Warhammer 40k

Vampire cat

Apocalypse Meow
Apr 21, 2010
scumofsociety said:
Ok, that's not quite what I'd call 50 seperate armies but still it's pretty damn impressive. What are they all if I may ask?

It's also pretty cheap if you just use ebay, it's not so much the possible cost that impresses me so much as the time involved in painting them all.
Uh, this list again XD. I have all my armies stored in cases at a warehouse, so it's down to memory... I'll take those I can remember.

Chaos Daemons of Khorne (1250pts)
Chaos Marines of Nurgle (1250pts)
Chaos Thousand Sons Marines (1500pts)
Chaos Emperors Children Marines (1250pts)
Space Marine Blood Ravens (2000pts)
Space Marines Imperial Fists (1250pts)
Imperial Guard Catachan Fighters (1500pts)
Imperial Guard Cadian Mechanized Infantry (1250pts)
Imperial Guard Tank Company (2000pts)
Imperial Guard Tallarn Desert Raiders (heavy on vehicles) (2500pts)
Tau Mechanized army (1250pts)
Necrons Army (1250pts)
Eldar Mechanized Army (1500pts)
Ork melee force (1250pts)

Empire Nuln force (2000 pts)
Empire Cavalry army (1500pts)
Empire Araby conversion army (1500pts)
Empire Sylvania conversion army (3000pts)
Chaos Mortals Slaanesh (2000pts)
Chaos Mortals Khorne (1500pts)
Chaos Daemons Slaanesh (1000pts)
Dark Elf Army (2000pts)
Dark Elf Cult of Slaanesh (1800pts)
High Elf Army (2000pts)
High Elf Cavalry Army (1000pts)
Goblin Wolf-rider army (1500pts)
Goblin crab-rider army (2000pts)
Night Goblin army (1500pts)
Skaven Skyre army (2000pts, my first army!)
Skaven Pestilence army (1500pts)
Tomb Kings army (2000pts)
Vampire Counts Necrarch army (1500pts)
Vampire Counts Lahmia army (2000pts)
Bretonnia Knight army (2000pts)
Bretonnia peasant army (1500pts)
Beast Men army (1000pts)
Wood Elf army (1500pts)
Dwarf army (2000pts)

Uruk'hai (or however you write it, don't remember XD) force 1000pts for LOTR.
Battlefleet Gothic Chaos fleet (3000pts)
Battlefleet Gothic Imperial fleet (1300pts)
Battlefleet Gothic Eldar fleet (1500pts)

Thats 42, if I counted right, so I'm missing some... I'll add them to the list if I can remember, but I'm way too lazy to pop down to the warehouse to check XD.

Some of those armies are not finished. Where I play 40k armies are a standard size 1500 or 1250pts. Fantasy armies are 1000pts, 1500pts or 2000pts. I usually aim for 1500pts with 40k and 2000pts for Fantasy, but I don't always make the target as I get tired of painting and converting certain troops ^^.

*sigh*... Long list.


Surreal Estate Agent
Mar 21, 2010
Between There and There.
The Wide, Brown One.
Eclectic Dreck said:
If money weren't a problem (and it really isn't) and I have no real interest in painting an army, is there a resource other than Ebay where I can purchase pre-painted units? I've long wanted to play but I get sick of painting after half a squad.
A lot of hobby stores that stock miniatures wargames usually have a display case (or ten) of painted models and contact details for the people who painted them and are looking to make a bit of beer money offering their services.

Back in the day when I did it almost no one else around these parts was doing it (and none of them were also kit-bashers, so I pretty much got all the chaos and ork work) so I could pretty much name my price. Way, way, waaaaaaaay more competition for customers these days so it's a lot cheaper.

Vampire cat

Apocalypse Meow
Apr 21, 2010
scumofsociety said:
Vampire cat said:
Well, that is a lot, I suppose you go for smaller armies with full command sections in each rather than going for larger armies with single command sections? e.g. your IG lot could all count as 1 big army.
Oh yeah, I wasn't talking about races =3. When I build a new army I always seek to do something new and unique with my new force compared to my previous ones. I want them to truly be an individual force, and will construct every single army from the bottom up rather than have the more traditional "bunch of stuff and then combine into whatever army you need at the time". All of my armies have separate and unique paint schemes and builds.

