Volition Dev Vs. Pre-Owned Games


New member
May 21, 2009
I think that all releases for the new xbox should have both digital and hard copy releases. If they don't have a digital release, people who buy the console later will never get the chance to play the earlier titles released for that console, which i think is a huge problem.


New member
Mar 9, 2010
Do you hear that sound?
It's the sound of console gaming losing all the advantages it had over PC gaming.


Pub Club Am Broken
May 30, 2009
What a douche, almost makes me want to look into pirating volition games. Used games are a valuable source of testing games. EXAMPLE: I bought Saints row 2 used, due to my love of this game I then bought Saints Row 3 brand new when it came out. Not only that but not all of us make six figures a year and can afford to fork out $90+ (I live in Australia) for every game we want to buy.


New member
Apr 1, 2011
gunner1905 said:
If that happens then welcome to the world (at least an area) of PC gaming, consolers.
I was just about to say this. Seriously, apparently I'm not going to buy Saints Row the Third or First or any others if you support this. Its a legal payment method and shouldn't be as hated upon by you as is.

Legendsmith said:
Do you hear that sound?
It's the sound of console gaming losing all the advantages it had over PC gaming.
DAMNIT, I was about to edit my post with something witty like this, but I was too late. ;__;


The Killjoy Detective returns!
Jan 23, 2011
Do you hear that? That is the sound of me not buying any more of their games. A pity, I really like SR2.


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
What did you say Mr Durall?

"Be sure to buy Saint Row 3 used"?

No problem! I'll do just that!


Bah weep grah nah neep ninny bom
Nov 20, 2008

It'll never work. He's either hamming it up or stupid. I think screwing with consoles further will get Microsoft murdered. Like...angry mobs with torches and pitchforks.

Basically, Microsoft... If you want Apple, Sony, and Nintendo to win, go right ahead! I DARE YOU!

Vault Citizen

New member
May 8, 2008
For me used games aren't just about price, they are a good way to play games that for whatever reason I didn't get when they came out.

If a system like this was put in place I imagine less games would be sold not more, as many people would be a lot more selective in what they bought and far less willing to take risks.


Resident Furry Pimp
May 8, 2011
RaNDM G said:
At the end of the day, do we really need to say anything about this?
Yes, actually...
Voltition, perhaps if your games didn't go downhill since their start, we wouldn't have this problem. Maybe something as simple as educating them could help solve the problem...

The reason why this is a problem is because super extreme graphics is a card to play if you intend to make it part of the environment, and it requires a skilled hand to play. Stalker executed super extreme graphics well... Red Faction, Saints Row, and Fallout 3/NV did not. (Fallout is Bethesda, but deserves a mention here anyway) When your games cost this much to make, and you feel cheated because friends are nice to eachother and let them play their friends games, or try their buddies games then it's time to cut costs. It's pretty obvious that gameplay and story are not your primary money-sinks. (Although earlier versions of Red Faction and Saints Row 2 were pretty fun and had a decent story) so it's time to cut back on graphics.

Think about it. What is one of the games who has a massive cult following, dominated You-tube, and I'm still playing it from when I got it Xmas of 2010? Minecraft. And that shit's ugly. Another game I constantly praise here? Spiral Knights. With a massive art team of less than 5. Sol Survivor and Killing Floor are still installed since their release and neither of them have anything to boast graphically.

I'm just sayin' If you look at the problem from my point of view. It's pretty obvious what the issue is. Anno 2070 still looks amazing, but it's graphics are not as shiny as Saint's Row the third. Guess what? I'm having considerably more fun with Anno, than I did with SR3.

I don't even like trade networks and city-builders with fetch quests. How the fuck did this land on my computer?


New member
Aug 22, 2010
Tanis said:
IF this was done, I wouldn't buy that console.
IF all current game consoles had anti-used game software, I would sit out that generation and hope the next one corrected said mistake.
I'd be right there with you.

What I think some developers don't seem to realize is that doing away with used sales could actually hurt their business if they continue with the current pricing models they use on consoles. As it is, games rarely fall more than $20 below their original price until after the first year or so of release. Sure some less popular titles will drop a bit faster, but $40 is still a pretty common sticker price at the end of year 1, and that's with pricing competition from used games. What happens when they get to decide when they drop the price?

Perhaps even more importantly to their bottom line, most gamers aren't like me. I'll buy a game and hold onto it until the day I die. I don't usually trade in a game unless there's absolutely nothing enjoyable about it. But because of that, I have to either buy used on occasion or buy fewer games, because I spend a lot of money on this hobby and I never get any of it back. But a lot of people who are going out and buying games like COD or Madden every year the day they release are only willing/able to do so because they went in and traded stuff they don't play anymore for store credit. What happens to new sales if people can't do that anymore? I think developers like Volition would actually stand to be the hardest hit if your average gamer now has to buy fewer games because they can't trade anything.

