j-e-f-f-e-r-s said:
- firstly, it would add an extra element of 'realism' to the gameplay, important when your game recolves around shooting terrorists and special forces as opposed to aliens and demons.
- secondly, it added a tactical choice to the gameplay: players could either sacrifice movement speed for improved accuracy, or they could keep their movement speed but have to deal with bullet spread and recoil. This allowed players to experiment with different playstyles, without giving one side too much advantage over the other. Iron-sighters may move slower, but they have just as much if not more chance of popping someone running past them emptying bullet clips wildly into the air.
Sorry Valve, but this isn't 2004 anymore. Shooters have changed since you guys last made any serious waves in the genre, and it would be nice if you could keep abreast of those changes and see them for the improvements they've caused as well as the detractions, and not simply criticise everything released since Half-Life 2 as being 'pandering to casual players.'
(quote cut down for brevity)
Saying that every shooter should include iron sights is like saying that every racing game should insist on having a cockpit camera. Sure, it's more realistic, but some of us like our arcadey fun. If I'm playing a Burnout game, I want to have slightly unrealistic physics, and I want to be able to use the majority of my screen to see my surroundings, not the inside of the car.
Similarly, when I play Counter-strike, I want to be able to accurately shoot my gun from the hip, even if that's less realistic. When I feel like realism, there are plenty of games and mods I can play, Insurgency being one of my personal favorites. In that game, the gameplay is slow and deliberate because one body shot can take you out. In CS, on the other hand, even a body shot from the Scout can't take you out.
I have no problem with iron sights in games that aim to be super-realistic, like ARMA, Red Orchestra, or Insurgency. I
do have a problem with it in games that are more arcadey though, because all it does is slow down the gameplay.