One exception is the Goblin crab-rider army, which in essence works just like my wolf-rider army only they ride crabs I converted from the spider-rider models. Other things like giants being giant lobsters (converted from a Carnifex) and my trolls resembling huge hermit crabs (converted from Tyranid Warriors) add the last little dash of unique appeal that I want ^^.

The Sylvanian army is the only one meant for variations on the original build, which is why I have a few more points in that army than the other ones. I guess the Chaos fleet from BF Gothic is too, but that was unintentional XD.

I wouldn't use my IG as one big army, though I guess I could. I want them to work individually, as they are individual and unique. The Desert Raiders and Jungle Fighters wouldn't go well together in any fighting condition, wouldn't you agree? ^^

All my army-lists are written before I start building the army, some variations and adjusting is done under-way. When the army is finished I take a picture, add it to my book, put the army in a case and stack it. Sounds a bit routine, but I love the modeling and painting and spend hours upon hours every week doing it. On average i do 2 hours a day of painting/modeling.


New member
Apr 12, 2008
I'd recommend the OP start with a Xenos army or IG over any of the MEQ (Marine EQuivalent), as GW not only likes Marines, they like it so much they release so many spin-off variations that almost all are considered cheese, the exceptions being the two most nerfed codexes that got 4th edition releases. The reason why Xenos and IG are good starters is that they teach you a lot about tactics and diverse strategies, most MEQ players commit to 2-3 strategies which will have little actual variety in how they play. Also its much easier to transition from a codex where losses are painful or a fact of life to the Space Marines because they tend to come through quite well.

Tau are good as they really emphasise target priority, mobile firepower (standing still and shooting is why fools say that Tau suck in 5th, despite the notorious Fish Of Fucking Fury issue from 4th), wargear selection, and learning to compensate for a severe shortcomming (crap at melee) with excessive power in a strong area (Popping Tanks from the other end of the table).

Gripes about the ammount of Marine players in the community is especially because of the two guys who wrote the last few MEQ codexes (Space Marines [Matt Ward], Blood Angels [Matt Ward], Grey Knights [Matt Ward] and Space Wolves [Phil Kelly]) it seems that Matt Ward is trying to make each new MEQ codex exactly the same, but better than the last, Grey Knights the most recent can do everything Phil Kelly's Space Wolves can, but better, to game breaking levels, which is funny, because Space Wolves can do everything Matt Ward's Space Marines can, but better, to game breaking levels, which is also funny. NOTE: Funny means its funny to watch the same arguments break out almost word for word with only the names changed.

I'm surprised that a thread about explaining Tau to a newcomer hit 3 pages without mentioning the notorious Tau Vs White Scars incident at the ETC.

To the unenlightened, at the European Team Championships, a French player took a Kroot heavy Tau list against a Russian White Scars player, because of the ETC rules barring special characters the White Scars player was not able to use their special character's Outflanking rules for his army. The Tau player won deployment and put his army down, bar the Kroot, the White Scars player said he'd hold everything in reserve, the French player asked the guy several times if he was 100% sure this was what he wanted, that decision made him the joke of the online 40k community.

Because he could not take the special character that gave all their reserve units Outflanking, the White Scars player had to move onto the board from his back edge, the problem is that because Kroot are scouts for the Tau they can deploy very far forward, say along the entire rear table edge of an unoccupied deployment zone. Because the rules say that you must remain 1" away from enemy models at all times (barring the application of fist/sword/tentacle to face/tentacle/groin), the White Scars player couldn't put his forces on the board because the Tau player had stretched out line of Kroot across the whole table making it illegal for him to enter. The game pretty much ended because the French/Tau player did nothing in his turns and the Russian/White Scars player couldn't get any models onto the table to have a turn.


