Yeah, that's a good idea, let's all push Valve into releasing something. ALWAYS WORKED OUT JUST FINE SO FAR, RIGHT TF2?
Seriously, I thought by now we'd all have learned how to be patient with Valve. Look up the HL2 "Beta" leak on the Combine... overwatch.. whatever wiki. And count how many chapters and concepts they completely cut. And interesting sounding ones, too.
If a game is a tree and the branches are its chapters, Valve is cutting all the good ones to make room for the rare excellent ones. That's why their games take so long and are so good. Really, they make like 3 games worth of content each time, but only stick with the top.
And I wouldn't have it any other way. Let them release it in 2020, I'm not in haste. I know it'll be a good game and (especially without details) I won't get hyped - I just trust in Valve's abilities.
Can we now all hold hands and puke rainbows, yes?