Firstly, I am British and have eperienced the typical "Hey Limey/Tera Drinking Toff" insults.
I have no problem with this, as has already been stated, the moment one individual reveals their gender/ethnicity/nationality upon the XBL/PSN system, a torrent of insults comes their way regarding this. (I'd say 75% of the time)
I am not branding 'Squealy twelve year olds' as the only culprits here. (although they seem most common)
Many people find their trash talk combined with voices annoying. I emphasise "Trash Talk".
For example, a scenario on XBL only a few days ago.
*Just playing COD4 TDM*
Default 12 year old child (with annoying voice) : "Hey Guys"
Lovemedo93 (myself) : "Hey"
Other Players: "Hey" "Hello" "Bonjour" "Oh god.."
12Yo: "Guys, Guys, Guys everyone go sniper."
*No Reply*
12Yo: "Hey (insert other player name) Why arn't you sniping man? Why?"
*No Reply*
*12Yo gets a kill*
12Yo: "YESSS, Hey Guys, Guys, Did you freakin' see that? Sweet! Did you see that, I powned that guy"
*Game Ends, Returned to lobby*
12yo: "I won that for us guys"
"Skip this map"
"Skip it"
"C'mon guys Skip it"
"Who hasn't voted"
"n'awwww, tards"
"What gun shall I be?"
"hmmm, sniper, hmmmmm shotgun"
"Hey you guys got golden shotgun?"
"Dummm Dum Dum Dum *sings*"
"Hmmmm, Red dottt?"
"I know, I'll get mini Uzi"
*Game Starts, 12Yo gets a kill*
*No reply*
12yo: "Lovemedo did you see that? Heyy Lovemedo!?"
"Fine Jackass"
"Just because you don't get any kills"
"Why are you called Lovemedo?"
"Hey? Why are you called Lovemedo?"
*12yo sends me message repeating the last question*
Things Like that, Just, Trash Talk.
No one responded for fear of him carrying on the godamn conversation, but he did anyway, With himself. It was jsut the unecessary talking, If he wanted to talk to friends keep it to a party. If he wanted just to have a conversation and play, then so be it, just get the message if no one replies.
This is one of the many things that put me off playing all together. Yes I can block them, but why should I have to do that?
This isn't the only annoyance, you also have the unecessary swearing*/racism/etc, and even worse, the 12yo combined with the swearing. Or Worse? A 12yo mouthing off to another 12yo. .
*Swearing isn't great, but it happens, jsut no need for it out of context.
"Wallis mate what a fucking grenade" - Said whilst laughing, not necessary, but acceptable.
"Shit, we're getting owned" - "" "" ""
Another thing that has been mentioned, co-op with a stranger. 50/50
Not my favourite, but when entering a game, I won't just dive in. I'll just say hello and ask a few questions, not like some sort of blind date. Just like, "What gun will you use?" "Where shall we go?" etc, not being unfriendly, but from these questions I can tel if this guy/girl is one of the many 12yo's/in it for fun/serious/friendly. I rarely ever leave because of difference in skill level, it merely adds as a challenge.
If I want to play co-op, I'll 9/10 play local or with a freind.
I find many of these issues do not occur during PC gaming. From experience, text chat was used for chatting and occasional messages, and voice chat similar but with more tactics etc.
I believe this is due to the ability to Ban/Warn/Kick players and the supervisation of admins, god save these men.
I could go on longer. But I'm Hungry.
If you couldn't be bothered to read, it's no problem, no skin off my back