Valve: Xbox Live Rules are a "Train Wreck"

Eldritch Warlord

New member
Jun 6, 2008
DazBurger said:
Cant ya just be happy that someone stands up against MS's "no free dlc policy"?
In what way is not making simple bug fixes and balance tweaks a stand against Microsoft's paid DLC policies?

Sure, stand up to Microsoft by not giving users extra content unless they can get it for free. That's fine even if it's logic and benefits are debatable. But you don't have to completely abandon a game to make the point that you think you should be able to release extra content for free.


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Oct 26, 2008
TheRightToArmBears said:
Well, yeah. The PS3's system has much more freedom for developers and suchlike, and the 360's is too controlled. I think Sony really have this online millarkey nailed now.
My sarcasm-o-meter just blew up from trying to solve that. Now I have no idea how to find out if it was sarcasm or not, well, except from asking you.... SO. I that sarcasm?

OT: Oh well. You can't beat them all I guess.


New member
Nov 2, 2009
Odegauger said:
Tankichi said:
Andy Chalk said:
Somewhat ironically, Newell also praised the PlayStation 3, which not too terribly long ago he treated like something stuck to the bottom of his shoe [], for picking up the ball Microsoft dropped. "We're really happy with the current situation with the PS3," he said. "We're solving it now in a way that is going to work for our customers, rather than assuming something is going to emerge later that will allow us to fix this."
Wait......Did microsoft Kill his dog or something? Until now everything i have read about Gabe Newell and PS3 has been him hating on it and the people who bought it.....This new future doesn't seem so bleak after all.
Or it could be Sony money talking.
I don't think so. It's just that Gabe overlooked some things in the past and now that he focuses on them realizes how bad the things he was working with are. The first thing was that PS3 was a ***** to program for. It's not just them who said that. They were happy with releasing content on the 360 as good as it was on the PC.
But then, after a long stream of updates, they got themselves around the PS3 and implemented steamworks. It's ludicrous to think Microsoft would actually allow this. They're assholes and that's exactly why you had to pay for that Crash Course DLC. If this long stream of updates found itself on the 360 it would have a ginormous price tag to come along and then everybody would blame Valve. It's all Microsoft's fault really. If they weren't so stuck up about that millionth swimming pool full of thousand dollar bills, they'd actually let the consumers and Valve have their way. As it is, you'll just have to play vanilla or whichever TF2 version it is.

And I do believe that at this moment Microsoft deserves all the trash talking it gets from all the people it gets it from. Aside from Pachter. He always talks shit much like them.

OneBig Man

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Jul 23, 2008
The_root_of_all_evil said:
OneBig Man said:
Im pretty sure putting out a half assed game is more than a type-o.
Really? To some it's a way of life [].
But this game will suck for every system. The creators of this game will not use their time and resourses to create new content for one system, and not even make a patch for the others. It will stay equally lousy for everybody.

Optimus Hagrid

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Feb 14, 2009
The_root_of_all_evil said:
Also, quite a lot of 360 players would be very happy to pay for a map pack, given the fact most of us have been waiting for three years.
And you'd fit it where?
On the hard drive.

Notice I said map pack, and not weapons, hats or other things that would exceed the 360's memory limit.

Unless there's something I'm missing here?

Especially as a lot of the balance issues rely on updates that consoles just can't have because of the memory limitations.
The 360's memory limit is only a couple of megabytes above the amount required for TF2. I doubt it would be hard to fit a patch and maybe fix minor balance issues such as the Pyro's lack of airblast or to give the Spy a weapon-eating watch.

Or, if that is completely impossible, they should just give us maps anyway, considering the game is already fairly balanced.

Damn, Gabe would be better off just inviting all the TF2 - 360 owners around for a slap-up meal. Lot less complaints and a LOT less work.

And you know Gabe knows his food. ;)
I hope he likes rotten tomatoes.

Nah, joking, I would totally be there.


New member
Nov 2, 2009
Eldritch Warlord said:
BrunDeign said:
Yeah the Xbox Live rules kinda suck. More than I thought I guess if they're the specific reason Valve can't update TF 2.
There's no reason Valve can't update TF2 on the 360. They would just need to follow Microsoft's rules (because you know, it's Microsoft's platform). As far as I know the rules aren't that restrictive, just things like requiring certification for the update so that it doesn't negatively affect the console or LIVE in any way.
But what we're talking about here is a content update, not a bugfix or whatever. TF2 evolved in size to extraordinary proportions. They would never let it slide for free. (See: Crash Course DLC for L4D... again!)

Jack Mcslay

New member
Sep 9, 2010
Releasing content for a price just because you can't do it for free isn't a good solution. You end up having a bunch of players scattered because some player has Map Pack A, while others lack Weapons Pack B, and in the end it you have a bunch of players who bought the DLCs for nothing because they can't use them because there aren't enough players who have them. It's annoying enough to get by Halo 3's decreased ammount of matchmaking games due to map packs, let alone the much broader and more numerous updates from TF2.

Saying it's because players may not have enough space to update is the lamest excuse ever. Both PS3 and X360 launched with 20GB HD models, but that doesn't stop Sony. And does anyone seriously buys a X360 arcade to play online?


New member
Mar 26, 2009
GamesB2 said:
jpoon said:
What a shock, Micro$oft showing what greedy fucks they are...

Yes the $ is getting really annoying now D:
Yeah, that's why it's there, Micro$oft is annoying as hell to a lot of developers I would imagine...


New member
Jan 8, 2010
Translation: We being incapable of figuring out that we pay the way for consumers to have free content on pc and the same thing as us paying for it on xbox live.

Any one notice how they don't give specifics? as though it wouldn't help us understand just what they meant?


For the Emperor!
Aug 15, 2008
The_root_of_all_evil said:
I'll just leave this here

Your GIF is apt, but needless. I have TF2 on the PC and PS3 and would like some of the weapons, crafting, updates, maps, achievements and balance changes that the PC version has. Not just the hats.

Unless you were being ironic or sarcastic. In which case ignore me!


New member
Jul 11, 2009
What PC people don't seem to realize is that the game was in an unplayable state the last time I checked on my 360. Because of some patches the game allowed you only to play as sniper, if the game happened to work at all. I don't think that giving us gamebreaking patches and not fixing them is microsoft's fault, as greedy as they may be.

I don't care about hats or other silly stuff. I just want the game to run properly. Is that so hard to get done?


New member
Dec 13, 2008
RanD00M said:
TheRightToArmBears said:
Well, yeah. The PS3's system has much more freedom for developers and suchlike, and the 360's is too controlled. I think Sony really have this online millarkey nailed now.
My sarcasm-o-meter just blew up from trying to solve that. Now I have no idea how to find out if it was sarcasm or not, well, except from asking you.... SO. I that sarcasm?

OT: Oh well. You can't beat them all I guess.
0% sarcasm.

I mean, come on, free stuff! I have never, ever had any problems with it's online system beyond minor things and when my whole internet connection is messing around, and it's free. XBL costs at least £40 a year and I prefer PSN's game library. It lends itself much better to developers like Valve that have lots of online stuff.


New member
Aug 7, 2008
Flamezdudes said:
How do the rules stop them from releasing a patch? It doesn't stop other companies.
Most patches aren't gigabytes in size. Plus, I think you are only allowed one or two free patches, which have been released.