Username Origins


New member
Jan 28, 2009
My username orgin started in early 90's:

Fact#1: My real name is Wojciech.

Fact#2: Most of old games High Score list could hold only 3 characters.

Combine 1&2 and You'll get "Woj" part. Later, when You could input more characters I just added "o" because I couldn't be bothered to type my Full name.
I've been using this nickname since late 90's and now even my parents sometimes call me Wojo.

The "The" part was neccessary to distinguish myself from all other Wojos out there.

Fun Fact about my name: Wojciech can be translated as "The joy of war" or "smiling warrior".
Yeah, my name is awesome:)

PS: English is my second language (as You probably already noticed), so please, forgive me any errors or mistakes.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
It was my username when I played the original Team Fortress. They had that chicken spray that I used, and it just so happened that I also raised chickens, so there ya go. Should really switch over to RoosterMan now though...


New member
Jun 12, 2009
This is gonna be a long one...

When I was in high school, I would write a bunch of short stories in my free time. One that I did was called "The Littlest Ninja" and it was complete and utter parody. My friend read it and decided to print multiple copies and it ended up all over the school. Problem was it was ridiculously vulgar and full of alcoholic abuse, so it sort of became outlawed by the teachers (private school, you see). It was so popular, however, I wrote another one where the Littlest Ninja got upgraded and went super saiyan, growing a couple inches in height and becoming the Sorta-Short Ninja. It was also a hit, but it got me suspended since I was specifically told not to write anymore of it.

Flash-foward, and I'm in college, no longer constrained as I was. I did an image-driven narrative project for my first class during my freshman year. We were to compile a set number of images together and make a story with them. Very basic stuff. While racking my brain as to what to do, I came up with a machinima using my mods for Oblivion to capture screen shots and put them together to create a narrative with audio that I voiced myself. But the Sorta-Short Ninja had died with my high school career. If I wanted to create another success that would skyrocket me to popularity, I needed to aim higher... I needed to aim greater and upgrade the Ninja to become the greatest machinima ever conceived... This is where I decided to just call the main character the Drunk Ninja.

And, of course, just like in high school, it was a hit with the whole class--okay, nobody really laughed since it was full of cheap jokes and was overall an embarrassment that I wish never existed. Give me a break! This was years ago! I was young and naive and had no concept of real comedic timing!

Anyway, it's on YouTube if anyone is actually interested in seeing my utter failure. I'm sure as hell not posting it here.

But yes, that's how I got my name.


New member
Aug 2, 2011
This guy.

He's Saint Dane from the Pendragon Adventures, a personal favorite book series of mine. He pretty much had his entire plan from the begining, and he won. Sort of. But he could also turn into any creature, manipulate events of the terratories, and could not die. Why? 'Cause he was everything evil about humanity put in human form. Or, usually human.

Baron von Blitztank

New member
May 7, 2010
First of all: I didn't get my name from League of Legends, For the love of God stop asking!
Instead I started off as 'Blitztank' which is from the name Blitzwing (from Transformers Animated) and one of his Alt-modes (A Tank).
I decided to add 'Baron von' to the beginning of it because I felt 'Blitztank' by itself was a little bit short and remembering my childhood days and the game "Croc: Legend of The Gobbos". I remembered the villain Baron Dante and thought that Baron was an awesome title so I decided to just roll with it. "von" was added because I thought it sounded cooler.


New member
Oct 19, 2009
Mine comes from combining Oblivion (the song by Mastodon) and Demon's Souls, which I was playing a LOT of at the time.


New member
Dec 5, 2011
Mine came from a friend's account that he gave me, it was quite nice and worked and therefore i just used it for most things.


Dec 1, 2011
Well I had come up with Fijiman in place of my real name on the leader boards on believe after watching the animated Sinbad movie) I hadn't used it in years until I started posting in the comments of webcomics and needed a name to use. When I created my profile I here I decided to keep using it.

My current avatar was taken for one of the recent "what do you look like right now" threads.


New member
May 12, 2012
My old name sucked on a website, so I tried to pick a new name.
Then I checked if Moderated was taken, and it wasn't.


New member
Jul 27, 2011
It's a portmanteau of "death" and "messenger" that I came up with a long time ago. It just kind of stuck.


New member
Aug 1, 2008
A while back at this restaurant my friend used to work at there was this big fratboy like guy who worked there. He wasn't a douche bag or anything, but he called beers brewskis and rootbeer rootbrewskis. I was told about this before I went there, so when I ordered I asked for a rootbrewski.

The next couple times we were there he called me Rootbrewski and I just decided to use it as a username like 4 years ago.

As for the avatar I just found it somewhere one day


Innocence proves nothing
Sep 26, 2008
I'm paranoid and so online have several usernames, it's a portmanteau of two of my..."face" names that I use for forums/other places people can see the username.

When I was younger I used: Scorchedface
Now I'm a bit older I tend to use: Cascadeoflies (Cascade of Lies rather than Cascade o'Flies)

Hence Scorched_Cascade.

Except that's a load of lies because I made this name before I swapped to Cascadeoflies and this name inspired the second one...

Uh...I think I took my face username and added it to Cascade (as in fall, flow, resonance) I don't remember why to tell the truth.


Magnetic Mutant
Apr 16, 2012
I was about 16 and needed an original username. It was a particularly grey and horrible day where I was in Ireland (most days are grey there don't believe the forty shades of green hype)
and what 16 year old doesn't need space.It was also a reference to Raymond E Feists' Magician's 'grey space between the worlds' which I was reading at the time I think.

I've had it for 20 years now 'cause it's easy to remember and still would you believe according to the interents, original.

I have no avatar because I is lazy.


In the name of Harman...
May 11, 2012
I was in my 3rd or 4th fight against Ornstein and Smough, refusing to call on the Sunbros for my first victory against them. When I won it involved slamming at least 15 swigs on the flask, and I was thinking that 15 slams on a flask should make things a little blurry (also I believe I was a little drunk at the time). So it just came together like that, and at the time I just thought it was damn brilliant and that I would stick with it. These days I realize it's not all that clever but it's gained meaning beyond its face value and I associate it with myself on the internets.

Hawk eye1466

New member
May 31, 2010
Well I had to think of a gamertag for xbox and I was watching looney tunes then a while later MASH and from the combination of both yelling hawkeye at me I thought hey that's a good name! Then I slapped my keyboard for some numbers and got 1466 and so that was that now I use it for pretty much everything. The picture is one I photoshopped it's agent 47 with an ODST'S helmate on him.


New member
Aug 22, 2011
At the time of account creation, the thing I was most preoccupied with was a broken hard drive that needed some salvaging/transplant love. It was lying next to my right hand.

Next to my left hand, there were a bunch of screws. Philips head screws.

Just added a little mixing them up, hey presto new screen name.

Why just leave passwords to the Chaos gods of random? I think names are valid targets, too.

Order wouldn't be half as much fun if it weren't for chaos, just as life would be a pretty bland and boring affair if it wasn't for death keeping a tab on things.


New member
Jul 10, 2009
I made my name for Pokemon Crater. I was like 12 and It was supposed to be Natester001 but I forgot the e so it became Natster001. Then on Runescape I made an account but forgot the password so I remade it as Natster43, and that is how my username was made.