CkretAznMan said:Oh, that's actually quite depressing. Also, this game and Final Fantasy Versus XIII could be the next kings of vaporware.
Tell me one, one single Valve game that wasn't "worth it", and I'll call you a liar!Hardcore_gamer said:If the reason this is taking so long isn't because they are secretly working on Half-Life 3 but simply because they can't be arsed to finish the series even though the WHOLE POINT of releasing the game via episodes was to make sure we would not actually have to wait then I will loose some respect for Valve.
Either Episode 3 will be the best thing since sliced bread or the wait simply won't be worth it.
And it best be better than DNF! But then again, it's Valve.Onyx Oblivion said:Yeah. Even Gran Turismo 5 came out last year, too.
Half Life is the newest vaporware joke.
It better be a full on game, and not just an episode at this point, really.
I lol'd at the Futurama reference.The_root_of_all_evil said:At least Gabe earned his money, rather than stealing it from his employees, like certain other CEOs.John Funk said:Meanwhile, Gabe Newell pauses for a moment to laugh at the Half-Life devotees from the top of his iron fortress in Bellevue, before going to swim in the money bin from Steam revenues.
Or releasing terrible sequels year on year.
Or monopolising DLCs.
Or releasing unwanted peripherals.
Or charging for each transaction.
Or running off to create their own Steam with blackjack and hookers.
Or running an entire IP into the ground.
Or getting their entire system hacked because they can't be bothered to put security in.
Swim on Gabe, you're still doing alright overall. But cut down on the hats, please.