Valve: No PlayStation Move or 3D Support Until Portal 3

Aug 25, 2009
Hopefully by the time Portal 3 rolls around people will have caught on to the fact that 3D is a massive gimmick and has no place anywhere. We live in prayer.

In all seriousness I've never got motion controls. I've played the Wii, I've seen the Kinect and Move, and I just don't know why someone would want to add all that nonsense to their experience of gaming. Maybe it's because I actually do unwind with other physical activities, but for me gaming is slouching time. I just can't see why anyone who played games seriously would want to be jumping all around the room while playing them. Sure casual gamers might like the action and that's fine, but why impose it onto something like Portal 3? It just doesn't make sense to me.


New member
Aug 19, 2009
FinalHeart95 said:
They're waiting until Portal 3 so they can call it "Portal 3D".

Marketing genius.
Please, don't. That would be F.3.A.R all over again! [/shudder]
Moving on, Portal 3? I loved the original, and the sequel is intriguing, but wasn't the whole appeal of the game that original design that didn't outstay its' welcome?

V8 Ninja

New member
May 15, 2010
Nice to see that Valve isn't adding currently gimmicky things into their games because they can.


New member
Jul 22, 2010
JaymesFogarty said:
Please, don't. That would be F.3.A.R all over again! [/shudder]
Moving on, Portal 3? I loved the original, and the sequel is intriguing, but wasn't the whole appeal of the game that original design that didn't outstay its' welcome?
Well, that all depends on how well they honestly do with the second game. If you remember, the first one could take 30 minutes to several hours to complete and it constantly threw new things at you. If Valve manages to continue that sort of design in the rest of the series, then it's no small stretch of the imagination to see further sequels. Then again, it could always fall victim to sequelitus, I just hope it doesn't though.


New member
Aug 19, 2009
ayanematrix said:
JaymesFogarty said:
Please, don't. That would be F.3.A.R all over again! [/shudder]
Moving on, Portal 3? I loved the original, and the sequel is intriguing, but wasn't the whole appeal of the game that original design that didn't outstay its' welcome?
Well, that all depends on how well they honestly do with the second game. If you remember, the first one could take 30 minutes to several hours to complete and it constantly threw new things at you. If Valve manages to continue that sort of design in the rest of the series, then it's no small stretch of the imagination to see further sequels. Then again, it could always fall victim to sequelitus, I just hope it doesn't though.
I would be nothing short of delighted to welcome more Portal sequels. I just want them to remain as high-calibre as the first one was. And indeed, it should not fall victim to sequelitus. Under any circumstances; I have a pistol, should a mercy killing be required. Just call.


Some kind of Monster
Feb 21, 2009
Lucane said:
Kris015 said:
Just a question. Will Playstation 3D be a new console or just an update for the old PS3?
It's a system update it's already in effect actually though more detailed in depth 3D games could use better tech in the future.
So what does it require to get 3D?


New member
Nov 26, 2009
So they're ALREADY announcing the future of the "Portal" franchise, but saying nothing about the future of "Half-Life"? DADGUMMIT VALVE! I love you, and all, but come on... OhwhoamIkidding PORTAL 3 F**K YEAAAAAAAAH!


New member
Apr 23, 2010
wait, so they're already planning a sequel to a sequel that hasnt been made yet?


Gaming Connoisseur
Sep 10, 2008
Ih8pkmn said:


Vavle's already planning Portal 3!?! For the love of fuck! Has Gabe Newell COMPLETELY forgotten the existence of Half-Life? You know, the game that kind of STARTED this fucking company in the first place!?! What the fuck!?!

Portal 2 come out next year, there have been countless updates to TF2, and Gordon Freeman is just watching his crowbar rust in a corner! What the Hell, valve!


I am sorry, but, wow. Valve's cake of ideas is going to go very stale very soon, if they just keep re-releasing Portal.
Also to everyone else who is getting all up in arms about "Portal 3": the statement is really just a roundabout cocktease way of saying, "it won't be in Portal 2". In other words: you're just getting trolled by Valve. They do this all the time.


YOU'RE a pie chart.
Nov 30, 2009
Yeah, it's good that Valve isn't spending extra time on Move or 3D support, so that they can have time for other projects such as Half Life 2 Episode 3.

...Oh wait.


New member
Mar 24, 2008
Kris015 said:
Lucane said:
Kris015 said:
Just a question. Will Playstation 3D be a new console or just an update for the old PS3?
It's a system update it's already in effect actually though more detailed in depth 3D games could use better tech in the future.
So what does it require to get 3D?
Well certain games have new versions labeled for 3D like Batman Arkham Asylum 1

Though this version of 3-D support only needs red/blue 3d glasses.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
oh well too bad for-wait what Portal 3? hahaha

idk...not sure how motion controls would help add to the game
*motions hands as if playing with Kinect sensor*
umm okay maybe buttons are needed there, but whatever. do not need
(waggle to create portal! lol)