Valve Delivers Blizzard-esque Dota 2 Trailer


New member
Dec 6, 2010
Pedro The Hutt said:
Mr.K. said:
TF2 trailer mixed with WC3 trailer, looks good.
But it makes me quite uneasy Valve is so blatantly taking over someone elses idea to make money off it.

I understand if they want to expand into new waters but for gods sake do something a little different.
Isn't this basically their default modus operandi?
Team Fortress was a Quake mod originally (and I do believe they hired a lot of the TFC team)
Counter-Strike was a Half-Life mod originally, then they hired the two main mod makers and made it their own game.
Portal's core mechanic comes from a student project, they hired the students and put them at work to perfect the mechanic while giving it a Valve-esque story.
Left 4 Dead originally was in development by another studio that had a license on the Source engine, they then made the team a subsidiary of theirs (who have since left Valve again) and made it an official Valve game.

I don't see how it surprises you that they took in the Dota guys to make Dota 2.
This. Half-Life is the only true original title Valve has ever released. I don't understand why Valve does this shit. They've got Steam to make them oodles of cash and TF2 hats seem to have the same effect as a stripper. Why even risk the gamer backlash? Because gamers are fickle creatures that complain, but ultimately go back? Yeah, that's probably why.

And for people that raise the point that League of Legends stole ideas from the original DotA, the makers of LoL were also the makers of DotA. It is stealing... from yourself.


New member
Mar 1, 2010
Seeing as LoL actually grows to be a recognized eSport, i don't think making DoTA2 so very simillar to original, with almost exactly identical heroes is a good thing.

There is reason why LoL and not HoN grows, and that's the fact LoL actually has their own ideas implemented rather than simply copying the good old DoTA setup, that trailer doesn't really give me hopes for amazing game, but i'll wait and see how it evolves.

Hamish Durie

New member
Apr 30, 2011
Genixma said:
Alar said:
Riot Games, no doubt, finds this ridiculous.
Well compared to their trailer of LoL, DoTA2's trailer looks slow and I'm getting a crazy Ashe vibe from the archer.
archer moving swiftly while gunning down foes from a distance then freezing one solid whith and enchanted arrow


New member
Jun 11, 2010
When I saw that shopkeeper I expected him to say: "I am Shopkeeper, and THIS is my shop!"

The characters seem very similar to the Blizzard made characters which seems Valve didn't really knew how to alter their appearance. It does have a nice unique style and feel instead of just a spinoff from Team Fortress.

I hope they know what they are doing, it doesn't look like it's something Valve would do. This might be their first major failure or a huge success.

Still I think Valve and Blizzard should work together for this game. Just for this one and nothing else.


New member
Nov 21, 2007
John Funk said:
Twilight.falls said:
Well, supposedly Riot copyrighted Defense of the Ancients, preventing Valve from using the name, despite the fact that Riot is no longer affiliated with Dota.

It was purely a move made to deny Valve the title Defense of the Ancients, forcing them to say Dota2.
Incorrect. Riot does not own "Defense of the Ancients." Riot doesn't own "DotA," either. As far as I know, nobody actually has the official legal rights to that name, but the closest to it is probably Blizzard given that the original DotA was a custom WC3 map on, and their terms of use likely give them rights on whatever's created with their map editor.

Both Riot and Blizzard have, however, condemned Valve's use of the "DotA" name, because they believe it belongs to the WC3 community that created and supported the original mod. That may be what you're thinking of.
You know, this whole thing seems oddly familiar...

Oh wait, that's right. The same thing happened way back in 1999/2000 with Team Fortress.

Team Fortress started off as a Quake mod. It was created by, maintained by, and fervently played by members of the Quake community. Soon after it's rise to popularity, Valve approached the creators and offered to hire them. They accepted and quickly began work on converting Team Fortress for Quake over to the Source: Gold engine. (which wasn't hard as it was a modified quake 2 engine) Thus, Team Fortress Classic was born.

As this took place, they also began work on a full-fledged sequel. A sequel that looked very much like it's predecessor. I.E. Dark and gritty military realism.

At the same time, some among the original Team Fortress community cried foul and whined about Valve "stealing" the game, name, and concepts from "the original game" and the "community". They decried that TFC was just a rip-off and that TF2 was going to be a crappy, half-assed cash grab.

What happened? Most of them ate their words as Valve turned around and birthed the phenomenal, award-winning Team Fortress 2 we know today. (and nobody start in on the hats. quit whining about the hats. that's another topic for another thread.) Taking the original concepts, ideas, and themes and taking them in a different, more original (and better) direction all the while balancing and perfecting the tried-and-true game-play TFC started with.

Sound familiar? It may be a bit presumptuous to assume Dota 2 will be "phenomenal", but Valve DOES have a proven track record and the lead designers behind Dota 2 are the ones who stepped in to make the original as good as it was, which lead to its rise in popularity. Let's face it, before Icefrog and his cohorts came into the scene Dota was only marginally popular and no where near as expansive and balanced as it became.

So, maybe we can all just relax, lay off the irrational whining and complaining, and wait and see what Valve and Icefrog have done with the game. It could be just a clone of the original. It could be worse. Or, it could be a full-realized form of the game that's just as fun to play, yet with better additions, better gameplay, better art, and a community that is far more accepting of new players. God knows, the WC3 Dota, LoL, and HoN communities aren't. So if Valve can foster a more friendly community with this game, I'll gladly pay for it. The obnoxious communities of the others are what kept me from playing them.