The guy in the White Shirt is the Russian, the French man is in the black shirt and the guy with the safety Jacket is the TO trying to find something in the rules that says its not possible to defeat an enemy with firing a single shot. You can see all the Kroot stretched out there, and the White Scars are clearly that mess of white and read sitting in the carry case on the table, completely unused.


New member
Mar 23, 2011
Firstly, it's an expensive hobby to get into, and can get abit lonely if you don't know anyone else doing it. The best way to get into it the first time is to go along to a GamesWorkshop with a mate who also wants to get into it, and talk to the staff about what sort of army/way you want to play. Packs like Assault on Black Reach will get you all the rules and gaming kit you need with 2 small starter armies so you can have some experiance of the system for not very much money. And you get a normally £40-£50 rulebook for practically nothing. Split the cost down the middle with your mate. Also consider getting a couple of codex's before you buy any models; you can research the army and what options it has/play styles are available to it before commiting to models. The army books are usually only around £15.

The shop staff will always be extremely knowledgeable and will probably find an army that suits you first time. HOWEVER: They work for a company, even if they love the hobby, and as a newguy they will try to load you down with pretty much everything they can. A Battle-Force box set, codex, glue and maybe only 4 paints are all you really need to start. Paintbrushs of good quality can be picked up cheaper in most other modelling stores, and the same can be said for both plastic and super glue. I recommend this: Find someone else who's new to it, split the cost of something like Black Reach and some paint/glue. Maybe invest in the army books of the races you're most interested in and see if you'll actually like using them. It honestly doesn't matter too much what your starting army will be; if you get into the hobby, you'll almost certainly switch armies several times and probably also look at the Fantasy range as well.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Canadish said:
I found it off a different forum which has a thread full of 40K related humour. It's also where I discovered the fabled 'Angry Marines.'

Dawns Gate

New member
May 2, 2011
Play Imperial Guard, they are a little hard to use in the beginning, but if you start thinking of good tactics (especially heavy weapons), you can obliterate the enemy, it's quite fun to watch a chaos player rage after his men are killed by an army of "puny humans"


New member
Aug 31, 2010
ToAzT said:
Thoughts, or advice?
I would like to give you some points about the orks, since i've been playing them for more than half a decade now. So here is some pros and cons about them specifically. I'll do the cons first.

- First is that they are expensive to play. Think about it like this, as an ork play you have to field a larger army because the majority of your units are pretty cheap. A larger army means that you have to buy more units which costs more money. I know for a fact i'll never field a gretchin squad with the new models because the price for only 3 of them is absurd. I'll chance my feet being punctured by the pointed helmeted models (2nd addition i think).
- You will lose matches. Orks are not easy to play, their horrible BS and swarming tactics are not easy to pull off in every scenario. So, you will lose a good amount.
- You'll have to paint... a lot. Provided you dont go say a cult of speed route, which would still involve a good deal of paint. Ork squads of normal infantry can be between 10-30 ork boys. Other armies have this much work as well, tyranids, imperial guard, etc, but its something to think about because i find paint an ork is a little more time consuming than a space marine (prime in whatever base color you need for your chapter, then use two to three other colors for details and done).

- Now here are some ideas you might not have heard from the other posters. As an ork player you can literally do whatever you want with your units. And by that i mean CUSTOMIZATION up the behind. I took a lemon russ (or whatever) and a land raider and mad science-d them into one huge mega tank that i use as my battlewagon. I constantly steal bits from my friends to just glue stuff together to make new units. Since Orks are basically savangers and their equipment and vehicles are hastily put together, i feel you have the most leeway as a player to simply create things. I have a dreadnought with a wooden wheel as a leg, a big shoota that looks a lot like a heavy bolter, another dreadnought with two twin linked scortchas that i custom built (which is now illegal in the new codex! BS says i). What i'm saying is, they are fun to create.
- As much as people make the orks out as an army that is played a lot, they aren't from my experience. The last big tournament i went to, at a convention here in SF, there were about 5 or 6 ork players in a field of 35. A lot more Eldar, marine, and chaos players. However hte number should be rising as they have been releasing new models for the orks recently (i stopped checking since my group of gamers have stopped playing for a bit.)

