Valve Delivers Blizzard-esque Dota 2 Trailer


New member
Sep 28, 2009
I see three possible futures when this game comes out:

1. Its good enough too take big chunks from both the LoL and HoN communitys, which would kill HoN, but LoL would live on.
2. Its a DotA rip off right down to the core, but its good enough too take away a part the HoN community, but not the LoL since LoL is actually diffrent from DotA.
3. Its isn't better then either HoN or LoL, so it dies within a year or so.

Bottom line is: DotA 2 will not be able to kill LoL. It might be able to kill HoN, but I doubt it.


New member
Jul 16, 2010
Reading this thread makes my head hurt. The point of DotA2 is merely to improve upon DotA. Meaning, more balance (if possible) and better graphics. You can't really do much else. It's to give DotA the "next step". And after all, the game will be free, so... I'm not complaining.

Only thing that troubles me is the amount of ignorant people around here. DotA2 is getting made, deal with it. DotA has been copied before, and will always be, because guess what! It's successful! Many of us are happy, because.. you know.. we need a proper esport version of DotA.. Not really the casual version that is LoL, just saying. Sure, we got the old one, but new and shiny is always a positive.

People are stupid, and I bet I managed to piss of a few people here, hopefully. /thread.


New member
Sep 18, 2009
I will get the game (provided its free), but I think this trailer is very poor. I can't tell what's going on in most of the action sequences. Everything seems clustered and messy. I think that's the difference between this and a Blizzard trailer, a Blizzard trailer is always crisp and clear and the action is direct and unconvoluted.


New member
Jul 30, 2010

Hello, people? It's called Dota TWO for a reason.

Jesus. The game isn't even out yet and the people in the community are already shitting on each other's heads.


New member
Jun 18, 2008
Boooo, Dota. Who wants to bet players will be acting like they are "pro" on day one of the launch and expecting you to be the same.


New member
Apr 25, 2009
KCL said:
Soviet Heavy said:
If I understand correctly, Valve hired the guy who made the original. So arguments about quality are debatable.
You don't understand correctly. DotA was originally created by Eul. It was then taken, without permission, and made into DotA Allstars by Guinsoo. After being hired by Riot, Guinsoo then handed it off to IceFrog.

The saddest part of this whole thing is that the real creator and popularizer of DotA hasn't gotten any of the credit because kiddies can't be bothered to get their facts straight. Apparently, the real way to break into the game industry is simply to steal someone else's work.
Icefrog was the one to make the mod have something remotely resembling balance though.

it doesnt matter, though some originalty goes a long way in this genre.


New member
Apr 25, 2009
Serum211 said:
I see three possible futures when this game comes out:

1. Its good enough too take big chunks from both the LoL and HoN communitys, which would kill HoN, but LoL would live on.
2. Its a DotA rip off right down to the core, but its good enough too take away a part the HoN community, but not the LoL since LoL is actually diffrent from DotA.
3. Its isn't better then either HoN or LoL, so it dies within a year or so.

Bottom line is: DotA 2 will not be able to kill LoL. It might be able to kill HoN, but I doubt it.
HON is a dota clone just like dota2 so naturally the worst game will die out.

Crazie_Guy said:
Don't we have enough hooded frost archer chicks?


New member
Mar 26, 2009
The way A friend explained it to me was that HoN essentially repackaged the mod, where as LoL had some differntiaton from it.

But all in all, this whole thing reeks of stupid. When you have a game go through three difereny realizations and people can pick out and call out names of Champon almost at an instant, I really don't think there is much future for this game.

Maybe a few handful of the rabid fans, but beyond that, it sounds like just more of the same game repackaged-for a thrid time...


New member
Jul 14, 2009
blizzard is awesome at making trailers, nearly as awesome as valve. : p i'll probably try this game, used to play a shit ton of dota back in the day.


New member
Mar 20, 2011
SgtFoley said:
Mad Stalin said:
Orcs and elfs = Blizzard, got it.
Seriously thought, how is this "Blizzard-esque"?
Mostly because I could make that exact same trailer with cutscenes from different blizzard games. I am actually dead serious that most of that trailer is a 100% rip off of blizzards cutscenes with new animation. Also valve bribed the guy who was working on dota, not the guy who origionally created it but the guy who was updating a basically stolen version.
When you say bribed do you mean hired? Though I guess the two could be considered on and the same? I like the idea of that having a job and just receiving a series of bribes for what I do.

The rest I kind of agree with, though the trailer does have more of the Valve style to it considerng VA and pacing. But its hard to make a game look different when they are essentially selling (for free) the same product/characters with just some professional polish.


New member
Oct 30, 2010
Ah daaammm. Heh. well im looking forward to it. It will probably be free anyway. by the time it comes out i will most likely be bored of LOL. i wonder if they will fix the awful UI from dota/hon i mean seriousouly i tyied out HON when it became free, i have lost 4/4 games. you can't see whats going on and how the hell to you use the shop?


New member
Jun 15, 2010
Meet the shopkeeper!

did you see all the cool hats ? :D

I think its a TF2 expansion.


New member
Jan 24, 2011
Twilight.falls said:
ZiggyE said:
So, I can either play the original, and most likely superior, DotA or I can play Valve's pathetic ripoff that they stole and are trying to profit of at the expense of hard work by other people?

Yeah, I'm going to go with the original Warcraft III version, thank you very much. Plus, the Warcraft III version is most likely more mature than the typical people you see playing Valve games.
Are you aware that Icefrog, currently the man maintaining Warcraft 3 Dota, is the head developer for Dota 2 after Valve hired him, and that Valve is very well known for hiring mod developers? And not only that, but that Icefrog says he will continue to update WC3 Dota (at least for a little while), even after Dota 2 launches?

Left 4 Dead, Portal, Team Fortress, and Alien Swarm were all started as modifications for existing games, but turned into individual games after the makers were hired by Valve.

Not to insult you, but it seems to me you hadn't done research.
Play him off, Maven of Strings!


New member
Nov 8, 2007
Played some DotA back in the day.

Just hit lvl 30 in LoL yesterday. (Running Trundle, Miss Fortune and Swain)

I'm going at a rate of one or two games every day or two. Don't think I'm going to split my attention. Especially not now that Riot are putting out a new game mode, a mode where Trundle might become very mighty indeed (you heard it here first ;) ).

Unlike most Escapists I do not have such a high opinion of Valve. They're a developer like many others. I got bored by Half-Life 2 and really don't get all the clamouring for ep3 for example. Sure, if they give me a good game I'll buy it.

This trailer doesn't excite me in the least for a start.

As for the whole plagiarism thing. Everybody's out for money. Eul sadly missed the boat. IceFrog and guinsoo are being used as promotion tools I'd say. So they can add the "created by the people who made DotA" to their title. Just like in movies where they first-bill the biggest names to get attention even if their part isn't that big.