Warhammer 40k


New member
Apr 11, 2011
Scorched_Cascade said:

Seriously want a fun army? Play Chaos. Sod cheap-o "I win all the time due to codex abuse" armies. Play Chaos and troll the hell out of the other players with your battle cries, obscure rules and hilarious effects. Turn up in costume and dance round the table like a madman for bonus points.
Amen, my fellow chaos bretheren!


New member
Apr 11, 2011
Bah, go with chaos. Badass armour, unique abilities and obscure abilities FTW!
All glory to Tznetch, the changer of ways!

Eclectic Dreck

New member
Sep 3, 2008
If money weren't a problem (and it really isn't) and I have no real interest in painting an army, is there a resource other than Ebay where I can purchase pre-painted units? I've long wanted to play but I get sick of painting after half a squad.

Timedraven 117

New member
Jan 5, 2011
currently i play space marines going to go for a demon armie so i can play both fantasy and 40k but it is not just the game it is also about the painting


New member
May 17, 2010
ToAzT said:
I've been looking to get into a mini's game and Warhammer is the most prominent one around my area. I was just curious as to what everyone else thinks about it, or if I even should get into it.

I was considering either playing Tau, Ork, or Space Marines, but everyone plays Space Marines and the Ork don't really interest me too much, but apparently there's a battle box where I can get an amount of Ork And Space Marines. So I'll probably be Tau.

Thoughts, or advice?
I don't like to choose who other people play as but if you want opinions what kind of strategy do you think you would prefer to play? Long range, Massive amounts of ranged attacks or close combat that sort of thing? In otherwords what style of play do you think you would prefer?

Or alternatively get Eldar and join the cool side :p

Timedraven 117

New member
Jan 5, 2011
Biodeamon said:
Scorched_Cascade said:

Seriously want a fun army? Play Chaos. Sod cheap-o "I win all the time due to codex abuse" armies. Play Chaos and troll the hell out of the other players with your battle cries, obscure rules and hilarious effects. Turn up in costume and dance round the table like a madman for bonus points.
Amen, my fellow chaos bretheren!
FUCKING CAPTCHA WHY DO YOU DELETE EVRYTHING... AND YOU I HATE CHAOS SO MUCH. chaos is a traitor to every living thing yes you are. once in the 2nd round i was decimated so badly that i forfeted my selfesteem is still low

Mark Flanagan

New member
Apr 25, 2011
Eternal-Chaplain said:
andy25100 said:
Eternal-Chaplain said:
Man I'm jealous, WH40K isn't widely acknowledged where I live, of course we play some great Dungeons and Dragons!
If you like D&D have you tried warhammer fantasy roleplay? done by fantasy flight games and play's like a dream.

with army selection pick which one suits your play style & yourself, so during the trial games have a go with everything til you find it.
You know I've heard of something Called "Warhammer Fantasy Online." But never looked into it, is that what it is?
I think thats the MMORPG.
FantasyFlight makes all the GW PnP roleplay games. At the moment there is Warhammer Fantasy RP (or Woof-rup for short) which they just released 3rd edition for. I haven't played it but I seen it being compared to DND 4th (Which TBH I didn't like when I played in a 4th ed campaign).

They also do 3 40k roleplays that are compatable with each other. Dark Heresy (Inquistion), Rogue Trader (Space ships/trade) and Deathwatch (Space Marines).
I cannot stress how good these are if you like d100. Were currently playing a Deathwatch campaign in which two players are Marines (Space Wolf Grey Hunter and a Blood Angel Assault Marine) along with my Ordos Xeno's Interrogator (using Dark Heresy).

Hope that helped.

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
hehe, i'd liked to have gotten into WH40K to ( SoB or Nids FYI )
>.> cept I've got no money an never seen anyone playing it

Vampire cat said:
stuff that was said
nothing to add :D just like your avi


New member
May 20, 2009
I really like warhammer 40k I've collected space marines (but that bored me), so i looked into a different army. In the end i chose imperial guard, and i love it!

I found in my reading of all the codexs, like the army you play. It's all good if you have an army that demolishes your opponents, but then it just doesn't feel fun. You have to actually like the army.

I didn't like the space marines because they were super amazing super soldiers, i wanted something more human... and more tanks. So that's why i chose the imperial guard.

Salad Is Murder

New member
Oct 27, 2007
Xhu said:

You seem to be up-to-date. How are Chaos Space Marines faring in the latest edition? If possible, Iron Warriors specifically.
The current Chaos codex is intended to represent the renegade factions, rather than the older edition of the book, which focused mostly on the established Chaos Legions. Gameplay wise, it's pretty solid, but it's really built to replace the old book.

The best way to represent the Iron Warriors in the new rule set is simply to use the standard Space Marine codex...it even fits in story wise as the Iron Warriors were never really crazy chaos and seemed to retain a lot of the organization and function of the more traditional, non-chaos doobers. Barring that, you can simply use the previous version of the Chaos codex; it's not against the rules and no one will really have issue with it. My husband owned a gaming store for a few years so I've kinda got dragged into it along with him, if anyone has any questions, I'd be more than happy to answer them here or in PM format..I might even be able to get him to look over or recommend some lists to play around with.