All in all, i would say you should just go with whatever army you feel calls to you. If its tau, go for it (even though i think they are a pansy race), but if you enjoy complete customization and a large swarming army, than orks is the way to go.


New member
Apr 22, 2010
ToAzT said:
I've been looking to get into a mini's game and Warhammer is the most prominent one around my area. I was just curious as to what everyone else thinks about it, or if I even should get into it.

I was considering either playing Tau, Ork, or Space Marines, but everyone plays Space Marines and the Ork don't really interest me too much, but apparently there's a battle box where I can get an amount of Ork And Space Marines. So I'll probably be Tau.

Thoughts, or advice?
Get Assault on Black Reach. Two armies, rule book, dice, and story. Great place to start, and you can even clip the models together and play without painting to begin with (other models need to be glued and painted).

Good place to start, and you can either expand your Space Marine/Ork armies (which are the ones provided with AoBR) or carry on elsewhere. If you don't like it, you haven't lost loads of money. Play with a friend around piles of books and stuff for scenery, and slowly get sucked in to a great hobby.

Tau have never been my thing, although my little brother plays them. I play Ork and Space Wolves (not together, obviously)


New member
Mar 13, 2010
scumofsociety said:
Also: E-bay. Lots of people start playing and then give up and sell their figures or just get bored of their current army and sell it to get funds for the next one. The figures keep their value quite well so it's unlikely you will be able to get them for next to nothing but it's certainly cheaper than buying from GW.
This, this and this again. As well as keeping costs down, you can get a wide range of-of-production miniatures. This is an especial boon if you're looking for some appropriately antique SMarine relic armor, or some old Ork vehicles to chop up for conversions or even some old (figure) bases and the like... Plus, even though by current rules you won't be able to play them properly, you can make a Genestealer cult... Or buy some GorkaMorka figures to add some variety to your Ork army... Or scoop up some Necromunda gangs for an IG prisoner auxillery... etc etc :)

Also, for what it's worth, high-point value "elite unit" armies like (SM, CSM or Necrons) are easier on the wallet than diffuse strength, low-point value armies like IG or Orks. If you really want to get into the tabletop 40k, but don't have much cash to work with.


PS, anyone remember right at the launch of 3rd edition before the Eldar Codex came out, all the Guardians Shuriken catapults were Str. 4 Assault 2? It was ridiculous; try advancing on a bunch of weedy elves armed each armed with storm bolters. o_O

Chogg Van Helsing

New member
May 27, 2010
I personally went of 40k, simply because of the balancing and scale of things! So im now a fantasy player xD

Rules work together a lot better and old army books aren't unbalanced by new ones!

But for 40k i pawned everyone with eldar xD
Dark Reapers = WIN


New member
Jan 27, 2010
SckizoBoy said:
DE: Another one?! They got one just a couple months ago. And if Eldar are for the experienced player, then Dark Eldar are for the long-in-the-tooth veterans who remember the days when Harlequins were legal!
I haven't been keeping track of recent changes in the last few months. So I did not actually know that Dark Eldar had actually had an update. But its nice to see some love for them some times.

Still The days when Harlequins were legal were before my time. As I only started in 2006. But have had some experience since 2003.

Vesuvius Hetlan

New member
Sep 3, 2010
SckizoBoy said:
Vesuvius Hetlan said:
Grey knights aren't actually all that broken from what I hear. How broken can you be if the cost of your average troops will make an apocalypse general cringe...
Have you tried to face down 4 Paladins + Apothecary lately?! Sure it's 350pts of pure bullet magnet, but it's also 350pts of pure bullet magnet that just won't die. Combined with 2 x Interceptors, 2 x Strike Squads & 2 x Dreadknights, I was left cackling like the psyke ward resident uber-crazy.
Unfortunately I haven't gotten the opportunity as of now. I'd like to play against them. Tho' as of that's a pipe dream as I sincerely doubt any of the 3 players with would touch the codex with a ten-foot hunting lance.


