Valve Delivers Blizzard-esque Dota 2 Trailer

Random Argument Man

New member
May 21, 2008
I just hope we don't have the same community that the orginal DOTA had... I also kept thinking that the TF2 theme song would pop out at the last second..

maddawg IAJI

I prefer the term "Zomguard"
Feb 12, 2009
Fortesque said:
Oh, Hey Ashe, Hey Sion, Hey Skarner, Hey Nocturne, Hey Malphite, Hey Galio!!!

Poor form Valve, poor form.
Whu? But...*Sigh* Every single one of the champions you just mentioned had some form of inspiration drawn to them from one of the heroes you just saw.

For example, Skarner? His ultimate, Impale , was a move from a previous Dota champion.

Ashe? There are so many people in Dota who play and act exactly like her, that it would be impossible to narrow it down.

Urgot is believed to be based off of a previous Champion concept called the Spider Queen who in turn comes from a Dota Hero.

They took quotes and made multiple references to Dota and the game the mod was made for as well.

Malphite and Nocturne are based off of creatures from Warcraft 3 (Golems for Malphite and shades for Nocturne), Jarvan has several quotes taken straight from Arthas ("For my father, the king!") and Karthas had the unfortunate unoriginal fate of being named after the Lich King and one of the demons he served.

In short, the guys you just fighting were the originals here and the ones you're claiming they ripped off are the ones they inspired.


New member
Feb 24, 2009
Can I just call this now before this start to get stupid. When we begin to get more, and more DoTA 2 gameplay and info, can we all PLEASE not ***** about whats better, LoL, HoN or this?

I love LoL, and I know all of these games are shockingly similar. I also know it makes you feel better to argue that somehow the one you sunk your money into is better. But in the end doesn't matter, because its all just down to taste.

Its just a genre of game.


New member
Jan 31, 2011
I really hope it's good but the trailer was meh,all it told me was:" don't worry we have the same champions as DOTA".


New member
Oct 15, 2009
I enjoyed myself some DOTA and I will probably pick this one up looking forward to it.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Food for Thought:Blizzard fanboys don't feel so good now that their game is being 'copied' do they?
[sub]Yeah I went there.[/sub]

On the topic of the video, I'll give it a spin when it comes out. Looks interesting and because Valve is involved, it's going to be at the very least jaw-droppingly awesome. I tend to enjoy whatever they release.


New member
Jan 19, 2009
I play LoL a lot but I think I'd like to give this a whirl as well. I used to play a lot of DotA and I have to say that the games do feel different, I'm not sure exactly how to describe it but they do. Now that a version of DotA that wont have as hideously bad community issues (less leavers mainly) is going to be released I think I'll be able to make a fair comparison about which game I like better but until then I can't really say for sure especially since I stopped playing DotA 2 years ago.


New member
Jul 11, 2008
ZiggyE said:
stealing a free mod from another game's community and charging for it without acknowledging the actual creators.
You are aware that DotA2 will be mostly likely free to play right? Considering Valve's history with this sort of thing, ie. Alien Swarm, TF2


The Lich King
Feb 2, 2010
I saw a token female archer character. Then she shot an arrow made of ice and i said f*** this im not gonna pay for LoL.


The Lich King
Feb 2, 2010
FeralDynasty said:
I saw a token female archer character. Then she shot an arrow made of ice and i said f*** this im not gonna pay for LoL.
And yes, i know there was a female archer with frost attacks in DOTA as well. I played WC3 for a really long time. Still waiting for the nonexistant WC4


The Lich King
Feb 2, 2010
Shjade said:
Eggbert said:
What is gameplay like in these things, anyway? I keep hearing about them, but I've never tried any. I do love the trailer, though.
Eh, gameplay is sorta...monotonous, really. Games are typically broken up into early-game (aka: "Laning phase"), mid-game (typically a roaming phase, where people start moving into other lanes/pushing hard in groups/working for map control), and late-game, where people start getting their builds together and teamfights have a more major impact on the outcome of the game (early teamfights can set one side ahead of the other, but rarely are they game-winning on their own; a late-game ace, on the other hand, tends to end the game right there if the winning side didn't die off as well). You kill a lot of minions that aren't paying attention to you to get gold while also attacking your opponents to try to stop them from killing YOUR minions for gold as well. Some of the above games emphasize killing your opponents over farming, others (LoL I know for certain) focus on the minion-farming and more or less discourage direct assault on your opposing champions until later on in the game. Economy differences, mainly.

One thing they all have in common, unfortunately, is incredibly insular, intolerant, and generally crappy communities. One need look no further than a thread on the LoL forums detailing their community's relationship with Brazilian players to see what I'm talking about, or browse a few threads griping/laughing about how much trolling goes on in games, and so on. It's worse than I ever saw in the WoW hardcore arena/pvp community, which is saying something.

All in all, DotA-style games are an okay distraction without much depth that tend to be plagued by jerkass communities.
I understood that all perfectly. But i've been playing LoL for over a year now. What are lanes, pushing for what, what is a build, what is an ace, you described it all very well but only for people who have played a MOBA before and the person asking had never played one. -2 stars for helpfulness.

Smooth Operator

New member
Oct 5, 2010
TF2 trailer mixed with WC3 trailer, looks good.
But it makes me quite uneasy Valve is so blatantly taking over someone elses idea to make money off it.

I understand if they want to expand into new waters but for gods sake do something a little different.


New member
Jan 20, 2010
VileTerror said:
I can honestly say I wouldn't pay good money (or even bad money, or any money at all) for a piece of . . . that.
It looks way too mundane. Nothing about that trailer sparked excitement or interest for me.

Earnest? I'd appreciate it if you avoided such generalizing colloquialisms in the future. For that crime, the entire game industry is guilty enough as it is. Particularly in the marketing departments.
Amen. I just felt alienated from this community a bit more, since apparently I don't share the same blind enthusiasm...

Pedro The Hutt

New member
Apr 1, 2009
Mr.K. said:
TF2 trailer mixed with WC3 trailer, looks good.
But it makes me quite uneasy Valve is so blatantly taking over someone elses idea to make money off it.

I understand if they want to expand into new waters but for gods sake do something a little different.
Isn't this basically their default modus operandi?
Team Fortress was a Quake mod originally (and I do believe they hired a lot of the TFC team)
Counter-Strike was a Half-Life mod originally, then they hired the two main mod makers and made it their own game.
Portal's core mechanic comes from a student project, they hired the students and put them at work to perfect the mechanic while giving it a Valve-esque story.
Left 4 Dead originally was in development by another studio that had a license on the Source engine, they then made the team a subsidiary of theirs (who have since left Valve again) and made it an official Valve game.

I don't see how it surprises you that they took in the Dota guys to make Dota 2.

Smooth Operator

New member
Oct 5, 2010
Pedro The Hutt said:
I don't see how it surprises you that they took in the Dota guys to make Dota 2.
They hired one of the Dota guys, and it's only someone that came in later.

What really surprises me is that they are copying Warcraft, I understand if they want to get into these Dota waters but since when do they just copy-paste other peoples games and copyright their names... it's a really odd step for Valve.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
fi6eka said:
Nouw said:
Food for Thought:Blizzard fanboys don't feel so good now that their game is being 'copied' do they?
[sub]Yeah I went there.[/sub]
True, true.But you have to wonder how do Dune or Laserburn fans used to feel when GW ripped their space opera off :):):).
Oh I know exactly how they feel and worse. I'm a fan of Starship Troopers, one of the most criminally under-referenced source of military science fiction right next to Lensman.