Video game weapons you found most useless!


New member
Dec 17, 2008
Plasma rifle in Fallout: New Vegas. Slow projectile, slow rate of fire, unimpressive damage per shot.

In real life: pistols. Seriously. Find how far away 20ft is and that's that farthest that you'll be able to hit with a standard length barrel and they get worse with the shorter barrels. Much worse.


Self-Important Angler Fish
Feb 17, 2010
Engarde said:
TriggerHappyAngel said:
Half of the Melee weapons in Left 4 Dead 2... why would you take a Frying Pan or a Police Baton when you can have a Katana?
Not to burst your bubble, but all the melee weapons in l4d2 are basically reskins and do the same damage. Thus, the police baton is the best since it swings the quickest.
I was more talking about awesomeness in stead of gameplay-wise, but I guess that there must be some people out there who just don't like Katanas :O

Shock and Awe

Winter is Coming
Sep 6, 2008
Well the MIRV could be the bet way to kill a behemoth on Very Hard, but I definitely see your point, any other time it is a waste. Also, I actually found the poison to be quite useful in AC2. You could use it to kill one guard and potentially hurt more without detection. Not in Brotherhood though, could not use it once without getting caught.

OT: The plasma pistol in every Halo until Reach. Unless you coupled it with a human weapon it was absolutely useless. In Reach it is not quite a death wish, only close to it.


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008
To be fair, the MIRV is more of a collector's item. That it's wasteful doesn't mean it's useless. On the very basic level of things, it WILL kill with a vengeance.

Now, as for me, I will go with a weapon from Earthworm Jim 2. For those of you that ever played it, there was a Bubble Gun, a joke weapon. It blew bubbles, and had no attack power at all.

Shock and Awe

Winter is Coming
Sep 6, 2008
Lonewolfu571 said:
In real life: pistols. Seriously. Find how far away 20ft is and that's that farthest that you'll be able to hit with a standard length barrel and they get worse with the shorter barrels. Much worse.
Excuse me, but thats utter crap. Iver made a slightly large than standard size hole by shooting the same spot on a target from 7 yards(21 feet) three times and the man sized target every time, without much trouble, and I was not in good practice. This was with a Glock 19, a compact pistol. I've seen police officers at 25 yards(75 feet) fire a whole magazine and get every single shot in the head of a man sized target. Sorry, but I just had to point that out.


New member
Sep 9, 2009
rescuer86 said:
How about the wrench in BioShock? Did anyone use it after they got the pistol? And the drill in BioShock 2? That thing used up fuel so fast the rail gun was a better weapon and it could barely kill the thug splicers.
Seriously? I loved the Drill! I put on the Drill Specialist, Drill Vampire, Drill Lurker and Drill Power 2 Gene Tonics and then went to town! By the end of the game I was basically killing everything with one use of Winter Blast and a Drill Rush to the face. Best weapon in the game hands down in my opinion.

Also I don't see why the OP didn't like the Poison in AC2.
You can poison one person in a large group, the guards will go investigate and then you pick them off one by one while they aren't looking. Or you can use it as a distraction to get into a building or anytime you want the focus to be not on you. One of the best things in the game, I have to constantly stock up on Poison supplies because I use it so much.

As for worthless weapons in games... Half of the spells in Demon's Souls. Specifically Fireball, Fire Spray, Flame Toss, Soul Arrow, and Soul Ray. There is almost no variation in what these spells do. Straight line damage spells. The only difference is Fire Spray which you can hold down and do multiple straight line damage spells. It was pathetic and one of the reasons I went from loving the game to loathing the game. Most ingenious spell in the game was Demon's Prank.


New member
Mar 30, 2010
Any melee weapon or sidearm in any game is better than staring them to death after your last bullet left the chamber of your primary weapon. Or even if it comes to using your staff/wand or whatever.

Now to get back on topic of naming something which actually IS useless i would say the drunken missiles/rockets (cant remember the name perfectly) from the old game Rise Of The Triads. It was extreme fun in multiplayer though.

It is also useless to dual wield any gun in any game as well. Basically because your accuracy drops along with your ammo. It does make fun filmlike action though.

I enjoy the existance of useless weapons though. Much fun to be had with raging gamers in multiplayer sessions when you can beat them with the inferior weapons.


