Video game weapons you found most useless!


New member
Dec 15, 2010
Booze Zombie said:
rescuer86 said:
How about the wrench in BioShock? Did anyone use it after they got the pistol? And the drill in BioShock 2? That thing used up fuel so fast the rail gun was a better weapon and it could barely kill the thug splicers.
You did play Bioshock, right?
The guns were terrible, I killed everything with my wrench.
Yea same and I killed every thing with it's equivalent, the drill, in Bioshock2


New member
Dec 15, 2010
MiracleOfSound said:
Digi7 said:
Hmmm, the Pulse Rifle in Dead Space was fairly useless and chewed up ammo like no tomorrow. It was great for supression though, put your back to the wall, aim at the horde of enemies charging at you, and spray!
It was great for the two big bosses too. Man that game had some epic boss fights...
my favorite was the zero-G boss fight


New member
May 17, 2010
Kuchinawa212 said:
Nanissimov said:
Ever have those guns where you could not find a reasonable use for? I have and ive compiled a list of what i can think of from the top of my head. Oh yeah, and keep in mind that these are subjective personal opinions, just because you find it useless doesn't mean everyone else will. But i digress

#1) Experimental MIRV (Fallout 3) I could not find a use for it. The gun wasted 8 mini nukes which are 300 a pop (Depending on your barter skill) and were rare finds. But mind you, it only took 1 mini nuke to kill an enemy, 2 for the really hard ones (Even at a low big gun skill 2 at most) but this thing was wasting 8, 4x the amount required at most.

#2) Chinese pistol/32 pistol (Fallout 3) Yes i understand there 2 different guns but they were both utterly useless and i am not going to make two entries for each one of them. Anyways the guns were extremely weak and would earn you an instant game over if you so much as pulled it out on anything larger than a rad roach (Radiated Cockroach)

#3) M4/Shotgun (Hitman Blood money) These guns were useless in hitman because as the title implies your supposed to be a Hitman, not Marcus Fenix. They were non concealable and loud, but my biggest problem with these things is why you would want them, the pistol could be upgraded with magnum rounds, extended clips, and there was also an upgrade to make it automatic, making it a concealable silent M4. Same problems for the shotgun

#4) Poison stab (Assassins Creed 2) This had no purpose for anything other than giggles (or ad least i could not find one) it made enemies take out there swords and start waving them around.

Anyways thats what i could think of. What about you?
I see your fallout 3 pistole and raise you the .32
1. on of the weakest guns in the game
2. It ate up bullets better used in the hunting rifle
3. The only unquie version was in the DLC
4. Even that sucked
5. It's possible to take a bethemouth down with fists and live. Not so with a .32 pistol

Now with Poison Stab. Get a flock of people around a few guards and stab one of the gaurds. They betzerk and attack the crowd. This makes a huge ruckus that you can sneak past.
A medal. GIVE THIS MAN ONE!!!!

Croix Sinistre

New member
Oct 25, 2009
Honestly I thought the gravity gun in half life 2 was useless.

There were only so many situations where it was worth pulling out and using, aside from the game forcing you to use it. Which is another point: I absolutely hated how it was the "ooh look! We need to have the player use this thing as much as possible" item out of half life 2.


New member
Feb 11, 2009
i win with the most useless weapon EVER featured... the bubble gun in Just cause 2. or, if you count it, the first ever completely useless weapon, a lvl 5 magikarp in pokemon.


New member
Oct 18, 2010
Just Cause 2 - The sawn off shotgun/pistol......or the bubble blaster if you count joke weapons.

EDIT: Damnit, ninja'd >.>


New member
Oct 14, 2009
MiracleOfSound said:
Blatherscythe said:
So remember kiddies, if you're a dumbass who specs in energy weapons instead of the weapons favored by fucking cowboys prepare to be known as the nerfed gimp of the wasteland.
All true. I did think Energy Weapons weren't as good as they should have been in Fallout 3 either though. I mean there was nothing a Plasma Rifle could kill that the Xuanlong assault rifle couldn't kill just as quickly.
Yeah, I have my own theories as to why the Brotherhood was doing horribly in Fallout 3 and New Vegas. Their armor may be top notch, but they seem to favor laser rifles, the damage equivelent to a really strong flashlight. This can also apply to the Enclave, they favor plasma weaponry that has easily dodged projectiles, thus after using most of the their energy cells and a lot of strafing the Brotherhood was victorious over the Enclave.

And the worst part about the piss weak energy weapons is that I have the console version, so I can't just mod my troubles away.


YOU'RE a pie chart.
Nov 30, 2009
By the time you find it in the game, I found the Mag-Net Launcher in Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack in Time to be quite useless. By then you already have the Groovitron Glove and the Cryomine Glove, both of which are far more effective at keeping enemies distracted/at bay than the Mag-Net Launcher. So why bother bringing it back from Tools of Destruction? I never used the damn thing after I finished leveling it up.

