang Clan.


New member
Oct 1, 2012
I came to the realisation a while back that my actions may likely be more significant after I'm gone than I ever could be on my own. Years of mistakes have led me to believe that humans are like pebbles dropped onto the glassy surface of a lake. Each action we take is a ripple that moves out and affects those around us. Our decisions, whether considerate or selfish, great or small, are what we will be remembered for. This is not a religion (as far as I know).