One thing he always says, that I totally agree with (good lord, don't tell him I said that), is that you need to pick an army that is aesthetically pleasing. It's as much game as hobby, and you have to dig the stuff you're working on or you're going to get bored very quickly...no win at all costs list is ever going to be as much fun for you and your friends as something that you worked on, loved, and played with just for the hell of it.

Salad Is Murder

New member
Oct 27, 2007
I don't think the Tau suck, but most people don't play them very well. A big change is the shift in game (rules-wise and meta-wise) and most Tau players just not changing tactics.

But really, the tau do suck...but those forge world crisis suits are SO hawt. I want them to take me behind the gym and get me pregnant.


New member
May 17, 2010
Best advice i can give you OP is to make sure you really want to play. Book a beginner's day in a Games workshop and they will show you some of the basics. Remember you are going to spend a lot of cash and time on an army so don't decide on the basis of the most powerful as honestly by the time you get compotent at playing and have an army assembled it's hayday will have passed.

three main criteria for picking armies are fluff, play style and apperance. Fluff means the background of the army, it' motivations and the factions culture.

The Tryanid's are a race of super predators. controlled by a Hive Mind and constantly evolving to face their foes they swarm the enemy with disposable troops before crushing them with terrofying bio constructs. If you want a heroic army with a strong individual feel the Nids are not for you.

The play style of the army is how it feels of the board. Note I didn't say power as that is constantly in flux.

The Eldar are an army of fast moving specialists. Each Aspect warrior has one one facet of war they focus to and they are unparreled in it. Eldar thus rely on their speed and to bring them into favourable match ups which they will dominate in. However Eldar lack both the armour and numbers to sustain casualities so if wrong footed they will suffer immensly. If you wanted brutal close quaters slug fests where you grind the enemy down you should pick a different army.

Apperance refers to both the look of the models and how they should be painted.

the Imperial guard are modeled after modern militaries and thus include a large number of tanks, artillery and footslogging infantry. The models tend to be desinged to give a enthusiast for modern armies a model collecting oppurtunity with a more realistic look then other factions. If you wanted a more fantastical force the guard would not be for you.

The most reccomed purchase is the big rule book. Read it and have a look at the factions rules and the like. As you don't want either orks or marines we can rule out black reach. After that some of the battalions are good value like the Tau one and some are not (I think the Eldar one is kind of crappy).

Remember as well that you should be using your firends books and the like as much as possible, see about going to clubs if possible if even to jsut watch for a bit.

And remember the Golden Rule. Have fun!


New member
Mar 17, 2010
Mark Flanagan said:
Eternal-Chaplain said:
andy25100 said:
Eternal-Chaplain said:
Man I'm jealous, WH40K isn't widely acknowledged where I live, of course we play some great Dungeons and Dragons!
If you like D&D have you tried warhammer fantasy roleplay? done by fantasy flight games and play's like a dream.

with army selection pick which one suits your play style & yourself, so during the trial games have a go with everything til you find it.
You know I've heard of something Called "Warhammer Fantasy Online." But never looked into it, is that what it is?
I think thats the MMORPG.
FantasyFlight makes all the GW PnP roleplay games. At the moment there is Warhammer Fantasy RP (or Woof-rup for short) which they just released 3rd edition for. I haven't played it but I seen it being compared to DND 4th (Which TBH I didn't like when I played in a 4th ed campaign).

They also do 3 40k roleplays that are compatable with each other. Dark Heresy (Inquistion), Rogue Trader (Space ships/trade) and Deathwatch (Space Marines).
I cannot stress how good these are if you like d100. Were currently playing a Deathwatch campaign in which two players are Marines (Space Wolf Grey Hunter and a Blood Angel Assault Marine) along with my Ordos Xeno's Interrogator (using Dark Heresy).

Hope that helped.
Ah, I know what you mean...about later editions that is, I play AD&D2, third edition kind of just watered everything down and made it easier for newer players but less interesting to vets, plus it introduced the whole grid combat system and I won't get started on that...:3


New member
Mar 14, 2011
I'd quote everyone, but that'd take too long. Thank you for all the replies!

I don't have a GW around here, just a small game store that sells 40k and Warmachine, so I can't really have someone show me. However, I stopped by and luckily ran into some players and got to watch them and see how it was, and with this I realized I do not want to play space marines, because everyone is playing space marines. There were 4 guys and 3 of them were playing some type of space marines, with the last guy playing Necron.

The reason I wanted to play Tau, is because I like the idea of range. I liking being able to at least shoot at anything, and to kill it before it gets me. Also, I've heard that the kroot aren't so bad as long as you have a shaper(not sure what a shaper is, but I'm just repeating what I'm told), so close combat isn't as bad as it seems.

I'm willing to spend money and I've got time so it's not too big a deal for me.

Still. Thank you for the input.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Funny, because I actually want to use Cold Ones from Fantasy instead of Kroot Hound models in my army list. Going to get Aun'va later (his bodyguards rock) with an Ultrablue/Macharius orange paint scheme.