[on a side note] This isn't directed entirely at the people I quoted. I simply quoted you because your mention of the comments by the community and Blizzard reminded me of the TFC situation back in the day. This is more towards the people who are complaining about Valve "stealing" the game.


New member
Nov 21, 2007
Nouw said:
fi6eka said:
Nouw said:
Food for Thought:Blizzard fanboys don't feel so good now that their game is being 'copied' do they?
[sub]Yeah I went there.[/sub]
True, true.But you have to wonder how do Dune or Laserburn fans used to feel when GW ripped their space opera off :):):).
Oh I know exactly how they feel and worse. I'm a fan of Starship Troopers, one of the most criminally under-referenced source of military science fiction right next to Lensman.
I wouldn't say that. Halo is an almost blatant copy/rip-off of Starship Troopers. Right down to the armor they wear, the weapons they use, the way they fight their battles (i.e. pelicans, orbital drop pods, etc), even the Covenant. The "bugs" the space marines fight in Starship Troopers (the book) are very much like the Covenant. Collection of bipedal, insect like beings with hyper-advanced technology.

[sorry for double post.]


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Vigormortis said:
Nouw said:
fi6eka said:
Nouw said:
Food for Thought:Blizzard fanboys don't feel so good now that their game is being 'copied' do they?
[sub]Yeah I went there.[/sub]
True, true.But you have to wonder how do Dune or Laserburn fans used to feel when GW ripped their space opera off :):):).
Oh I know exactly how they feel and worse. I'm a fan of Starship Troopers, one of the most criminally under-referenced source of military science fiction right next to Lensman.
I wouldn't say that. Halo is an almost blatant copy/rip-off of Starship Troopers. Right down to the armor they wear, the weapons they use, the way they fight their battles (i.e. pelicans, orbital drop pods, etc), even the Covenant. The "bugs" the space marines fight in Starship Troopers (the book) are very much like the Covenant. Collection of bipedal, insect like beings with hyper-advanced technology.

[sorry for double post.]
I personally wouldn't say that. First off, Mobile Infantrymen 'wear' mech-like suits and aren't modified to be a 'super human.' Also, the MI only use drop-ships for retrieval, not for deployment. The arachnids are more caste-like whereas the Covenant is like a softer Imperium of man.

But yeah, I do see similarities. If you have 'Space Marine' you have some kind of inspiration from the book.

Crimsom Storm

New member
Feb 17, 2011
The most important question they can answer for me is... will it have Lina Inverse in it?

... =P

Yeah. This looks like it's going to be pretty frelling epic. The one being made by Activizard looks more like a Super Smash Bros style cameo game, whereas this one seems to be going right back to the roots of the original game.

As for Riot Games? Yeah. They can kiss me where it smells funny. I was greatly enjoying the Co-Op/Bots play of the game, till I hit level 10 and had that stupid limiter put on me. I almost gave them $20 of my money, so I could have a bunch of Champions to play with while I leveled and got points from the bots. So sad, too bad. That and their community frelling stinks... bunch of raging neckbeards and armchair generals.


New member
Mar 9, 2009
I love Valve's marketing campaign:

Hire Icefrog - Don't mention it.
DOTA 2 in development!
Couple of pictures of characters
Gabe Newell chats with random people about how awesome DOTA 2 is and how he can't stop playing it.

Too bad I won't be able to watch this tournament live, I have stuff to do this week and probably won't get the chance to watch until afterwards.


New member
Aug 13, 2008

Hope they redesigned Kardel's ultimate btw. But either way, HELL YEAH!


New member
Aug 17, 2009
Wow, and I though that FPS games have problem with copying. I have never played DotA properly but even I can see there some copied heroes which were already copied by 2 other games.


Elite Member
May 19, 2008
Genixma said:
Alar said:
Riot Games, no doubt, finds this ridiculous.
Well compared to their trailer of LoL, DoTA2's trailer looks slow and I'm getting a crazy Ashe vibe from the archer.
You too? I was basically like "thats ashe..." Im staying with LoL. Too good of a game in my opinion and well balanced.


New member
Aug 17, 2009
Alar said:
Also, I didn't mention it before, but I don't really feel that this looks as good as a Blizzard cinematic. Maybe, MAYBE an in-game cutscene.
Oh and this. Nowhere near the Blizzard quality of animation. It kinda reminds me Borderlands actually.


New member
Mar 5, 2011
SteelStallion said:
Okay, two things.

1. If you've never played DotA before and don't know what it is, and you're excited about this game simply because of the trailer and because its made by Valve, I'm going to save you a lot of trouble right now:

Either go try out DotA and get your teeth cut, or settle down. Because this game is highly competitive, its community is notoriously vicious, unforgiving and unwelcoming, and its learning curve is incredibly high. Half of the people who go into this game as newbies will be driven away simply because of how terribly unwelcoming it is.

2. For those who are familiar with games like HoN and LoL and DotA, I bid a question. Why should I migrate?

I'm very familiar with all the heroes in HoN, all the strategies and items. It has all the important necessary features (A fully fledged replay system, reconnection, matchmaking), what could DotA possibly offer that HoN or LoL doesn't already have? Honestly, any additional features they put in would just be a silly gimmick.

Someone give me a compelling argument as to why the current MoBA fans here are actually excited for DotA 2.

Is it just for nostalgia's sake? Because I don't know.
+1 for epic post.

I guess only DotA players that haven't moved to LoL/HoN will play it or newbies new to the genre who will then get smacked about and quit.

I am honestly dissapointed in Valve.