ResonanceGames said:
Undead Dragon King said:
Even if it's not trolling, I'm really past the point of caring about the Half-Life series by this point.
You kept us waiting for too long, Gaben. Mr. Freeman means nothing to me now.
After only four years, really? Guys like you are why we get yearly installments.
Half-Life 2 took 6 years and it turned out fine.
"Guys like me" includes most of the gaming community. I'm not being unreasonable. Generally it takes a AAA developer (and YES, Valve is one) circa two years to make a great sequel, especially in a genre as straightforward as an FPS. Hell, even smaller dev teams sometimes need less time than that. Take Uncharted, for example.
It's been four years since the bite-sized add-on that was Episode 2. I may not be as big a Valve fan as you, but it will take more than that to revive the series for me that's been buried under the dust of waiting so long.
It's already been seven years since Half-Life 2. And this is just at time of writing! Valve are infamous for their development time, but that shouldn't give them an unlimited development time allotment in my eyes. They can only put it off for so long before it enters the realm of absurdity. Really, besides Duke Nukem Forever, what's the most infamously delayed game in history that's already spawned internet memes?
Forgive me for being skeptical, but I'm not sure how much Valve can improve the FPS formula that they've got for Dr. Freeman. Valve may have opened the door for FPS experimentation, but with the glut of shooters on the market that have experimented with different engine and design concepts since Half-Life 2, I can see very little that Valve can innovate that hasn't already been done by someone else.