I'm thinking of doing a Kroot army with a Vespid squad later. How's that for original? Or maybe a Pathfinder/Devilfish/Skyray artillery piece army with Space Marine allies in Apocalypse?

Markerlight spam and artillery missiles, mwahahahahaha.

Are those acceptable to you?
Sounds cool, if you can pull this sort of thing off then it looks great, all the important Tau kits are plastic, which makes it easier to convert and GS things in.

I'll see you star-side.


Nov 11, 2009
evilstonermonkey said:
I haven't played for a while, so some new variations on the rules may make what I say outdated but...
Space Marines: Basic troops are great at everything compared to everybody elses rank-and-file, and as a whole they have good armour, good weapons. That balances out (somewhat... they are GW's bread and butter, so they do tend to get a little over powered occasionally) by only being able to field comparitively small armies. Lack a little in the vehicle department.
Chaos Space Marines: As above, but evil. Rulewise they have a little more flexibility (depending on the codex) but they don't get as much love from GW. Still, they also get demons that worship the Chaos gods. Just not Chaos Demons - that's a different army now.
Imperial Guard: their armour is made of cling wrap and their guns are just laser pointers with scopes taped to the top, but you fire off about a million shots a turn, so you'll kill something. Also, they have arguably the best tanks in the game.
Orks: orks is for fightin'. They don't have a lot of armour but they are tough, and they like to get in close for the hand to hand kill. Their greatest stength is numbers.
Tyranids: like the zerg, except... uh... well yeah, just like the zerg. Eat everything, everywhere. Have numbers and speed in a big way, and nasty in close combat, but even orks will outshoot them. A few big monsters flesh them out since they dont have vehicles. Carnifexes are fun.
Tau: hi tech shooty army. High mobility battlesuits, hover tanks with railguns... Not very good at handling close combat though, and unfortunately that is a pretty big weakness in a galaxy where even the tank commanders want to melee.
Eldar: space elves in spaaace. Fast, lightly armoured, specialists. Every unit has a very specific role that they really really excel at, but they don't do so great when you need them to cover for someone else. When the plan comes together they work like a well oiled machine, but it can sometimes be easy to have the whole plan fall through when you lose that one crucial unit. Have arguably the bext psychic users in the game.
Dark Eldar: evil space elves. Remember I said the eldar were fast? Yeah. These guys are the fastest. Close combat oriented, very light armor but if they survive long enough to reach combat, they strike hard and fast before the enemy can react.
Chaos Daemons: suffer from a severe lack of shooting ability, but oh my god do they love hand to hand. I mean, what did you expect. They're demons. Every unit has an invulnerable save, which is good. Only like 2 units also have an armor save, which is bad.
Necrons: Robot zombies! Pretty tough, have nasty weapons that laugh at tanks. Don't have a lot of numbers though, and only the one vehicle (though it is BADASS). Oh, and did I mention that they resurrect themselves on the battlefield?

My god was that big. I haven't even done the Demonhunters or SoB yet. They are about to rerelease the demonhunters, but I don't really known anything about them beyond they are like space marines cranked up to 11, with even LESS troops, whereas sisters of battle are imp guard in heavy armour with a fire fetish. Personally I play Nids and Chaos, but thats mainly a character thing. My advice is to read up on the background, find a race you like, play a few trial games at your local with them, repeat til you find an army you like. It is far too expensive a hobby for you to start an army, change your mind then start another.

The Tau and IG descriptions were great :D

You also forgot some of the more specialized Marines that have their own codex, like Space Wolves and Blood Angles. (Does Dark angles have their own codex still?)

I like my Space Wolves, they are Space Vikings in Space! And they are more adapt in close quarters than normal Marines.


New member
Apr 10, 2011
ToAzT said:
I've been looking to get into a mini's game and Warhammer is the most prominent one around my area. I was just curious as to what everyone else thinks about it, or if I even should get into it.

I was considering either playing Tau, Ork, or Space Marines, but everyone plays Space Marines and the Ork don't really interest me too much, but apparently there's a battle box where I can get an amount of Ork And Space Marines. So I'll probably be Tau.

Thoughts, or advice?

The fun part about tau is that evreyone simply assumes that close combat is the best way to defeat them so they end up charging to wards a gunline madeup of firewarriors AND MOTHERFUCKING RAILGUNS

but while they charge towards mai gunline my ninga battle suits/stealth suits run about kicking ass and in the end they enemy ends up all over the place confused wondering whether they should charge towards the battlesuits (to fast to catch) or charge towards the gun line (to far away and too many railguns)

We hav railguns too

Go all the way accross the battle field and strong as possible

However tyranids are also a good choice...BUT THEY DONT HAVE MOTHERFUCKING BATTLE SUITS


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
I remember getting into the minis just because they looked cool.
Id likely be more willing to actually get into the game now though, since I regularly play DnD, so Im more broken in than I was when I started collecting Tau minis for the sake of playing with them like any toy...after making them. (I had already been building Gundam models, so it wasnt completly new there either)