Also the Volcanic Pistol in Red Dead Redemption. Man I hate that damn thing. Such a low firing rate, and it always feels so weak. Add to it that for some reason, every time you enter multiplayer, it selects the Volcanic Pistol as your selected pistol even if you have better weapons like the High Power Pistol or Mauser Pistol, and I would like to toss that piece of crap back into the volcano it crawled out of.

And an honorable mention to every weapon in ModNation Racers, although it's because the AI cheats and blocks even instant weapons like the sideswipe and level 1 bolt, not because the weapons are bad. If the AI played fairly once in a while, they would actually be pretty good.


New member
Apr 23, 2010
Nanissimov said:
#4) Poison stab (Assassins Creed 2) This had no purpose for anything other than giggles (or ad least i could not find one) it made enemies take out there swords and start waving them around.

Anyways thats what i could think of. What about you?
You are wrong. There's a clear intention to the poison stab and i frequently used it... Although you may have miss the point. It's a stealth tool. Your mission as a assassin is to kill without being seen and that's where it shine. First off, you can kill your mark without being near (not the story one otherwise you are teleported back to him) but you can also make that a diversion to enter place without notice. When you have a moderate to low wanted level, you can actually poison's a neighboring guard and while everyone look at him, you can slip in to (for example) steal a codex page. It's very useful but you got to know how to use it. On the other hand, the money throwing trick is worse and it doesn't really affect guard.

Back on track: The Pistol in any Medal of Honor game. You always meet people with different gun and the very first one you kill, you'll always gonna steal his gun in throw your pistol aways.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
Cheesepower5 said:
Excalipur - Various Final Fantasies. Does 1 damage every time.
Excalibur II - Final Fantasy IX. Get to the last dungeon in under 9 hours and get this broken-ass sword that makes a character who already does obscene damage do a bit more.
Giant's Knife - Ocarina of Time. "Oh hey this is a good sword." "Oh... it broke."
Every weapon in any game ever with copper or bronze in its name.
Well, to be fair the purpose of Excalibur II is to trade it to unlock another playable character that you can't get legitimatly any other way. I don't know many people who actually kept the sword after getting it.

To be honest I was a bit disappointed with the small revolvers in Fallout (like most people here) but then again I have a fondness for small pistols you can easily hold/conceal in the palm of your hand. The .38 also brings back memories of "Joe Friday", a bit before my time but I remember watching "Dragnet" on USA and thinking it was kind of cool especially considering when it was made.


New member
Mar 7, 2008
Any sniper that isn't from the Accuracy International Arctic Warfare family, in Combat Arms.

If you can't kill someone with one shot to anywhere you might as well just be shouting "HEY LOOK OVER HERE I HAVE A LOUD GUN WHICH IS USELESS UP CLOSE." Because any other sniper WILL NOT be an instant kill no matter what, unless you can somehow overcome the ungodly recoil and horrible accuracy (yes, with snipers) to hit someone's head while they're hiding behind a solid wall. Because bullet penetration is completely unheard of.

While I'm on the topic, it bugs me that even the M92FS default pistol does like 2.5x someone's maximum health by merely nicking their hair, but that's for a different conversation.


New member
Apr 23, 2010
rescuer86 said:
How about the wrench in BioShock? Did anyone use it after they got the pistol? And the drill in BioShock 2? That thing used up fuel so fast the rail gun was a better weapon and it could barely kill the thug splicers.
Yeah, I do. As long as you always buy the upgraded version of the Electrochock power and find the athletic tonic (which augmented the damage output of the wrench tenfold) you could beat the game without firing a shot. But don't take my word for it. Here's a proof.



New member
Mar 4, 2010
Deus Ex - Pepper spray.

As for the 1911s in Hitman, the full auto mod was a great way to shoot out overhead lights without actually aiming at them. The M4 would have been a piece of shit even if you COULD conceal it.

On the topic of shooting pistols in real life, the problem isn't so much inherent inaccuracy as much as having a small sight radius and having said sights cover up your target at distance. When you start talking about 20+ yards, you had better be pretty damned good. Especially with motion. It's a lot easier with optics, but no one is going to carry a Glock with a red dot as their handgun for killing people.


New member
Oct 25, 2009
Drakmeire said:
I can't believe no one has mentioned it but
The klobb from goldeneye.
with the exception of an excuse to yell "IT'S KLOBBER'N TIME" during multiplayer.
damn, great pic. Saved.

OT: The reaper from Perfect Dark was next to worthless.


Fight like a Krogan
Jan 3, 2009
Blatherscythe said:
Yeah, I have my own theories as to why the Brotherhood was doing horribly in Fallout 3 and New Vegas. Their armor may be top notch, but they seem to favor laser rifles, the damage equivelent to a really strong flashlight. This can also apply to the Enclave, they favor plasma weaponry that has easily dodged projectiles, thus after using most of the their energy cells and a lot of strafing the Brotherhood was victorious over the Enclave.

And the worst part about the piss weak energy weapons is that I have the console version, so I can't just mod my troubles away.
Me too buddy. I eagerly await the day I can buy a gaming PC and breathe new life into my favorite game.

Alas, with Ireland the way it is right now I could be waiting a long time.