Ineptly Chaotic
Jan 6, 2011
A Hermit's Cave
Vesuvius Hetlan said:
Unfortunately I haven't gotten the opportunity as of now. I'd like to play against them. Tho' as of that's a pipe dream as I sincerely doubt any of the 3 players with would touch the codex with a ten-foot hunting lance.
Honestly, good for them. To be brutal about the codex, unless you run as an Inquisitorial list (i.e. Coteaz), there is nothing for any player of any experience to gain (but even some of the henchman appear broken... Arco-Flagellants: S5, 4A, FNP = 15 pts... WTF?!), as no real tactical nous is required to win with them. It's like the Vampire Counts when they first came out: 'how do I make a beardy list with these guys?' 'well, you pick a Lord, you pick a Hero, put some stuff on them, pick some core units... there, you have beardy list...'

And I have a feeling Tomb Kings is going that way, too, god save us from those fucking 225pt Necrosphinxes...

Vesuvius Hetlan

New member
Sep 3, 2010
SckizoBoy said:
Vesuvius Hetlan said:
Unfortunately I haven't gotten the opportunity as of now. I'd like to play against them. Tho' as of that's a pipe dream as I sincerely doubt any of the 3 players with would touch the codex with a ten-foot hunting lance.
Honestly, good for them. To be brutal about the codex, unless you run as an Inquisitorial list (i.e. Coteaz), there is nothing for any player of any experience to gain (but even some of the henchman appear broken... Arco-Flagellants: S5, 4A, FNP = 15 pts... WTF?!), as no real tactical nous is required to win with them. It's like the Vampire Counts when they first came out: 'how do I make a beardy list with these guys?' 'well, you pick a Lord, you pick a Hero, put some stuff on them, pick some core units... there, you have beardy list...'

And I have a feeling Tomb Kings is going that way, too, god save us from those fucking 225pt Necrosphinxes...
Actually I think the Arco-flagellants have been nerfed. Last time I checked I'm pretty sure they had 2d6A.

I'm curious about how my old fantasy army is faring these day. Anything I should know about 8th ed Orcs? I skimmed the army book, raged at Grimgor's mere 5 attacks and closed the book.

Also Necrosphinxes may be broken. But you gotta admit. They sure are pretty cool.


Ineptly Chaotic
Jan 6, 2011
A Hermit's Cave
Vesuvius Hetlan said:
Actually I think the Arco-flagellants have been nerfed. Last time I checked I'm pretty sure they had 2d6A.

I'm curious about how my old fantasy army is faring these day. Anything I should know about 8th ed Orcs? I skimmed the army book, raged at Grimgor's mere 5 attacks and closed the book.

Also Necrosphinxes may be broken. But you gotta admit. They sure are pretty cool.
Re: Arco-flagellants... really? Though I thought they had a lot of special rules that nullified they usefulness in combat. *shrug* Will have to look that up again.

And the Necrosphinxes, yah, say what you will about GW Head Office, 'Eavy Metal never fail to disappoint.

Vesuvius Hetlan

New member
Sep 3, 2010
SckizoBoy said:
Re: Arco-flagellants... really? Though I thought they had a lot of special rules that nullified they usefulness in combat. *shrug* Will have to look that up again.

And the Necrosphinxes, yah, say what you will about GW Head Office, 'Eavy Metal never fail to disappoint.
I think. I could have been the combat drugs that I'm thinking of that gave them 2D6 attacks.

Question. Can I say what I want about Matt Ward? And did 'Eavy metal make the Dreadknight?


Ineptly Chaotic
Jan 6, 2011
A Hermit's Cave
Vesuvius Hetlan said:
I think. I could have been the combat drugs that I'm thinking of that gave them 2D6 attacks.

Question. Can I say what I want about Matt Ward? And did 'Eavy metal make the Dreadknight?
Please, go ahead! I think he's OK, but he was skirting the limit with the Blood Angels, but the GK's were really, really... ugh...

Anyway, 'Eavy Metal only do the showcase hobbying & intricate paintjobs. They're not part of the design team. The Dreadknight was designed by Dale Stringer, Tom Walton, Martin Footitt & Jes Goodwin. Thankfully, Juan Diaz didn't do it.