I LOVE your avatar. I might steal it once you're done with it... _>TheAmazingHobo said:Okay, now show me on this doll, where your copy of Final Fantasy Tactics touched you.
You were mugged by a gang of Xbox 360 games? And then DS games stole your TV and stereo? How the hell did they do that?twistedheat15 said:I know it's a subject no one wants to admit, but there is a rise of violence being caused directly by the effect of video games. Just the other day while walking my dog a gang of 360 games jumped me, stole my wallet, and took Mr. Snuffles with them. As if that wasn't enough when I get home after the ordeal I find 2 DS games climbing out my window with my TV and stereo system. As a community we need to come together and admit the problem so that solutions can be made.
Does any other escapist want to come forward and talk about any video game related violence that they endured?
Ladies and Gentleman, I present you:Robert Ewing said:There is no rise in violence. The only notable rise in violence is in Africa, and of course they are famous for being avid video game players.
People have always been violent, it's just that the media reports about more, and more these days. My grandparents tell me about 1950's London, how it was more dangerous to live there than Kabul today. And video games weren't even invented. But nobody knew about the amount of gang crime, murder, rape, and general anti-social behavior in 1950's London, because nobody wanted to know about that stuff. They wanted to know the good things, and only the good things.
I think in the time we live in, violence in first world countries is slightly less so than a hundred years ago. We've come along way, and of course there is still a lot of violence, but it's not video games... not at all.
And protip: Violent people like violence. Games offer that in ample supply, logic = cooltimes.
The orange box took me out to dinner at a fancy restaurant and payed for the meal, what are you talking about? Orange box stabbing people.... that's ridiculous.DrSpoy said:I see, I'm not the only one who's had video game violence happen to them. I once saw someone getting stabbed by The Orange Box but all I could do was just run away. It was terrible.
Awesome Thread.
Your avatar sums up my feelings towards you! It's ppl like you that drive video games to do what they do!Trucken said:I'm so ashamed for what I've done... a few years ago my 360 got sick and it had to stay at a hospital for a while. I was devastated and spent all my time in bed. My PS3 tried to cheer me up, but I snapped at it and yelled "YOU'RE NOT THE 360!!! YOU CAN NEVER BE THE 360!!!" And then... then, I... I slapped it. Right across the powerbutton.
I've apologized to it so many times, but... I'm afraid things will never be the same...