New member
Jan 19, 2009
TriggerHappyAngel said:
Half of the Melee weapons in Left 4 Dead 2... why would you take a Frying Pan or a Police Baton when you can have a Katana?
Police Baton swings the fastest out of all the melee weapons in Left 4 Dead 2.
So I would choose the Police Baton over the Katana.
Edit: Oopsies someone already said that.
Well when I think useless weapons I think the giant teddy bear in dead rising.


Elite Member
Jun 27, 2009
United States
I can't believe no one has mentioned it but
The klobb from goldeneye.
with the exception of an excuse to yell "IT'S KLOBBER'N TIME" during multiplayer.


Elite Member
Jun 27, 2009
United States
treeboy027 said:
Magikarp used Splash!
Nothing happened.
my friend hacked the game and created 6 Magikarp with the movesets of any legendary he could think of. so I had Magikarp using Spacial Rend and Roar of Time on me during a battle... so I lost to a group of magikarp... I am a failure.


New member
Apr 23, 2009
Nanissimov said:
Ever have those guns where you could not find a reasonable use for? I have and ive compiled a list of what i can think of from the top of my head. Oh yeah, and keep in mind that these are subjective personal opinions, just because you find it useless doesn't mean everyone else will. But i digress

#1) Experimental MIRV (Fallout 3) I could not find a use for it. The gun wasted 8 mini nukes which are 300 a pop (Depending on your barter skill) and were rare finds. But mind you, it only took 1 mini nuke to kill an enemy, 2 for the really hard ones (Even at a low big gun skill 2 at most) but this thing was wasting 8, 4x the amount required at most.

#2) Chinese pistol/32 pistol (Fallout 3) Yes i understand there 2 different guns but they were both utterly useless and i am not going to make two entries for each one of them. Anyways the guns were extremely weak and would earn you an instant game over if you so much as pulled it out on anything larger than a rad roach (Radiated Cockroach)

#3) M4/Shotgun (Hitman Blood money) These guns were useless in hitman because as the title implies your supposed to be a Hitman, not Marcus Fenix. They were non concealable and loud, but my biggest problem with these things is why you would want them, the pistol could be upgraded with magnum rounds, extended clips, and there was also an upgrade to make it automatic, making it a concealable silent M4. Same problems for the shotgun

#4) Poison stab (Assassins Creed 2) This had no purpose for anything other than giggles (or ad least i could not find one) it made enemies take out there swords and start waving them around.

Anyways thats what i could think of. What about you?
I see your fallout 3 pistole and raise you the .32
1. on of the weakest guns in the game
2. It ate up bullets better used in the hunting rifle
3. The only unquie version was in the DLC
4. Even that sucked
5. It's possible to take a bethemouth down with fists and live. Not so with a .32 pistol

Now with Poison Stab. Get a flock of people around a few guards and stab one of the gaurds. They betzerk and attack the crowd. This makes a huge ruckus that you can sneak past.


New member
Apr 25, 2009
Hmmm, the Pulse Rifle in Dead Space was fairly useless and chewed up ammo like no tomorrow. It was great for supression though, put your back to the wall, aim at the horde of enemies charging at you, and spray!


Local Cat
Aug 15, 2008
The First time I used the boxing gloves in New Vegas I thought they were useless, but that's because I wasn't using them right.

At first I tried just straight up punching them to death using the gloves, which took forever.

But then I realized that the gloves are best used to knock an enemy unconscious, then throw dynamite or a grenade at their feet.

Oh how much fun I had when I finally figured that out.


New member
Oct 14, 2009
My arsenel of energy weapons in Fallout: New Vegas. I don't understand why the fuck cowboy esqe weaponry beats high tech weapons, the upgrade to damage from an update doesn't help much and if you dare have the fucking gall to combine your cell ammo into more powerful ones your weapons are going to gain 2.5 as much damage to condition than usual. Oh, and all the unique/useful weapons suck up your already expensive ammo 2-3 times faster.

So remember kiddies, if you're a dumbass who specs in energy weapons (like me, I'm calling myself a dumbass, a rare moment of me admiting defeat) instead of the weapons favored by fucking cowboys prepare to be known as the nerfed gimp of the wasteland.


New member
Dec 21, 2009
Excalipur - Various Final Fantasies. Does 1 damage every time.
Excalibur II - Final Fantasy IX. Get to the last dungeon in under 9 hours and get this broken-ass sword that makes a character who already does obscene damage do a bit more.
Giant's Knife - Ocarina of Time. "Oh hey this is a good sword." "Oh... it broke."
Every weapon in any game ever with copper or bronze in its name.