Services like Steam get around this by having frequent sales and deals, even for newer titles so they can tap into those customers who don't want to spend $60 on a game even sooner. But that's not as easy to pull off in a retail setting, in no small part because you have so many people grabbing for a piece of the pie and you're less able to coordinate. And if companies like Gamestop were to find their bread and butter sales disappear, how long do developers and publishers really expect to be able to reap the benefits before they start pressuring them into contracts which favour the retailer even more?

But perhaps most importantly, this kind of speculation isn't new. It was a rumour that was going around about the PS3 almost 10 years ago and it turned out to be a load of crap then, just as it will now. Because all it would take is one company not limiting used titles to absolutely kill the ones that do. None of these manufacturers are Valve, and they are not entering a market with zero competition. If they decide to cut used titles, they may as well bow out now.


New member
Jan 17, 2009
Grey Carter said:
SL33TBL1ND said:
Grey Carter said:
but that could be solved by Microsoft implementing its own rental service. Gamers who want to lend games to their friends could conceivably be accommodated by a system similar to Amazon's book lending policy, which transfers the license for a set period of time.
Come on, Grey. We all know that both of those would either never happen, or be outrageously priced services.
Those are solutions Durall himself offered. Personally, judging by Games For Windows Live, I don't think Microsoft could organize a pissup in a brewery.
That's going in my list of things to say to make myself seem funny. Bravo sir.

OT: Welp, as much as I love saints, I won't be buying it if they keep being, well, dicks about the issue. Some of us can't afford everything new anymore. I used to be able to, but well, times change.


I can smell sausage rolls
Dec 6, 2010
the mans an arse. its a terrible idea because the games will still be a silly amount. i'll stick to pc and my ps3 until i'm convinced of reasons why i should actually get a new console...


Lord of Midnless DPS
Mar 17, 2009
"And while we're fantasizing, I would like a flying cat that dispenses harps"YZ. So for our next developer fantasy: New Xbox 720 will have an integrated and improved Kintect, that will do a retina scan and submit it to a server to be verified, before you can play the game.


New member
Jun 19, 2008
I'm sorry, but what games have volition released that are worth paying full price for? I've played some Saints 3 at my mate's place, and I got incredibly bored after half an hour. Doing the exact same thing over and over and over? I'd sooner play WoW. At least there I can chat to other people. Nothing they've released is worth the over $100AU (100$AU is roughly 106$US and 62GBP) we're charged.

Pre-owned is the only way to get any value for money here, unless you're a pc gamer exclusively, in which case you can either wait 6 - 12 months for the bollocks price to drop or pirate the damn thing.


New member
Dec 19, 2010
LoL, that is right, it won't kill gamers to not be able to play used or rented games. But it will piss them off. I guess the guy doesn't like to make money. No worries, you keep up that attitude and no one will want to buy your games. Darn shame this guy had to go and blow his mouth off. Now he has to be put on the list. I mean, I hardly play console games at all, but there has been times where buying used meant the difference between being able to afford something and not being able to afford something. I can't respect a view that doesn't respect right of ownership or consumer rights.


New member
Nov 22, 2011
Grey Carter said:
Durall - "Maybe something as simple as educating them could help solve the problem..."
Why Durall? Why do you hate us so much as to implicitly call us uneducated?


New member
Aug 12, 2011
You know, here in America it would be SUPER EASY for developers and console makers to get it on the used games sales.

All they have to do is get together, and create ACTUAL COMPETITION with Gamestop and the likes. If all the big money devs, publishers, and console makers did this, they could take down gamestop, and start getting their money both ways. Not to mention cutting out the middle man, and increasing profits as well.

Of course, they would rather whine, *****, and moan about it, than actually DO anything WORTH WHILE about it.

I personally hope EVERY next gen console has this feature when they launch. I think it would be the funniest thing to open the internet 2 weeks after launch, and the console companies and devs are wondering why NO ONE is buying their shit anymore.

Want people to pay $60.00 for a new game?? HOW BOUT MAKING A GAME WORTH $60.00. IMO only about 2-3 games a year come out that i see is WORTH $60.00 new.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
-Dragmire- said:
By the way (and this is less relevant but still needs to be said) some people complain that most games cost $60 now. Games are extremely expensive to make, even moreso now that the technology is improving so fast. I can't say I enjoy paying more, but everything has its price, and if you want it, you'll have to be willing to pay for it.
That's a design decision, good games can and will appeal to people even without multi-millions invested in state of the art rendering tech. It's a risk the developer/publisher make when creating their game that they hope will sell the best. The developer has failed if the player is done with their $60 game in the span of a week and returns it.
This. I don't need graphics to be cutting edge to enjoy a game, I still play deus ex regularly. Without a texture update. In my mind, its like food. Yes, its can be nice to have something pretty, but as long as it tastes good, I'm happy.

Graphics only NEED to be advanced enough to support the playstyle e.g. MGS3 was set in a jungle and focused on camoflage, so its graphics were as advanced as were needed. Likewise, tetris uses blocks, so its graphics are as advanced as needed.