I've heard about
Waiting for Godot, but didn't know enough to get the joke. So, being a good denizen of the internet, looked it up. So, the net result of today's strip is +1 knowledge, +2 cultural enlightenment, +1 chuckle.
DVS BSTrD said:
Okay I'm lost.
Who's this Johny Deep character?
Shinsei-J said:
Umm, what?
Completely lost here.
[sub]I need a map.[/sub]
Nile McMorrow said:
The point just flew over my head and appears to be on a flight to Mexico.
In other words...
Ya lost me after Johnny Depp.
Again, as someone who just really "got it," this is what I thought:
Johnnie Depp, who often is the sole hook people are going to movies for (Pirates of the Caribbean, the new Lone Ranger [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JjFsNSoDZK8]), is in this case playing a character who doesn't even show up in the movie. Tim Burton also takes on these projects and does wonky remakes of things when they're better left alone. But, at the same time, Tim Burton loves doing these slightly tragic or tragedy type movies, so it isn't even inconceivable. And, Tim Burton does these huge overhauls, and he might do such an overhaul of the original material that Godot shows up in an adaption of a play that's famous for him not even being in it.
So, the joke is, I guess, 1: about Johnnie Depp usually filling seats, and here he's playing someone who doesn't show up, 2: Tim Burton's wonkyness, since they drew Burton's interpretation of Godot as someone wearing a hat with a carrot and a dog and shit, which is baseless since we never see Godot or no what he looks like, 3: As bad as an idea as it may be, it isn't really out of character for Burton.
Finally, I'm at least 65% positive they didn't mean this Godot: